Just as Li Daoxuan was destroying the water pig bees, a sound came from the other side of the river.

Li Daoxuan looked down at the bottom of the water and saw thousands of golden fish coming towards him. Those fish were only the size of a palm, covered with golden scales, and had two rows of sharp teeth like saws, looking very ferocious.

Li Daoxuan thought: This should be the knife-toothed viperfish.

The knife-toothed viperfish opened its saw-like teeth and swam towards the bamboo raft of Li Daoxuan and others.

But halfway through the swim, the water temperature became higher and higher, and the knife-toothed viperfish in the front was directly cooked.

Seeing this, the knife-toothed viperfish behind turned around and ran back.

How could Li Daoxuan let them escape easily? He originally planned to cook them all in one fire.

But when he looked back, he found that the people from Zhalong Village were not far away from them.

Li Daoxuan smiled and waved a flame, driving the saber-toothed vipers toward the old clan leader Enkuan and his group.

Shirley Yang watched as Li Daoxuan failed to kill the saber-toothed vipers, but instead drove them toward their backs.

Shirley Yang turned her head and asked curiously:

"Old Li, why didn't you kill those fish and chase them away?"

Li Daoxuan chuckled and said:

"There are people following us, and these knife-toothed vipers are causing trouble for them."

Old Hu thought for a while and asked:

"Old Li, are they from Zhalong Village?"

Li Daoxuan nodded, then slowly said:

"I guess they found out that Caiyun and Kongque told us the location of the waterway, so they chased us."

"But don't worry, I gave Caiyun and Kongque a way to save their lives before I left. With these people, they can't hurt them."

Shirley Yang and Hu Pang were relieved after hearing this. They had been worried that Kongque and Caiyun would be hurt, and they were relieved instantly.

The knife-toothed vipers were driven by Li Daoxuan's flames, and they arrived in front of the bamboo raft of the old patriarch in less than a while.

The group of razor-toothed vipers rushed straight towards the boat of the old patriarch like headless flies.

Seeing this, the old patriarch hurriedly asked everyone to pick up weapons and prepare to deal with it.

At the old patriarch's command, everyone attacked the razor-toothed vipers.

However, these fish were extremely agile, easily avoided the attack, and bit the bamboo raft with their sharp teeth.

Some tribesmen tried to catch razor-toothed vipers with fishing nets, but they quickly bit through the ropes of the bamboo rafts and continued to attack.

The situation became tense, and the tribesmen fought the razor-toothed vipers with all their strength, hoping to resist their attack.

Several bamboo rafts were directly bitten by razor-toothed vipers. Without the restraint of the ropes, the bamboo rafts fell apart.

The people on the bamboo rafts fell directly into the river.

The people who fell into the water struggled desperately, but attracted more razor-toothed vipers.

The river water was dyed red with blood, and the bloody smell spread, stimulating the knife-toothed viper to attack more frantically.

The old patriarch was anxious, but he could do nothing.

Enkuan looked at the people who were still struggling in the water, and immediately had an idea. The people who fell into the river led the knife-toothed viper away.

It would be too late if they didn't leave now.

He simply said to the people of Zhalong Village who were still on the bamboo raft:

"Hurry up, hurry up, it will be too late if we don't leave now."

The other people of Zhalong Village on the bamboo raft looked at the old patriarch Enkuan thoughtfully.

They originally came to Zhalong Mountain to capture three outsiders, but who could have expected that they had lost at least ten people so far.

There were originally more than fifty people, and now one-third of them were gone.

Many people have begun to retreat in their hearts.

But it is important to leave here quickly. If they continue to stay, I am afraid that the remaining people will also lose their lives.

When the people of Zhalong Village heard this, they quickly paddled the bamboo raft and went downstream, just wanting to escape from this dangerous place as soon as possible.

The old patriarch stood at the bow, looking into the distance, his heart full of worry.

This operation failed, not only did it cause heavy losses, but it might also affect Zewa's succession as the new patriarch.

Who would have thought that Zhalong Mountain was so dangerous.

. . . . . . .

Li Daoxuan watched the knife-toothed viperfish stop the people of Zhalong Village, and then he used his spiritual power to speed up the bamboo raft, and in an instant he was out of the water.

After leaving the water, he saw the insect valley in the distance, surrounded by mountains.

The huge trees towered into the clouds, and their crowns intertwined to form a green sky.

Vines and epiphytes entwined the tree trunks, adding a touch of vitality and splendor.

The ground was covered with thick fallen leaves, and one step down seemed to feel the breath of the earth.

Right in the center of the Worm Valley, two huge twin banyan trees came into view.

Lao Hu looked at the scenery in front of him and sighed:

"This King Xian is really arrogant and extravagant. Look at thisThe surrounding environment is full of natural beauty. "

The fat man followed Lao Hu's words and teased:

"This place looks really good. I want to be buried here in the future."

Li Daoxuan smiled and did not answer.

The group continued to move forward, heading towards the twin banyan trees in the center.

The closer they got to the twin banyan trees, the more weird the atmosphere became.

Suddenly, a colorful butterfly fluttered and landed on Shirley Yang's shoulder.

Shirley Yang felt a chill coming over her. Just as she was about to reach out to pat it, the butterfly turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Then, there were bursts of rustling sounds all around, as if countless invisible hands were moving the leaves.

"Everyone be careful! "

Li Daoxuan shouted in a low voice.

Before he finished speaking, a group of colorful butterflies swooped down from the tree, densely packed, like a colorful whirlwind.

Li Daoxuan quickly released the spiritual barrier to cover the few people, and those colorful butterflies hit the spiritual barrier.

Suddenly, the crackling sound was endless.

Shirley Yang said with lingering fear:

"Old Li, it seems that these butterflies should be the means arranged by King Xian, I am afraid they are all poisonous. "

These butterflies seemed endless, constantly hitting the spiritual barrier.

Li Daoxuan looked at the colorful butterflies that were still hitting the spiritual barrier, and drove his spiritual power to directly create a ball of fire in the air, and pounced on the colorful butterflies that had already wrapped the spiritual barrier.

The colorful butterflies burned quickly when they touched the flames. In less than a moment, all the colorful butterflies were burned to ashes.

Li Daoxuan saw that they were all destroyed, so he removed the spiritual barrier.

I didn't expect that the old thing, King Xian, was not very capable, but his tricks to play tricks on people were... One set after another, if you are not careful, you will be hit.

Just when Li Daoxuan removed the spiritual shield, a sound came from the twin banyan trees next to him.

You can clearly hear a series of fast and slow tapping sounds coming from the twin banyan trees.

When the fat man heard the sound, he wanted to fly up to see if there was any woodpecker or something like that.

Shirley Yang stopped him directly and listened carefully again.

"This seems to be the Morse code of three short, three long, and three short, which is an international distress signal, SOS."

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