Li Daoxuan, Lao Hu and Fatty listened to the sound and determined that it was a distress signal. The source of the sound was the two entangled husband and wife trees.

Lao Hu stared at the husband and wife trees vigilantly, took out the spirit sword from his storage ring and held it tightly in his hand.

Fatty saw Lao Hu's posture and hurriedly took out the spirit sword from his storage ring.

Shirley Yang felt the atmosphere tense and looked at Li Daoxuan:

"Lao Li, what should we do?"

Li Daoxuan stared at the two husband and wife trees, was silent for a while and said:

"Don't panic, we have to find out the source of the sound first. Maybe someone is trapped in the tree, or there is a trap."

"And this tree is standing here like this, isn't it strange, Lao Hu, what do you think?"

The more Li Daoxuan thought about it, the more he felt that the current situation was different from the previous plot, so it was better to be careful.

As he spoke, he approached the husband and wife tree and observed carefully.

Lao Hu also nodded, and followed him closely with Fatty, and the three of them carefully walked around the tree.

Suddenly, Li Daoxuan found a tiny crack on the tree trunk, which looked like a blood-red coffin.

Li Daoxuan pointed his sword at the couple tree, and the couple tree was instantly penetrated by the violent sword energy, and the blood-red coffin fell out directly.

The fat man saw the blood-red coffin and rushed forward and caught the falling coffin.

"Lao Li, can you notify me first before you take action next time?"

"If this treasure is broken, I will be heartbroken."

The blood-red coffin seemed to be translucent and smooth like jade and crystal, and it seemed to be filled with crimson blood.

Lao Hu went forward to check it out curiously.

Lao Hu looked at the coffin carefully, and suddenly, he found a line of small words at the bottom of the coffin, looming.

He took a closer look and saw the following words:

"Where the King Xian rests, anyone who enters will die."

The fat man smiled disdainfully:

"It's not scary at all, and I think there must be treasures hidden inside!"

He reached out to open the coffin lid.

Just then, a powerful force shook the fat man away, and he sat on the ground.

"There's something strange about this coffin!"

"King Xian, this old shaman, I don't believe it."

Li Daoxuan frowned, and he felt a strange breath emanating from the coffin.

It should be King Xian's witchcraft or something like that.

But the fat man was already filled with curiosity at this time. He stood up again, regardless of everyone's dissuasion, and prepared to forcefully open the coffin.


Old Hu stopped the fat man.

"Be careful, there's obviously something wrong with this coffin."

Although the fat man was unwilling, he also knew that what Old Hu said made sense.

Old Hu looked at Li Daoxuan and said:

"Old Li, what should we do now?"

"Open it directly, or what?"

Li Daoxuan paced around the coffin, thinking about how to deal with it.

He stroked his chin and muttered to himself:

"This King Xian's magic is really weird, but we just need to be cautious."

Shirley Yang nodded and said:

"Then Fatty, open it and let's see what's inside."

Li Daoxuan nodded, then gestured to Fatty to open the bloody coffin.

When they arrived in front of the bloody coffin, they saw that the gaps in the jade coffin were sealed tightly with paraffin.

Fatty touched it carefully, but there was no movement this time. It seemed that the force that pushed Fatty down just now was a one-time one.

Fatty inserted the spirit sword into the gap of the jade coffin and pried up the coffin lid bit by bit.

After all the gaps were cleaned, the fat man gently took off the coffin lid and put it into his storage ring.

The blood-red jade coffin was full of purple liquid with black and red. Li Daoxuan knew at a glance that it was not blood, but a mixture of various medicinal materials.

The fat man looked at the purple liquid, turned his head to look at Lao Hu and Li Daoxuan, and asked:

"Lao Hu, Lao Li, what should we do with these things? Just pour them out?"

Li Daoxuan nodded, and Lao Hu also signaled the fat man to pour them out.

The fat man directly lifted one side of the jade coffin, and the liquid in the jade coffin poured out directly.

After the purple liquid was poured out, a fat body appeared directly in the jade coffin.

There seemed to be a layer of something like plastic wrap on the fat body.

The body inside was preserved quite well because of this layer of plastic wrap.

The body was naked, with white eyebrows and beard, and a Taoist bun on his head, which gave him a feeling of immortality.

The fat man poked the plastic wrap with his spirit sword, then laughed and scolded:

"This old man is so fat, but there is no sign of decay after so many years. I'm afraid he will turn into a corpse, or burn him in a fire."The fat man wanted to pull the corpse out directly, but the corpse seemed to be growing in the jade coffin.

The fat man didn't believe it, so he used all his strength, and saw that there seemed to be something under the corpse.

Lao Hu walked closer, and saw that a skinned giant python was brought out from under the corpse.

The skin of this giant python was the same as the green-scaled giant python in the water cave. It seemed that the green-scaled giant python was raised in the water cave by King Xian.

There seemed to be something under the corpse, and the fat man saw the metallic light inside.

He pulled out the corpse and the skinless giant python and threw them on the ground, and the fat man reached in.

He took out a golden mask and a dragon-tiger short staff at once.

These two things seemed to be at least from the pre-Qin period, and the style was very ancient.

The fat man stared at the two antiques, couldn't help swallowing, and then stuffed them into his storage ring.

Just when he was happy, the fat corpse that had just been thrown on the ground suddenly stood up.

The corpse was still flashing with a strange black light. When it saw the fat man put the things into the storage ring, it immediately rushed towards the fat man like crazy.

Even the skinless giant python below seemed to come alive and helped the corpse to quickly rush towards the fat man.

The fat man was still immersed in joy. When he turned his head and saw this strange conjoined monster, he was so scared that he quickly flew up with his sword.

Lao Hu was always alert. When he saw the corpse rushing towards the fat man, he quickly flew his sword to attack the corpse.

Just when the spirit sword was about to touch the corpse, the corpse's eyes suddenly flashed with a strange light and dodged with a "swoosh".

Lao Hu saw the corpse dodge past, pointed his sword at the corpse gliding in the air, and the spirit sword turned around and went directly to the back of the corpse's head.

The spirit sword "swooshed" through the strange corpse, and the corpse fell directly to the ground in the air.

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