Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 242: : Go back after opening the jar

   "It's a good skill." Silence gave the evaluation.

  His evaluation constantly changes with the change of comprehensive strength.

  This initial solution skill of the magic gun, although not weak after modification, is not the strongest in the blue rare prize.


The prizes in the jars of the    weapons series are basically skills, such as the effects of various treasures, additional status...

  A weapon that can open a jar is hard to imagine its growth and power.

   can see.

  Uchiha Itachi is quite satisfied with the award, and he also comforted the ghost shark with a rare sentence:

   "You can also win big prizes."

   "Well, I should not be worse than luck." The dried persimmon seems to have some confidence in this, "If I have bad luck, I can't live to the present."

  He performed in the past, but they were the dirtiest and most dangerous tasks.

  At this moment, when I saw Uchiha Itachi opened the grand prize, I couldn't wait to continue to open the jar.

   Spend a little time.

  The night has come completely, and a huge moon hangs in the sky.

  The six Paynes on the ground had already arrived at the place where the dried persimmons and others finally lost communication. It seemed that they wanted to find a trace of the other party's power. However, after a few hours, he found nothing.

   There is no trace of fighting.

   According to the traces of the scene, it can be inferred that the two people appeared on the trees, and then had a conversation with Uchiha Itachi and others for a period of time.

And then.

There's no after that.

  Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon shark are almost without any struggle, or that they are taken away without any struggle.

   "There was no reply, and he could not sense his position." Xiao Nan's voice appeared in his mind.

   "That guy..." Nagato was a little angry.

   Jue and Uchiha Spot, these two people have always been mysterious and mysterious.

   is especially great.

   never sensed his specific location.

   didn't know if it was dead, or if he went somewhere else.

   Little Nan Mo stood silently, nearly a kilometer away from Liu Dao Payne.

   And after being silent for a moment, Nagato could only whisper: "Wait..."

The matter of sending someone to Muye to investigate the information will not be in a hurry. The long door said to wait for the news of Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon. Since the other party did not kill them both in the first time, that means There are still opportunities.

   Xiaonan still did not speak.

   In most cases, she is so quiet, acting as a listener.

   After another long time.

   The opening of the jar in the sky is over.

  The last dozen of Uchiha Itachi's jars are left, and there are more than 20 jars of dried persimmon.

   There is no grand prize.

  The two people added up and opened more than two hundred jars. As a result, only Uchiha Itachi opened one.

  The dried persimmons are completely silent.

   The speed of opening the jars is much slower.

   seems to open slowly, it will not cut off hope so quickly.

   But the clenched fist shows that he has some irritability now.

   is a little helpless even with silence.

   It seems that in the tertiary jar this piece.

   Not many people are lucky at the moment.


   is that when Shen Mo's thoughts just flowed out, the sound of Long Yin sounded again.

   The dried persimmon is somewhat stiff.

   Because, this time it was still not him.

   "It turned out that there were two of them, and I was lucky."

   looked at Uchiha Itachi silently, and after a congratulation, he was relieved.

   It seems that there is no problem with the prize pool probability.

   It's just that there are too many non-chiefs.

   And the persimmon shark's blue face like a shark has some redness at the moment, and finally can only squeeze out a shrivelled sentence.

   "It is worthy of Mr. Itachi."

   The more painful thing than his non-chief is that there is a European emperor beside him.

   Even Uchiha Itachi couldn't help showing a smile.

   He quietly waited for the blue gas to dissipate, looking very patient.

   opened so many jars.

Basically, the power inside is to enhance his strength as a weapon, or become tougher, or have an enchanting effect, or can increase the strength and speed, although he said that he can play part of the battle in human form. The power, however, is not as good as a weapon after all.

   This made him worry.

   Sasuke, are you ready?

   "Mr. Itachi?" The dry persimmon's voice interrupted his thoughts.

  Uchiha Itachi looked at the jar in front of him, held out his hand, and took out the contents, but the result was a scarlet orb.

"Equipment." Silently said, "The equipment used by the weapon is rare. This is a bloodthirsty bead. Like literal consciousness, it can absorb the enemy's blood and fight the wounds of the person holding you during battle. , Restore physical strength, and at the same time keep energetic... it is an enchanted equipment that increases the ability of protracted combat."

  Uchiha Itachi put away this bead.

   Although I was very happy to win the grand prize.

   But now, he is still thinking about Sasuke.

  How was killed by Sasuke, how to turn the sword into the hands of Sasuke, and how to explain that the sword can also open the pot and continue to evolve.

   There can be many lies.

   However, such a lie is too easy to debunk.

   Because he wants to get along with Sasuke as a sword afterwards.

   "Uchiha Itachi."

  The silence suddenly increased in tone and shouted his name.

  Uchiha Itachi raised his head As a weapon, if there is no intention to communicate with the person who uses you, that means nothing. "Silence and deep eyes are like seeing through all of Uchiha Itachi, "This is your own choice, and you should be conscious. "

   Silent heart is a little angry.

This guy.

   was half-hearted when opening the jar.

  I don't harbor deep expectation how to open the jar.

"......I understand."

  Uchiha Itachi was silent for a moment and nodded seriously.

   He already had a decision.

   Then continue to open the jar.

   There were no big prizes in the only remaining jars, including the dried persimmon shark. Just for the big prizes, all of his 150 jars were completely lost.

This feeling.

   is more uncomfortable than encountering an unbeaten enemy, because anger has nowhere to vent.

   "Since it's finished, then collect your badges and go back." The silence seemed to have no intention of saying more, and waved.

   "What--!" Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon shrill exclaimed at the same time.

   They no longer remain suspended, but like a free fall, falling straight from these tens of thousands of meters.

   Fall towards the vast land under the moonlight. .

   However, there was still an unknown barrier surrounding them. After violent friction with the air, a hot flame was produced.

  Liu Payne and Xiao Nan on the ground raised their heads simultaneously.

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