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Chapter 243: : Nagato felt anger


  The first sight of the fireball by Nagato through Penn, subconsciously thought it was a meteorite.

   But, that size...

  He controlled Penn to run in that direction.

  The same is true for Xiao Nan.

   The speed of the two fireballs seems to be slightly slowed down in the air friction, but still hit the Penn Six Road and Xiaonan at the speed of the meteorites.


   After the huge noise.

  In the forest, there were two potholes within a few tens of meters, and large trees were blown down and collapsed by the shock wave.

   "Is it just a meteorite?" Nagato was a little disappointed.

   "No!" Xiao Nan's voice suddenly sounded.

   Six Payne raised their heads violently, and under the visual sharing of reincarnation eyes, Nagato was keenly aware that Xiao Nan was right, and there were signs of life in these two meteorites.

   stood up from that center...

   Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon shark!

   If Payne's expression can be a little richer, this time, it should have shown a shocked expression.

   Because Nagato is like this.

   At that speed, unreservedly falling from the sky, how could it be safe, even without clothes?

   "Cough." The dry cough sound of the dried persimmon came, "I thought I was dead, and I left people from such a high place, Mr. Itachi, all right."

   "It's okay, it should be protected by some means." Uchiha Itachi's voice came from another pothole, and he had noticed the seven people in front of him.

   leader, deputy leader, and five very mysterious people.

  Uchiha Itachi's eyes looked around, and finally fixed on Payne Heaven, the man who appeared as the leader of the Xiao organization!

   "Boss?" The dried persimmon also noticed the surrounding people.

   "What the **** is going on?" Payne Sky’s voice, still sounds without emotion, but the words themselves show that he is not as calm as he seems.

  This gives Uchiha Itachi a strange feeling.

   After a moment of silence.

   He said briefly: "That gentleman, after taking us to the sky, threw us down."


   Controlled Payne's long door, his face stiffened, what the **** did he answer?

   However, he still found the problem.


   Payne replied to this title.

Uchiha Itachi has been in the Xiao organization for a long time. He has always been a competent and perfectly executed task for all tasks, but even Nagato has never seen his heart, let alone see it. To whom he used such honorific title.

   "It is indeed an adult beyond imagination." The dried persimmon shark also said the same, raised his head and looked at the sky, "Or is it difficult to figure out? However, it is difficult to cause a trace of disrespect."


  Nagato's heart began to be a bit heavy.

  In his previous report to him, the dried persimmon was not this attitude.

  In such a short period of time, these two people have such attitude changes?

   "Tell all you met, in detail!" Nagato controlled Penn, adding a little more tone.

"it is good......"

   The dried persimmon shark and Uchiha Itachi glanced at each other and began to talk.

   Start from Muye Village.

  Basically, they are talking about dried persimmons, and Uchiha Itachi makes some supplements.

Of course, for those conversations that were directly completed in his mind, Uchiha Itachi did not speak out. He still decided to continue to undercover for a period of time in Xiao until he declared his "death". This is the only way that the Uchiha family was wiped out, Only then can it disappear.

   At the beginning of Nagato, he listened calmly.

   But I heard the back.

  , who was still far away in Yuren Village, could no longer keep his expression calm.


  He saw the image of the stage of destiny through the badge of the dried persimmon.

   "What a joke!"

   Although his expression did not change much because he was a puppet, his words had already expressed his emotions.

  ——Very angry!

  Existence from a different world?

  Purchase can realize the wish?

   The stage of fate? could it bring peace!

Real peace can only make all people feel the pain, the despair of war, and give up the ridiculous desire and ambition in the pain and despair. Only in this way can people understand pain and bring peace. !

   And this businessman.

  But what do you say, people should fight their own destiny! ?

"He's letting us fight each other." Payne looked at Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Shark one by one, "Give us strength, and realize the desire of selfish desire, and then let us in the endless desire. Crazy fighting is like a beast in a cage for fun, do you... want to accept this fate?"

   For the purpose of Nagato.

   Silent approach.

   is simply destroying his wish.

  He wanted to achieve peace through pain and despair, while silence provided hope, even a stage of battle.

In this case.

   As long as he did not defeat the so-called businessman, or as long as the despair he gave did not overwhelm the hope given by the other party.

   Then, his goal is impossible to achieve!

   "Even if the gentleman didn't show up..." Uchiha Itachi looked at the leader of the organization in front of him, and said slowly, "We are not the same to fight with others for their own desires, never ending."

   "No! All this can be changed!" Payne said in the mouth of Heavenly Path ~ ~ Nagato! "

  Xiaonan's voice appeared in Nagato's mind.

  It made him a little calmer.

   has come back.

  His purpose, his wish, these general members of Xiao organization, did not know.

  They only know that Xiao organization is a lawless organization that constantly provokes wars, obtains funds, and finally even wants to conquer the world through the power of the tail beast, full of ambitions and desires.

   Wish peace with pain and despair.

   There is no way to understand these people.


   His pain is far above these people!

   The atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell silent.

   The bright moonlight sprinkled in this forest, and sprinkled on these people, as if covered with hoarfrost, which made people feel the coolness.

  Uchiha Itachi stared quietly at the person in front of him.

  Xiao organization leader.

With reincarnation eyes, a mysterious and powerful existence, he undercover Xiao organization for such a long time, he did not know the face of the other party, nor did he know the true purpose of the other party to create Xiao organization, even, this person has never expressed any emotion Fluctuations.

   But, tonight.

   The other party showed emotion for the first time.

   The language and expression are not coordinated, as if the plan was destroyed, especially the last sentence.

  He wants to change the status quo of this world?

   It doesn't seem like a person who is constantly provoking war, what he would say.


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