Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 254: : He took out the card

Kakashi looked at the mask man who turned slowly in front of him.

Understand in my heart.

It's impossible to think about running away, only to stick to it.

Waiting for the rest to arrive.

"If you are really Uchiha spot, and you want to solve me, it should be an instant matter." Kakashi said slowly, "are you worried about my escape now?"

"Want to inquire about my news?"

Taking the soil seemed to see Kakashi’s thoughts, but he had no intention of not answering. He said in a casual tone, “It’s nothing strange, the battle with Qianshouzhu, I was seriously injured, appeared at this moment. In front of you is just a body with little strength, but even so, it is enough to make you feel hopeless."

Leading the soil has sufficient confidence in his own strength.

Even more than ten years ago.

He has the ability to deal with Naruto, not to mention the present.

Even Payne is not his opponent at all.

It can be said.

Although his strength today does not dare to say that he can do anything, but in this world, no one can stop him.

Well, except for the mysterious businessman.

Kakashi heard the other party's self-confidence from the words.

Without a body of much strength, he can easily defeat him?

Kakashi's eyes were fixed on each other.

Say tentatively, "Even if you say it is true, but you really feel the despair, is that the first generation of Naruto brought you?"

"Do not"

The voice with a husky voice, as if with endless resentment, "It is this world that brings me despair!"

He raised his hands and beat.

Mu Dun · Hell Rebellion!

Several trees full of thorns circling and gushing out, rushing towards Kakashi in this small space.

not good!

Kakashi swiftly raised his faucet arm, spitting out a blazing flame, as if to burn these thorny trees.

In such a boundary, it is impossible to hide.

The sharp, dense thorns are enough to pierce or even crush everyone.

Kakashi can even imagine.

If this trick is exhibited in a crowded place, what a hell-like scene.

This guy.

Do you want to kill yourself?

He doesn't want intelligence?

Kakashi's resistance was a bit difficult. The use of the leading arm required a large amount of Chakra. In the previous battle with Rocha, his blue medicine has never been replenished and has been used up.

And Mu Dun.

It is considered to be the strongest blood following the limit!

Even if a part of it was burned down by Kakashi, more and more trees still emerged and circled upward. In this narrow enclave, Kakashi's living space was continuously compressed and stepped back step by step.

Until the back had felt the burning temperature from the enchantment.

Retreat again.

Even if they are not pierced by these branches, they must be burned to ashes by the enchantment.

"Don't make fearless struggles. In such a world, neither you nor me can stop despair."

He looked at the old companion indifferently, and his heart was filled with resentment towards him.

Hate him for getting Lin's love.

Hate that he didn't protect Lin.

He didn't want to kill Kakashi, but he wanted to see how he was in a desperate situation.

at the same time.

Among the wooden leaves, the Wave Feng Shui Gate and others who had been meeting all night, finally got urgent news.

"The mysterious man with the vortex mask took a girl away, and Kakashi chased it up?"

Everyone was taken aback.

Wave Feng Shui Gate immediately stood up and shouted, "The meeting is over now, I will support!"

"I'll go too!" Tsunato also stood up suddenly.

It’s not just her, the rest are the same.

"Wait--" Xiaochun, who turned to bed, stopped them with a voice, "Kakashi will catch up, instead of opening the stage of destiny and leaving the intruder, that is to say, the intruder is not a member, and should be alert to being transferred. Fighting power, fighting east and west."

"Yes." The other elder also nodded. "Huoying knows the technique of flying thunder god, he can go alone, and return to the village to transfer the combat power according to the situation. The rest of the people must guard the village."

"Okay, I can do it alone." Bo Feng Shui Men nodded.


Gang hand just opened, the figure of the wave Feng Shui Gate has disappeared.

She couldn't help squeezing her fist.

A man with a vortex mask? If Bo Feng Shui Men told the truth last night, that person should be the culprit of the Nine-Tail chaos more than a decade ago. A Kakashi who has not yet been transferred may not be the opponent of the other party.


Tsunade slammed the table.

The rest of the people can understand Tsunade's mood.

Zilai sighed.

The current village is really in crisis.

Silent, also noticed the action of the wave Feng Shui Gate.

Even if he is fast.

However, in the following situation, it seems that it is too late.


Kakashi used that hole card.

And with soil.

Still indifferently watching Kakashi insisting hard.

"If you open the jar, you can fulfill your wish. This is just a lie."

Carrying the soil is like revenge, it seems to want to tear up Kakashi’s psychological defense a little bit, his hoarse voice said coldly

"What if you gain this humble strength? You still can't do anything, just like your teacher, you can't stop the death of your loved one, and you can't stop the destruction of his so-called village."

Kakashi didn't even care what the mask man was saying.

He was able to faintly feel the pain of the other party from these words.


Kakashi remembered what was said in silence.

In the face of the destruction of destiny, either accept it or seize the opportunity to change it.

And such an opportunity is a jar!

"Do you want me to be desperate?" Kakashi has made up his mind. "Then you should open your eyes and take a good look. My madness and despair!"

"Oh?" There were some accidents with the soil.

Even the offensive has slowed down a bit.

He did not expect that Kakashi would say such a thing.

Another important reason for the soil aversion to Kakashi.

That is, Kakashi can still live a quiet life under the pain of his father's

Could it be that.

In fact, he has been enduring the hatred and pain in his heart, and he has already endured to the limit?

The soil was found today.

I haven't seen you in ten years.

He seems to have lost some understanding of his former companion.

"Interesting." He opened his hands with soil and said as if hugging something. "Then let me see how your madness and despair can have me."

Kakashi has also been out.

He took out the card!

——Rogue copying eyes.

Wonderful book house


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