Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 255: : This despair is above you

   For Kakashi who has opened all the secondary tanks.

This card in   's hand is almost his most powerful prop.

   After using it, it will lose its sanity and madly destroy everything in the world until it loses its effect or dies by itself.

  When I got this card.

   Silence once entered the relevant picture into his mind.

   That really...

   is an unimaginable despair, it is like a demon dedicated to destroying the world.

   if you can choose.

   Kakashi really didn't want to use it.

   "What's wrong with you?" He opened his hands with soil and raised some voices, "Aren't you going to show me your despair?"


   Kakashi's eyes became serious. Looking at the mask man in front of him, there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

   "Relax, my despair must be above you!"

No longer hesitate.

   chose to use it directly in his mind.

   is just this moment.

   His eyes were filled with red light, his expression was terrifying, as if he saw something terrible, a feeling that had never been experienced rushed into his mind.

   That is the desire for confusion, killing intention, destruction.

   is more terrifying.

  He found that he still has consciousness, but he can't control his body. It seems that another demon has entered his body, and even wants to enter his mind!

   "Your despair is above me? Really dare to say." With soil and disdain, he only used Kakashi to talk casually.

   The day that gentle girl died.

   his world has been destroyed.

   And Kakashi.

   back to his village, when he was a genius, his life did not even change.

   This is also called despair?

   "Everything...doesn't matter anymore." Kakashi's deep voice came suddenly.

   "Huh?" Frowning frowned.

   is just a sentence, he realized faintly that there seemed to be something wrong.

   And Kakashi in front of him, bowed his head.

  Countless images of painful images appeared in his mind in general.

  Father's death.

   Death with earth.

  Lin's last look, the corpse of the master and the maid lying in the pool of blood.

   "Ah, ah..."

   Kakashi's mouth grew, and there was an unclear voice in his mouth, which seemed to put his hand on his head in extreme pain.

   The earthy gaze was a little puzzled.

   He already felt that Kakashi's Chakra and breath began to be confused.

  What's going on with this guy?


  With the final roar, Kakashi's patience seemed to have broken the limit, and the last string that was tight was completely broken.

   His eyes glowed with red light, a complicated five-pointed star pattern appeared.

   After another blue complex magic circle, appeared near his body.

   The earth began to tremble.

   The terrible breath diffused.

  Taotu noticed Kakashi's eyes. He didn't know what kind of eyes it was, but it was definitely not a chakra eye! And full of madness and anger that is hard to look straight at.

at last--

   Kakashi's body slowly hung in the air.

   spread his hands like hugging the earth, his upper body clothes, his mask, all cracked in such a terrible breath.

   And the unknown, handsome face under the mask.

   now has a happy and crazy smile.

   "Ha ha, ha ha ha ha."

   Kakashi's shoulders and arms were shaking up and down, and laughter kept shaking in the air.

   "Kakashi... what the **** is going on with you?" Tato has been completely shocked. "What are those eyes? Is this also the power gained from the jar?"

   Kakashi's laughter gradually stopped.

   He was wrapped in a blue magic circle, his face still with that weird smile, the forehead on the white forehead had long collapsed, and the white hair was crazy waste.

   The man with red light looked at the man in front of him.

   spit out his voice in a very depressed tone.

   "Everyone in this world will die, but it doesn't matter. The essence of power is destruction, killing, crushing, come, liberate hatred as you want, and turn it into ashes with this world."

   was watching the silence above, smiling slightly.

   Kakashi's copy eye.

   That is the grand prize he prepared specially. According to the current prize pool, absolutely no such value items can be drawn in the second-level jars, and it has even approached the blue rare level.

   The most important time——

   This is a one-time, costly and dangerous force.

   Users will be replaced by the second personality of the born demon attribute.

   The same transaction point, used to purchase permanent one-time skills, is very different from the taboo power that only takes a few minutes.

   "Do you still retain your own reason?"

   The face under the earth mask changed and changed.

  He originally thought.

   This is a force similar to the tail beast runaway, but did not expect that Kakashi even has his own reason.

This guy......

Does    use some means to inspire the dark side of my heart? Also comes from the ability of the jar?


   "In any case, you can never beat me!" With the soil raised his voice, the hands of the fast seal, "Because, my darkness is above you!"

  The kaleidoscope of the left eye distorts the surrounding space, and then spit out a huge fire snake from his mouth.

   is spinning, and under the blessing of space storm, he rushes towards Kakashi in the air at a terrifying speed!

This is.

  Fire escape · turbulent dance!

   "Analyze Existence and Release!"

   Kakashi's mouth spit out a cold voice, and the power of red thunder and lightning hit the fire Just a moment, the flame disappeared.


   with soil could not help but exclaimed.

  He did not expect this kind of ninjutsu to be able to deal with the other party, but this coping method is too weird.

   could actually get rid of his surgery.

   "Now I am not a ants like you can provoke."

   Kakashi's words did not carry a touch of emotion, coupled with a pleasant and greasy smile, giving a creepy feeling.

  He stretched out his palm towards the soil.

  The huge magic circle stretches in circles.

   looks kind of strangely beautiful.

   "Dead, ants."

   The red lightning rushed towards the soil with a very fast speed.

   "Huh, although I don't know what's going on with you, but by this, I want to kill me?"

  Although the earthy one feels tricky.

   But not panicking.

   He has the ability to blur, so that he is already invincible.

  No matter what kind of attack, when he blurs his body, he can't attack his body sticking out another space anyway.

   and in fact.

   seems to be true.

  The red lightning penetrated his body and hit the ground, then in the surprised eyes with the soil, a large area of ​​the ground turned into dust and dissipated.

   is a bit like dust escape.

   "Analysis exists."

   Kakashi stretched out his palm again.


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