Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 271: : Are you looking for me

   Silence did not hide his disappointment, so Zhao Meiming could still see it.

  Is you suspected of being abandoned?

   Zhao Meiming was a little unconvinced. He pursed his lips slightly and said, "I'm not a water shadow. Why would I need to think about such a problem, what the village will look like, it should be the water shadow."

   "Mr. Zhao Meiming." Nagjuro suddenly panicked.

  According to the custom of Wuyin Ninja Village, Shuiying should be the most powerful person.

   In the current village, the most powerful one is undoubtedly Zhao Meiming.

   However, Zhao Meiming seemed to not hear it, showing a slightly disturbed expression.

   Silence finally knows why the fourth generation of water shadow was overthrown long ago, but she waited for the eve of the fourth ninja war before she took over the water shadow bucket and officially became the fifth generation water shadow.

   This person has no ambition for power.

  In addition to showing her courage when the village is facing a crisis, she is just a little woman who wants to get married.

   Fortunately... There is no shortage of crisis in this world now.

   Silence is no longer ready to ask anything.

   But according to Meiming, he looked at him and took the initiative to find a topic and said:

   "Mr. Silence?" Zhao Meiming's eyes carried a trace of temptation. "Traveling merchants should also be very hard. Has Mr. Silence ever thought about finding a place to settle down."

   "..." Silent shook his head and said softly, "Travel is the fate I choose, and the life I enjoy."

   "This way."

   Zhao Meiming lowered her gaze, with obvious loss.

   finally saw a man with appetite in every aspect, but he was a traveler who did not want to stay in one place.

  Otherwise, stunned and tied back?

   Zhao Meiming's mind flashed a bold thought.

   The silent corners of the eyes twitched insignificantly.

  Is my charm so great?

   Fortunately, at this time, he was holding a bowl of ramen with an attractive fragrance in front of the silence.

   Icarus and Zhao Meiming also put a bowl in front of them, but it was obvious that silence was the proud of the bowl.

   "Progress is very fast." Silence just sniffed the taste, and I know that this craft has improved a lot compared to the last time I came to eat.

   "It's all because of Mr. Shen's products."

   doesn't need much hard work, as long as you buy the jar and open it, you can get the experience and skills of making food, as well as a variety of rare ingredients and dishes. This kind of thing has been praised as progress.

   "No need to be ashamed." Silent raised his head and glanced at him, laughing, "What's so ashamed of growing up at a price."

   There are indeed some players in the game, and I always feel that the krypton gold is getting stronger.

   is not open.

   Money is also a skill.

   And Zhao Meiming on the other side was a little dazed.

  What is the product of Mr. Shen?

   Silence... Did you sell anything that would allow his cooking to grow?

   And silent this time has tasted a bite of ramen.

   temporarily purchased a prop of experience of the **** tongue.

   frowned slightly.

"Since it's a tasting, let me just say something bad. Your broth and red spicy oil are not adjusted well. Soy bean paste is too much. You also put the golden shrimp in the jar? Although it is fresh enough, but Corresponding garlic and chicken soup are too common, and although the cauliflower is delicious, it is not delicious when fried..."

  Lin Lin talked about a lot of shortcomings, and all of his hand sweating had been recorded.

  Zhao Meiming stared at the bowl of ramen in front of her with all the flavors and flavors, and she had some strange expressions.

  Is it really so bad?

  No, so many guests.

   She tried to take a sip of ramen soup, her eyes widened suddenly, her legs clamped, and her whole body was verbose, feeling a heat flow from her body pouring into her heart.

   This is too delicious!

   Zhao Mei Ming has never eaten such a delicious ramen, no, it should be said that such a delicious food has never been eaten.

  Look at the other side.

   The chef who made such a delicious meal is now ashamed of his apology.

   "I'm really sorry, Mr. Shen, I didn't expect to have made so many mistakes, it is really ashamed of your help."

   "It's nothing, after all, you haven't bought a jar for a long time." Silently shook his head, indicating that he didn't mind.

  However, he understands why the food he bought in Tiqie Erina is so delicious.

   has this tongue.

   simply cannot tolerate even a slight flaw.

   "I just want to wait to save more money before I disturb you." The hand beaten is even more ashamed.

   is determined to make his way to a real chef.

   But still like this.

  No, the business must be bigger, teach a few apprentices, and then open a branch in Muye.

  Zhao Meiming sounded more confused.


  What kind of jar can improve the cooking skills?

   She blinked and couldn't help but ask, "Sir, I haven't asked yet, what kind of goods are you selling."

   "Just a few jars." Silently cancelled the tongue of God, and slowly said while eating ramen.

   "The jar?" Zhao Meiming was even more at a loss.

  The blue eyes looked at the silence, then at the hands, wondering if they said the same thing to them.

   While looking at Zhao Meiming, hesitated.

  Although he is focused on cooking, he does not completely ignore the rest.

   Yesterday's battle, the resurrection of the fourth generation of and the warnings of the dark part, all made him understand the meaning of silence, but this woman is obviously not a person of Konoha.

   However, silence seems not to care much.

   just said unhurriedly, "Yes, you can achieve what people want."


   Zhao Meiming recited these two words silently, her eyes gradually changed, she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stood up suddenly.


   The chair behind him fell directly to the ground.

The loud noise from    made everyone in the whole noodle shop look over. However, Zhao Meiming seemed to be completely imperceptible, but her eyes were rounded, and she looked at the silent silence of ramen in front of her with an indescribable shock expression.

  Fulfill your wish! ?

  A product that can fulfill your wish?

   Zhaomei looked at this man he liked, and had some difficult words to squeeze out.

   "Who...are you?"

   "How?" Silence turned her head to look at her, her eyes deep, her face still with a gentle smile, "Aren't you always looking for me?"


  Zhao Meiming felt his heart beating violently twice.

   is really him!

   The resurrected Naruto, changed Konoha, and gave Tsunato the mysterious existence of powerful power.

   is the person in front!

   Zhao Meiming really did not expect that the person he wanted to find anyway would appear in front of her in this way.


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