Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 272: : Chase under the rain

In this case, various thoughts flashed in Zhao Meiming's mind, but in the end she found that she couldn't do much.

The man in front of him is really mysterious.

Even now he knows what his name is and what he looks like, but at the moment when he knows the identity of the other party, Zhao Meiming finds that he still knows nothing about him.

Just lowered his voice and said: "You already knew I was looking for you?"

"A lot of people are chasing my figure." Silence turned his head and continued to eat ramen slowly. "As long as I want, I can know who they are."

"So..." Zhao Meiming bit her teeth. "Did you arrange all of today?"

She thought it would be a beautiful encounter.

Unexpectedly, the encounter was not a dream lover.

It is a mysterious and unknown existence.

The contrast is too great.

Zhao Meiming didn't know whether she should be happy or uncomfortable.

"Don't you find it on your own initiative?" The silent, unhurried voice came over. "I didn't want to come to you. Today I just took Icarus to go shopping. After all-your biggest wish, actually It has been achieved."

Set aside that desire to get married.

The goal of Zhao Meiming's efforts for more than a decade has only overturned the fourth generation of water shadow.

And now.

Zhao Meiming stared at the man in front of him, all emotions flashed in his eyes, and even Nagajuro grabbed the handle of the big knife on his back, his expression extremely tense.

"It was already realized." Zhao Meiming finally took a deep breath, lifted the chair, and sat down beside Silent, staring at him all the time, "But, because of your appearance, my wish is about to come Shattered."

That's right, if it wasn't for this person, the rest should be easy.

She only needs to make Wuyin Ninja Village open and strong.

Then you can find your own happiness.

However, after seeing the terrible power of Tsunade, she understood that her hopes were gone.

With unequal power, there can be no equivalent communication.

Not to mention prosperity.

"If you really have no desire, then you don't realize my existence." After eating the last ramen in silence, added, "Like those people."

He glanced subconsciously at the rest of the people.

Then she suddenly found out.

Everyone continues to do their own things, and everything is just like it was, as if nothing happened here.

But for no reason.

Zhao Meiming felt a chill come out of the back.

This is definitely not something like illusion.

Because she also feels faintly, it seems that as long as she looks away and no longer pays attention, the impression and memory about this man will continue to recede like a tide in the mind, as if he is just an ordinary, not worth remembering Like passers-by.

If there weren't the words that Huo Ying and Tsunade said before, then she might think that these are just her own illusions.

but now.

She deeply recognized that this was a means she could not understand.

The mystery of this man is far beyond her imagination.

"What are you... exactly?" Zhao Meiming asked this sentence with some difficulty.

"Did I already say that, according to Miss Meiming." The silence turned around, and the deep eyes looked at her, with a somewhat formal tone, "I am a traveling businessman from a different world, the seller can A jar that changes fate."

"You only said that you are a traveling businessman."

Zhao Meiming is a little angry, she feels that she has just behaved, and the budding spring heart is being seen as a joke by others.

"Then I said it now." Silent shrugged, then stood up. "I'm going back. It was a pleasant encounter with you this time. Goodbye."

Icarus beside him quickly stood up.

Silence moves away, it really feels like leaving.

Zhao Meiming was a little flustered.

"Please wait." She hurriedly followed, "Is the power of Tsunade obtained from you?"

"Yes." Not only did the silence not stop, it seemed to be faster.

To be precise, he still walks so slowly, but it seems that in a short step, he spans a few meters, giving a strong sense of mistake, but the pedestrians around him find nothing same.

"How do you get that kind of power?" Zhao Meiming can only speed up her steps.

"Wish, power is used to change the wish." The speed of silence is getting faster and faster.

A thunderbolt crossed the night sky, and the sound of thunder rolled in bonuses. In just a few seconds, it began to languish with rain.

Pedestrians are either running fast to hide from the rain or holding up their umbrellas.

Zhao Meiming found that speeding up her steps could not be silenced anymore. She was a little flustered and jumped directly into the house and ran towards the two people in the rain curtain.

Then shouted: "I also have a wish!"

But there is no effect, even if she runs at the fastest speed, she can't catch up with those two people.

I could only blur between them, seeing two more hazy figures under the rain curtain.

I was more and more anxious in my heart.

She has a feeling that if you miss this time, it may be a miss forever.

In my mind, I suddenly recalled the conversation they had just made.

What do you want to be in your village...

Zhao Meiming seemed to suddenly understand something, took a deep breath, and shouted towards the front:

"I don't know what the village will look like, but at least, I hope that the place will be peaceful and peaceful, without facing the brutal tragedy."

The sound disappeared into the rain curtain.

She also completely lost sight of those two people's backs.


Zhao Meiming stopped and the rain hit her, keeping her hair and clothes close to her.

For the first time, she felt powerless to cry.

This is different from the time when facing the fourth generation of water shadow. At that time, she knew that she could achieve it with her own efforts.

but now.

The huge gap with Konoha cannot be bridged by hard work.

If because of her, Wuyin Ninja Village was abandoned.

What fate will be waiting for the village.

Zhaomei was in a state of confusion~ A huge pressure came to her.

And just then.

"Your destiny is really unfortunate."

A slow voice suddenly sounded in front of me.

Zhao Meiming suddenly raised his head.

In front of her, just one step away, Silent and Icarus stood there quietly, the raindrops that had fallen in the sky, but they did not know when they were suspended in the air, like crystals In general, together with the whole village under the night, a beautiful and magical picture is formed.

"If you are just chasing your own wishes, it doesn't need a great degree, but your destiny and your village's destiny are tied together, which represents the qualification of the entire village." He came over in the rain curtain, with pity in his eyes and nothing at all.

Wonderful book house

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