Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 273: : Zhaomei Ming Jar Series

Zhao Mei stared blankly at the silence in front of her.

Unbelievable first, then surprise.

Not an illusion, but he really came back.

"You..." Zhao Meiming opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

She felt as clumsy as if she had become a teenage girl again.

"Don't you sort out the image first?"

Silence snapped his fingers, and in an instant, Zhao Meiming was refreshed.

The clothes and hair that had been soaked on the body were all back to normal.

Even the astringency of tears or rain in the eyes disappeared instantly.

Zhao Meiming looked at herself completely restored to normal, and looked at the smiling man in front of her, unreasonably aggrieved, but she quickly reminded herself that this man was not her coquettish boyfriend in her dream.

He calmed down.

Zhao Mei Ming said in a soft voice as possible: "Sir, how can I get strength from you?"

Nagjuro behind him could not help shaking.

He really has never seen such a beauty.

"Since I'm back, I'm showing that you, or Wuyin Ninja Village, already have this qualification." Silent and plain smile, it's not that it's different because of the delicate beauty in front of you.

"Mist Hidden Village?" Zhao Meiming asked subconsciously.

She was thinking just now that even the chef had the opportunity to gain strength from this man. There was no reason why he didn't.

However, now it seems to vaguely understand what.


Silently nodded his head, as soon as he raised his hand, several jars of different sizes appeared in the rain screen, spinning quietly.

His voice followed:

"I sell jars and destiny, but destiny is sometimes a community that is tied together. From family to village to country, your qualification to buy jars is different from hand-to-hand. It’s different from Tsunade because the fate of the entire Wuyin Ninja Village is on you."

The reason why silence hangs according to beauty is not simply hunger marketing.

Although there are some reasons for this, she should always cherish this opportunity.

on the other hand.

He wanted to create an atmosphere that provided the power of krypton gold. He certainly would not be able to dominate the world. Instead, he needed to compete with each other in terms of individuals and villages.

Even, if necessary, it is good to compete in the world.

Zhaomeiming is almost the only thing worth paying attention to in Wuyin Ninja Village.

This is related to the qualitative nature of the whole village in the follow-up, so naturally we should pay more attention to it.

Now, Zhao Meiming understands herself.

"Because, in the current Wuyin Ninja Village, no one can bear the fate of the whole village except me?" Zhao Meiming bit her lower lip.

"Because, people in the whole village trust you, and only trust you." Silence said.

Zhao Meiming's palm squeezed his fist, but after a while, he loosened it again and sighed faintly.

With a small complaint, he said: "This is also impossible. After all, after so long, the excellent ninjas are gone, and the former glory is almost consumed... who made me love it deeply What about the village."

In the last sentence, she almost spoke out of her grievances and sadness.

She longed to get married, in fact, longing to find her own happiness.

But the reality is that Wuyin Village, who is deeply in love, can't live without her.

"In the end, all you want is to protect the village." Raising his hand in silence, the ten smallest jars appeared in front of her. "So, choose one of these jars, any one of them." , Can give you such power."

It was the same as when the ape was flying.

All she needs is strength, not a certain kind of strength.

So, just choose one.

Zhao Meiming looked at the ten jars in front of her. Until now, she didn't understand how these jars could gain strength.

But the silence had already spoken, and she chose one nervously.

"Open it," said silently.

Doing according to Meiming, just a moment of opening, a flame, a mud, a vortex, and a water polo rise from the inside.

Wind, fire, water, soil.

These are four powers and four elements.

"Element series?" Nodded silently. "Not bad."

This series contains elemental power.

If you change jobs, the elemental master is the most likely.

Although it is not uncommon, even fancy power, but it is actually very suitable for Zhao Meiming, she was originally good at ninjutsu attack type, and this figure figure, if holding a cane and wearing various hollowed mage robe, also Pretty beautiful.

Zhao Meiming was at a loss, not quite clear what the silent words meant.

However, silently raised her palm, gently on her forehead.

Information about the jar poured into her mind.

In just a short time, she understood.

"Is the price the money?" Zhao Meiming couldn't help voicing for the first time.

"Money is just a general term." The silent face does not change color. "Any material that is of value to you, whether it is a commodity, a mineral, or even an artwork, can be exchanged."


Zhao Meiming nodded, but understood the cost of buying jars.

It’s just that everything is fine.

They have survived the "Historic Fog Town" of Wuyin Village for ten years, and it is impossible to match Muye.

This makes her a little sad.

"Half-hanging mind, but it's not good." Shaking his head silently, said flatly, "This is why I was not going to find you at first. There are many people in your world who are qualified to be members of the Chamber of Commerce, which means greater Opportunities also mean greater challenges. Some people’s wishes and ambitions will affect the entire world."

According to Mei Ming's expression, he suddenly awoke.

She estimated her resources.

There is not much money, but in the previous coup war, there was still a lot of material left in the war.

It should be okay for her to open a fateful item~ Mr., I want to open a fateful item first. Zhao Meiming looked at the silence in front of her and said softly.

"It's okay." Silent glanced around. "Change place."

It will be unbearable for most people to stay in the world where time is suspended.

He just raised his hand.

Zhao Meiming and Nagajuro felt the brushing around changed.

It became a wood somewhere.

The state of suspension of all things disappeared, and then, one after another the jars appeared.

It looks like those who are watching the photos.

It's as if this person disappeared in an instant.

"Go and report to Naruto!" someone said.

Wonderful book house

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