Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Chen Tian Xuxian is in danger, come to fulfill the promise

Purple gold galaxy.

Chen Tian Gu Xing, Chen Tian Xu Xian was holding a rune classic and was studying, and suddenly, an inexplicable breath came, this breath was so powerful that the surrounding air was condensed.

"This breath is hostile."

Chentianxu's fairy eyes condensed.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was surging, and a man in a black robe fell from the sky with a long knife on his back.

The powerful imaginary aura swept across, shaking the entire dusty ancient star.

"It's you, Black Shark!"

Chen Tian Xuxian looked at each other with a little surprise.

And the black shark's face showed an indifferent color, "Dust Heaven and Void Fairy, you didn't expect it, today is your death date!"

As soon as his words fell, phantoms rushed out of the void, and everyone's cultivation had at least reached the realm of Dao Master.

There are even several gods.

These people combined into a large formation, the black enchantment covered the sky and the sun, and soon the dust and the imaginary immortal were completely enveloped in it.

"Black Shark Pirates, it seems that all of your high-level Black Shark Pirates came out just to kill me. Oh, it's really an honor."

Chentian Xuxian chuckled lightly.

"This is the price you rejected me back then."

Black Shark said indifferently.

Many years ago, he sought Chentian Xuxian to refine a Taoist weapon, but the other party thought that his mind was not righteous, so he refused.

Now, he is here to retaliate for this.

"Back then, I should have killed you with one palm, so that there will be no future troubles." A sword appeared in Chentian Xuxian's hand.

The biting sword pressure swept out.


The black shark thief gave a cold cry, and the surrounding Taoists urged the formation, a huge pressure was crushed towards the Chentian Xuxian.

Under this force, Chen Tian Xuxian actually felt that his power was suppressed, and his face changed slightly.

"This formation actually has this effect!"

Without waiting for him to slow down, the Black Shark also started his hand, slashing it out, and the powerful imaginary power rushed towards him frantically.

Chen Tian Xuxian held a sword to resist, with a loud boom, he was repelled a hundred...Chapter 1056 Chen Tian Xuxian came to fulfill his promise in danger ( Page 1/4),. Zhang, his arms were shaking constantly.

"With this formation, plus the power of Xuxian, it seems that you have come prepared today." Chentian Xuxian said coldly.

"How else can I kill you?"

Black Shark sneered and shot again.

Bang bang bang...

The sword and the knife collided one after another, and the void felt a sense of tearing.

Under the suppression of the formation, Chen Tian Xuxian was unable to exert his full strength, and gradually fell into a disadvantage, and suffered a lot of injuries.

"Haha, Chentianxianxian, today you will undoubtedly die!"

The black shark laughed.

The rest of the black shark thief's senior executives are also extremely excited.

You know, Chentian Xuxian is good at refining weapon formations, has a high reputation in the Zijin Galaxy, and has a lot of treasures on his body. Killing him, their harvest is as great as the accumulation of thousands of years.

"Even if you die, I will take you together!"

I saw a touch of coldness in Chentianxu's eyes.

Then, **** origin power flowed out of him, which actually made his breath soar.

"Oh, forcibly urging the secret method to increase your strength, but even so, how long can you last?"

The Black Shark sneered and continued to attack. This time, his offensive was not as violent as before.

It's mainly defensive, he knows, but there is always a limit to the secret method of forcibly enhancing strength.

He was waiting for that limit to come, and sure enough, it didn't take long before Chentian Xuxian's strength quickly weakened.

"It's now!"

The black shark's eyes lit up, and then he seized the opportunity to violently attack Chen Tian Xuxian in one fell swoop, and severely inflicted the opponent.

"Damn it!"

"Now, I'm afraid I will really be buried here."

Chentianxuxian's mouth was bleeding, and he smiled helplessly.


The power of the imaginary fairy circulates in the black shark, and all of it is poured into the long knife in his hand, cutting out a huge knife shadow!

But at this moment.

The whole dusty ancient star was shocked, and the blade shadow cut out by the black shark was completely shattered by an invisible force!

Not only that, black...Chapter 1056 Chen Tian Xuxian came to fulfill the promise in danger (page 2/4). The formations used by the Shark Pirates were also destroyed in an instant due to the impact of invisible power.

One by one, the Taoists were backlashed by the formation and flew out one after another.


Black Shark's face changed.

The strong!

The super strong!

The black shark understands that the owner of this invisible force is definitely a powerful person much more terrifying than himself!


He planned to leave without saying anything.

But as soon as they stepped out with their front feet, they were directly pressed on the ground as if they were being pressed by billions of stars.

"Who is it?!"

The black shark was horrified.

Chen Tian Xuxian was also extremely shocked. Without seeing him, he could suppress a Xuxian and a group of Taoists to such an extent.

Such strength is really incredible.

"Friend Chentian, long time no see."

At this moment, a calm voice sounded.

Not far away, there was a figure in white clothes walking slowly, his pace was light, and he walked toward everyone.

But Black Shark and others were suppressed by the invisible power that spread out from the opponent, and they all lay on the ground, like welcoming the emperor!

"Friend Chu Dao!"

Chen Tian Xuxian was overjoyed after seeing Madman Chu.

"It's him!"

Black Shark and others are completely desperate.

Madman Chu...

This name is a legend in the Zijin galaxy. The other party has only become famous for a few years, but it has turned the entire galaxy upside down, and even destroyed the Zixing, one of the two fairy civilizations.

Their black shark thief in front of each other is not worth mentioning.

"Friend Chentian, haven't seen you in a few years, you are quite embarrassed."

Madman Chu walked to Chentian Xuxian, ridiculed, and then raised his hand to urge the Spring Wind and Rain to heal the other party.

In a short while, Chen Tian Xuxian is getting better ~ Fellow Daoist Chu, you still have the same style. "

Chentian Xuxian smiled faintly.

When Madman Chu came, he also breathed a sigh of relief. When the other party was there, he was not afraid of these little black shark thieves...Chapter 1056 Chen Tianxuxian came to fulfill his promise in danger (page 3/4). .

"What are you going to do with these people?"

Madman Chu asked.

"Naturally killed, what are you keeping?"

"Oh, too."

Madman Chu nodded, and didn't see what he was doing. With a slight movement of the immortal consciousness, all the black shark thief present turned into blood mist and exploded.

There was not even time to make a scream.

This made Chentian Xuxian amazed, "Dao Fellow Chu, didn't you go to the Immortal Realm? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"Come out and do something." Madman Chu smiled, "Come here today, in addition to looking for a fellow Daoist to talk about the past, I also have something to give away."

He took out the elixir of feathering and handed it over.

Chen Tian Xuxian knew a little about Pill Dao, and when he saw the feathered elixir in his hand, he immediately took a breath.

"This, this, this is... the elixir!!"

"It's the elixir of feathering."

The madman of Chu nodded slightly, "I once said that when I become an immortal, I will report to fellow daoists, and now is the time to fulfill my promise."

Chen Tian Xuxian has not yet recovered from the shock of the elixir, and after hearing this sentence, he is even more shocked.

He heard the subtext of Madman Chu's words, "Friend Chu Daoist, you said you have become an immortal!!"

Madman Chu nodded.

Chentian Xuxian couldn't believe it, it's only a few years!

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