Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : 1 meeting, start to expand, sky galaxy

This is only a few years!

   Chu Madman has changed from a Taoist master to an immortal? !

   Chen Tian Xuxian didn't think that the other party could become immortal, but I never thought that the other party would become immortal so soon! !

   This kind of speed is too incredible.

   Chen Tian Xuxian took a long time to digest the matter of Chu Madman becoming immortal, and solemnly said, "Thank you!"

   He did not refuse.

   He did his best to help Madman Chu at the beginning, wasn't it just to have the opportunity to step on the road to find immortality again? He couldn't miss this medicine.

   "In addition to fulfilling my promise today, I have one more thing that needs the help of Fellow Chentian." Madman Chu said.

   "Fellow Daoist Chu, just say it."

   "My Celestial Star, I want to establish communication channels with the major civilizations and Taoism of the Zijin Galaxy. I would like to invite Daoist Chentian to come to my Celestial Star to help." The Madman Chu smiled lightly and explained his purpose directly.

   Chentian Xuxian's eyes flashed with a different color.

   He naturally knows what the other party meant. It's just a nicer way of saying how to establish communication channels.

   To be straightforward, that is, Madman Chu wants to unify the Zijin Galaxy.

   "Ha, I join."

   Chen Tian Xuxian did not refuse.

   Since the Madman of Chu has become an immortal, he is the strongest person in the Zijin galaxy. If he wants to unify the Zijin galaxy, his force will be enough.

   When he joins, he can also mix his qualifications to gain a little advantage.

   Such a good thing, he refused without reason.

   "Heh, then there will be fellow workers."

   Chu Madman smiled.

   Chen Tian Xu Xian has a very high prestige in the Zijin Galaxy. With his help, the process of the sky star controlling the Zijin Galaxy can be accelerated a lot.

   Next, Chentian Xuxian found some people.

   These people are all people who have received the blessings of Chentianxianxian. With his recommendation, coupled with the strength of the Madman Chu who has become a fairy, these people are willing to surrender and are driven by the sky stars.

   Among them, including Shenyue Daozhu.

Looking at the young man in front of him who had to help himself a few years ago, Taoist Shenyue couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion, "In the past, the days when Fellow Daoist Chu was a guest in Shenyue City are still vivid. I didn't expect this in a blink of an eye. Become a fairy."

   Hearing what he said, the other Dao masters who had just surrendered could not tell where Xu Xian was. The other party was clearly making friendship with Madman Chu!

   This shameless guy.

   "Yes, I think that back then, when Zi Xing was besieging Shenyue City, the demeanor of Taoist Chu, one poem, one poem and one sword, I will never forget. By the way, I also participated in that battle."

   "The name of the poetry sword fairy is now worthy of the name."

   "Yes, I also participated in that battle."

   Everyone said again and again.

   The madman of Chu smiled, and took out some treasures and distributed them to everyone, "Since you join my firmament star, please accept these. I hope you can contribute more to the construction of the firmament star in the future."

   These treasures are insignificant to him.

   But for these people, they are extremely rare treasures, and each of them shines brightly, and they are even more desperate for Mad Chu.

   "Then I will leave first. In a few days, we will hold a meeting and invite you all to come and participate."

   Chu Madman smiled at Chentian Xuxian and others.

   After speaking, he turned and left, and after he left, Chen Tian Xuxian and others gathered together to discuss.

   "Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Chu has become an immortal in just a few years, and he wants to unify the Zijin Galaxy."

   "With the strength of fellow Chu Daoists, it is estimated that it is not difficult to unify the Zijin Galaxy, we have to help them out."

   "Yes, I heard that the level of civilization of the Sky Star is not very sophisticated, and there are not even a few imaginary immortals. After we pass, we will quickly become the mainstay of the Sky Star, which is valued by the Taoists of Chu."

   "Yes, this is the truth. As long as we can be reused by fellow Chu Daoists, the benefits will be indispensable in the future."

   It is self-evident that a powerful force can help the monks, and the sky star now has the potential to become the most powerful force in the entire Zijin galaxy, but the nearby galaxies.

   They can join in, work hard, if they can become senior figures, their future benefits will be indispensable.

   Holding this thought, not long after, Chen Tian Xuxian, Shenyue Daozhu and others came to the sky star.

   After seeing Gu Ruqing, the fox demon ancestor and others, the expression was shocking.

   Originally, they thought that the strength of themselves and others must be at the top of the sky star except for Madman Chu.

   If they come to the sky star, they will definitely be reused, but now it seems that the situation is different from what they thought.

   Gu Ruthless, fox demon ancestor, Gu Xing and even the five leaders of the Five Elements Shadow Army, these people can sling a group of them if they take out one, their strength is nothing in front of these people.

Chen Tian Xuxian, Shenyue Daozhu and others looked at each other and couldn't help smiling. Chen Tian Xuxian said: "It seems that Daoist Chu found us not because of lack of manpower, but wanted to use our prestige in the Purple Gold Galaxy to quickly Make all the forces surrender."

"Tsk, so many masters, there are even many immortals among them. The most important thing is that these people are all willing to surrender to Friends of Chu Dao. What kind of strength is his current strength? This is really incredible. ."

   "From now on, I can't be called a fellow Daoist, I must call him the king."

   "Yes, rules are rules, insurmountable."

   Chen Tian Xuxian and others are more in awe of Madman Chu. They can't imagine what the Madman Chu has experienced in the past few years when he went to the immortal world, he could grow so fast.

The madmen of Chu gathered the high-levels of the sky star and held a strategic meeting on how to quickly unify the Zijin The meeting lasted for three days and three nights, including the distribution pattern of the major forces in the Zijin Galaxy and the number of strong , As well as the route of entry, how to settle after civilized surrender and so on.

   After the meeting, the entire sky star turned into a high-speed and efficient machine, and began to expand outward.

  With the prestige of Chentian Xuxian and others, the name of Shijianxian and the strength of Gu Ruqing and others, this expansion is almost devastating. Wherever the warship goes, the major forces are in line, and all surrender.

   After the madman of Chu drew up a plan, the expansion was handed over to Gu Linglong, Elder Ruyan and others were solely responsible.

   He found an unmanned star to retreat. During this retreat, he mainly wanted to break through his own cultivation.

He had obtained a lot of good things from the Azure Emperor’s Treasures of the Azure Emperor galaxy. These have greatly helped him improve his cultivation level. Apart from anything else, the hundreds of earth celestial grasses alone are an unimaginable resource. , Enough for him to quickly break into the fairyland.

  Time flows, three years have passed.

   In the past three years, the sky star has expanded very rapidly, and it has almost controlled most of the Zijin galaxy.

   Even a fairy civilization like Venus will surrender without saying a word when facing immortals.

   Today's sky star is the well-deserved overlord of the Zijin Galaxy, and its expansion speed has refreshed the history of the Zijin Galaxy.

   In the eyes of many people, the current Zijin Galaxy should not be called the Zijin Galaxy, it should be renamed the Sky Galaxy.

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