Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Earth Qi is back, and kill the Dragon Lord, you are begging me

"Earth Qi formation, knot!"

Madman Chu gave a soft drink!

In an instant, the world is surging, and the earth is boiling!

Hundreds of thousands of miles of the sea was surging, making waves, wave after wave, seeming to rise to the sky, and under that sea surface, the submarine mountains that had been dormant for endless years were attracted by the atmosphere.

The ground air and water vapor are mixed, soaring into the sky, covering the area!

Madman Chu stood still.

But at this moment, he is the strongest and supreme existence in this world, and the earth's energy for hundreds of millions of miles flows with his mind, shaking the sky! !

The terrifying coercion shocked the nine heavens and ten earth.

The true dragon and divine phoenix Golden Wuwei present was also panicking.

"This, what is this?!"

The Golden Dragon Lord said with a panic expression.

He felt that in front of this mighty force of heaven and earth, even if he was a godlike existence, he still looked extremely small.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that the main demon made us retreat, and we have no chance of winning in front of such power!"

A Golden Crow Guardian murmured.

The feelings of despair gradually appeared in the hearts of the rest.

far away.

Inside the Demon Court, the Demon Lord suddenly opened his eyes, couldn't help clenching his fists, and slammed his fist on the armrest of the throne next to him.

With a bang, the entire throne collapsed!

All the great demons underneath were trembling.

"The people on the Dragon and Phoenix battlefield are gone."

The demon master said in a cold voice, Madman Chu's strength, he knew it, once that great earth-qi formation was opened, even if the Golden Dragon Lord and the Scarlet Dragon Lord were both heavenly immortals, they were probably in disaster.

This made him very annoyed. It was hard to conquer Shenlong Island. Seeing Wutong Mountain was also under control, Madman Chu suddenly intervened and directly shattered his plan.

"Fortunately, most of the information on Shenlong Island has been received, and it is not too bad, but Madman Chu, we have another account."

The demon master said coldly.

He became more determined to kill Madman Chu.

"Everyone, do you have a plan to deal with Madman Chu?"

Demon Lord said.

The big monsters underneath looked at each other.

Are you kidding me?

Let them deal with Madman Chu?

The guy who destroyed the ancient family and is now about to destroy Shenlong Island, you told us to find a way to deal with him? ?

My lord, you are too dear to us! !

The demon master looked at the great demons below, and knew that this group of people had no good ideas, and couldn't help being a little upset.

"A bunch of wine sacs and rice bags, what do you want?!"


Dragon and Phoenix battlefield.

Madman Chu opened a large array of earthly air, and his power shook nine days and ten places!

"After today, there will be no Shenlong Island in Qinglan Immortal Realm!"

Madman Chu looked at the Dragon Lord in front of him and said indifferently.


"I don't know who is dead and who is alive!"

Several dragon masters knew that this formation was no small matter, but it was impossible for them to catch them just like that.

The five dragon masters simultaneously transformed themselves, and the five dragons came out together. The terrifying mighty power disturbed the surrounding qi and madly attacked the Madman Chu.

"Unfortunately, it was all in vain."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

His sword fingers condensed, and the surrounding air rushed into him frantically, turning into a huge sword shadow that penetrated the sky and cut it out! !

boom! !

Sword Qi swept like a storm, tearing the world apart! !

Under this sword, Huanglong, Qinglong, and Bailong among the five dragons were torn apart by sword energy on the spot, and the huge dragon body was torn into several pieces.

As for the Chilong whose cultivation level reached the heavenly immortal, Golden Dragon couldn't bear this powerful force, and was lifted off on the spot, looking frightened.

"So strong!"

"With the blessing of the formation, his combat power can reach this level. This guy can do so!"

The two Golden Dragon Lords are extremely palpitations.

Originally, the Golden Dragon Lord wanted to find the Madman Chu to get revenge, but now he doesn't have this thought, he just wants to escape now!

The farther you escape, the better!

What revenge is not worth mentioning in the face of survival.

Without any hesitation, the two dragon masters turned and left, and they wanted to flee for their lives. Unfortunately, they had no way to escape because they were in a huge battlefield!

"Earth Dragon, Condensation!"

The madman Chu's heart moved, and the earth turned into a dragon!


Roaring, the earth dragon confronted the real dragon, even if the golden dragon master is a Tianxian cultivation base, it is still not worth mentioning in front of this billions of miles of earth energy, and it was soon crushed by the earth dragon and hit the ground.

"Sword, condensation!"

Madman Chu condensed his energy again, turning into a sword shadow and cutting down.

Golden Dragon Lord, Chilong Lord fell on the spot!

"Next, it's you."

Madman Chu looked at the remaining Jin Wuwei and the others, his eyes flashed coldly, his sword fingers condensed, the earth gasified the sword, and he glanced out.

In a short while, the Golden Crow Guard was present, and they all fell!

After all the enemies were solved, the ground gas was dispersed, and the sea surface with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was already red with blood.

The blood of dragon blood rises and falls with the waves, like a sea of ​​blood!

This scene is extremely shocking, like Shura Purgatory.

For the surviving creatures on the bottom of the sea, this is a good fortune. The dragon blood fairy blood has a great nourishing effect for them, and can even evolve their bloodlines to a higher level.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Madman Chu.

He also didn't care how earth-shattering things he had done in the eyes of outsiders, his expression was extremely calm, and he seemed not to care about things like the Dragon Lord when he killed the Golden Crow Guard.

"Brother, are you all right."

Chu Hong ran to the Madman Chu.

"What can I do?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and then he looked solemnly, and said in a deep voice, "You are bold enough to run to such a dangerous place without telling me. After returning, I will detain you."


Chu Hong's face suddenly collapsed.

However, she also knew that Madman Chu was really a little angry this time, and she didn't dare to refute it. She could only look at Madman Chu with watery eyes, biting her lip, and looked like aggrieved.

The madman Chu saw this and was unmoved.

"Don't pretend to be wronged here, it's useless."

at this time.

Master Huang Shan and others came up.

"Thank you Mr. Chu for saving your life."

Lord Huang Shan bowed, feeling a little complicated.

The madman of Chu in the past was not a life or death enemy to Wutong Mountain, but he was definitely not a friend.

After all, it was he who broke the dragon and phoenix marriage at the beginning.

But now, Madman Chu saved them.

The cause and effect of this is also wonderful.

"I'm just for Chu Hong. If it weren't for her, no matter how hard you fight Wutong Mountain with Shenlong Island, I wouldn't bother to come."

Madman Chu said bluntly.

"I know."

Lord Huangshan nodded In that case, I took Chu Hong away. From then on, she has nothing to do with Wutong Mountain. "

Madman Chu took Chu Hong and left.

"and many more."

Lord Huangshan gritted his teeth and said: "We are indeed sorry for the marriage in the past, but she is the Divine Phoenix after all. This level of identity cannot be given up. I want Chu Hong to come back. I will treat her as the next Wutong Mountain. For the cultivation of mountain masters, Mr. Chu must agree."

"Oh, what if I say no?"

"If Mr. Chu is unwilling, then I have nothing to say. With Mr. Chu's ability, who else can force Mr. in this Azure Orchid Immortal Realm?" Huang Shanzhu smiled bitterly.

"So, you are begging me, right."


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