Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Nine changes to Nirvana, the sincere 10 foot Phoenix Mountain Lord

"So, are you begging me?"

Madman Chu said lightly.


Master Huang Shan took a deep breath and nodded.

As a sacred beast, would she actually beg a human? Before this kind of thing was changed, she had never imagined it.

But now, she asked, and she asked willingly.

Because she knows very well that Wutong Mountain is very fragile after this war, and there is no one.

Even she was seriously injured, at least for these thousand years, she was unable to exert her full strength, and this was a fatal blow to Wutong Mountain, and it was bound to attract other major forces coveting Wutong Mountain.

Divine beasts have been very attractive to cultivators since ancient times. Beast blood refining alchemy talismans, animal bones, skins and feathers are used for refining tools. If you can grab a divine beast as a mount, it will be even more face-saving.

Therefore, Wutong Mountain now urgently needs a strong enough to deter the Quartet to sit in and deter those who are unruly towards the beast.

This is why she wants Chu Hong to return to Wutong Mountain. In addition to fancy Chu Hong's talent potential, more, there is a Madman Chu behind her. With him, who would dare to covet Wutong Mountain?

"Let Xiaohong go back to Wutong Mountain, I can't do this, Xiaohong, what do you think?" Madman Chu looked at Chu Hong and said.

He left the decision on this matter to herself.

"I want to be with my brother."

Chu Hong hardly hesitated.

"Well, you heard."

"Chu Hong, there is a secret book in Wutong Mountain that has been handed down since the ancient times and is suitable for the cultivation of a pure-blooded Divine Phoenix. There is no one in the Qinglan fairy world today that is more suitable for this secret book except you."

Chu Hong was moved when he heard this.

She is indeed missing a cultivation technique for Divine Phoenix. When she was in Divine Phoenix Mountain, she had been awakening her bloodline, but she had forgotten it.

"In addition, after you come back, we will not force you to do things you don't want, and you can act freely."

Seeing that Chu Hong was a little moved, Lord Huang Shan continued to speak.

Free action?

So what is the difference between this and not going back?

Chu Hong blinked.

Beside, Madman Chu passed a strange color before his eyes, he had already guessed what Huangshan's main idea was.

Do you want to protect Wutong Mountain in his name?



Chu Hong couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Madman Chu saw this and said lightly: "Go to Wutong Mountain first."

Hearing this, Lord Huang Shan's eyes lit up.

The meaning of this is... there is a play!

"it is good."

Mount Huang, supported by Huang Yinghong and Qingfeng, was ready to return to Wutong Mountain, and those who had surrendered before also ran back.

Lord Huangshan did not reject these people. After all, Wutong Mountain is now greatly injured and needs someone to build it.

Of course, she secretly kept these people in her heart, and she would definitely not be entrusted with important tasks in the future.


Wutong Mountain.

Lord Huangshan and others returned here, looking at the familiar Wutong Mountain in front of them, everyone felt like a world away.

They lost too much in the Dragon and Phoenix battle.

They even thought they would not be able to return.

"It's nice to be back."

Some people couldn't help but sigh.

Everyone rectified a bit.

Then, the Lord Huangshan took Chu Hong and the Madman Chu into a cave. This cave contained a lot of fire energy. Once an ordinary monk approached, he might even be burned to ashes.

Only a phoenix, a beast of the fire genus, can be safe and sound, and Madman Chu has a red lotus phoenix fire. Naturally, this ignition can be no problem for him, just like a warm wind.

They walked into the cave, filled with hot lava.

"This is the place where Wutong Mountain's veins most intersect. Only the mountain masters of the past can enter this place to practice."

As the Lord Huangshan said, taking the Madman Chu, Chu Hong came to the deepest part of the cave, where there was a red stone stele.

The stone tablet is full of countless mysterious scriptures.

"Oh, this is the secret code you said?"


Madman Chu looked at the inscription, Xiao Ai, the all-knowing spirit, started. Under his analysis, the stone tablet and the origin of the inscription emerged one by one.

"Nine Changes Nirvana Sutra!"

Madman Chu read out the name of this secret book.

And Chu Hong couldn't help but stepped up, put his hand on the stone tablet, and saw that the stone tablet shook, and actually began to echo with Chu Hong's blood, and countless mysterious scriptures poured into her mind.

Chu Hong immediately sat cross-legged, accepting the inheritance of the secret code.

It took a while before she woke up.

"What a mystical celestial scripture, this celestial scripture is indeed very suitable for my practice, but unfortunately, this is an incomplete version."

Chu Hong shook his head and sighed.

It is true that the Nirvana Sutra of the Nine Changes is not a complete version, but is incomplete, with only the contents of the first five changes.

However, there is no record of the last four changes.

"This is at least the immortal scripture created by the strongest person in the immortal who is already in harmony." Chu Madman said with emotion.

His comprehension is so powerful, all the Nirvana Sutra of the Nine Changes has been remembered in his mind, and he has even realized a general idea.

The degree of mystery is no less than Tushan Sutra and Yaochi Immortal Sutra.

"My Wutong Mountain masters of the past generations have enlightened this Nine Transformation Nirvana Sutra, but unfortunately, even if they have a thorough understanding, they will not be able to practice this immortal sutra. This is specially prepared for the pure blood Divine Phoenix."

Lord Huangshan looked at Chu Hong and said.

There are nine changes in this immortal sutra. Only the pure-blooded Divine Phoenix can practice in the first change, and only the second-awakened Divine Phoenix can practice in the second change...

By analogy, the ninth change, only the Divine Phoenix who has experienced nine bloodline awakenings can practice, and the conditions are too harsh.

In Wutong Mountain for so many years, even a pure-blood divine phoenix has not been born, let alone a divine phoenix that has been awakened nine times. Even in the complete fairy world, there are only a handful of divine beasts that have awakened seven times.

"You have already read this Nine Changes Nirvana Sutra. I don't know my request. How has Mr. Chu considered it?"

Lord Huangshan looked at Madman Chu and said.

"You give us the Nine Changes Nirvana Sutra first, don't you be afraid that we won't agree?" Chu Madman said lightly.

"Regardless of whether Mr. Chu agrees or not, I intend to pass the Nine Changes Nirvana Sutra to Chu Hong, because she is the only pure-blooded Divine Phoenix born in Wutong Mountain over the years." Huangshan said.

"Oh, you are sincere."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, and then he looked at Chu Hong, "Xiao Hong, would you like to be this Phoenix girl and inherit Wutong Mountain?"

"I listen to my brother, but I want to follow my brother."


Madman Chu nodded, and then looked at Mount Huang, "Xiao Hong can continue to be the Phoenix Girl of Wutong Mountain, but she will continue to follow me and will not be in charge of Wutong Mountain."

"Of course, you can also shelter Wutong Mountain in my name."

When Madman Chu said the words afterwards, Lord Huang Shan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. This is what she wants most now.

And she also came back to her senses. It turned out that Madman Chu could clearly see her calculations.

"Thank you sir." Master Huangshan said solemnly.

"No thanks. Strictly speaking, this is just a transaction. I helped Xiaohong take the Nine Transformation Nirvana Sutra, and you are living under my protection." Chu Madman said lightly.

"I sincerely hope that Chu Hong can come back."

Lord Huang Shan said sincerely.

Madman Chu glanced at her and said lightly: "Let's talk about it."

Master Huang Shan nodded. She knew that Madman Chu had a lot of criticisms about Wutong Mountain about the last marriage. This grudge can't be eliminated in a short while.

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