Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : I can slap one pile with one slap, Void Valley, where all parties gather

Jindi kills the fifth-grade Dixian in one second! !

The news spread fiercely from nowhere, which made the monks who thought that Emperor Jin could not defeat the Mad Man Chu suddenly calm down, and started investigating one by one.

And the result is that the news is true!

Not only that, when the Emperor Jin killed the fifth-rank earth immortal and several other earth immortals, it was very likely that he did not give his full strength.

"A big reversal! I didn't expect this Jindiyi to hide such terrifying strength, the fifth-grade earth immortal said that he would kill in a second!"

"This kind of thing can only be done by the top 9th-Rank Earth Immortal, or only the Celestial Immortal, and Jin Diyi may still have hidden strength. Tsk tsk, this guy, should not be underestimated."

"It seems that Madman Chu has encountered a strong opponent this time."

"Not bad..."

"Prince Demon Court, a well-deserved reputation."

"According to the rumors, the main body of the demon lord is the golden crow, the golden beast, and the golden emperor must also have the blood of the golden crow. You say, how far is his blood of the beast? Is it pure blood?!"

"It's not impossible..."

Originally, it was almost a one-sided trend for the victory or defeat of the final battle of Destiny, but now, Jindi made a strong shot and proved his strength. Many people felt that Jindi would win.

"I said, this Jindi is also the Crown Prince of the Demon Court anyway, how can he be so stupid that he is going to find his own death? It turns out that he is confident."

"Tsk, it seems that Madman Chu's undefeated legend is about to end."

"Yes, this world, after all, is not his stage alone, it's time for someone else to perform."

"A person is not good for a thousand days, and a flower is not red for a hundred days."

There is ups and downs outside.

But in a hundred schools, the Madman of Chu is very comfortable.

Regarding Jin Diyi's challenge, he didn't pay attention to it, he just slapped a fly when the time came.

"Big guy, big guy, I heard that Emperor Jin killed a fifth-grade earth fairy in one second!" The little fox rushed into the courtyard and said.

She was also very surprised when she heard the news just now, it was a fifth-grade earth immortal, the top master of the Qinglan immortal world!

Was actually killed by a spike?

That Jindiyi is so powerful? !

So she immediately ran back to notify Madman Chu, and wanted to see what countermeasures Madman Chu could deal with.

Madman Chu was also a little surprised when he heard this news, seeing that Jin Diyi's strength was much stronger than other Destiny.

But he didn't care much either. He yawned as he watched the jealous little fox, and said nonchalantly, "I see."

The little fox was stunned, just this reaction?

"Boss, don't you have any opinions?"

"What do you think?"

The little fox was also a little confused, "Boss, even if you are great, but Jindiyi doesn't seem to be bad, you..."

At this moment, Madman Chu was reading a book while drinking tea, and Lan Yu behind him was still rubbing his shoulders, full of comfort.

"It's too nervous, right."

Is this really good?

The little fox couldn't help being a little speechless inside.

"But it's just a fifth-grade land immortal. What's so nervous, I can slap a lot of it to death."

Madman Chu said calmly.


Slap a lot to death?

What do you think of the earth fairy? !

Also, aren't you also an earth fairy yourself?

The little fox didn't know how to answer.

"Forget it, the big boss is the best."

The little fox said, after spending many years with Madman Chu, she gradually developed a nearly blind worship of Madman Chu.


Void Valley.

This is a dangerous place in the Qinglan fairy world.

The space here is very unstable, and space turbulence will form from time to time, and people will be drawn into the void. Therefore, this place is also called the Void Valley. Except for some explorers, few people will come here.

But today.

Outside the Void Valley, heads of people were crowded, almost crowded.

Many people on the battleship, resisting the turbulence of space, came to the outskirts of Void Valley, they were all waiting for something.

Because the ten-day period is approaching!

"There are so many people here."

On a battleship, several young monks gathered. They looked at the dense warships around them, and the monks couldn't help but wonder.

"Look, that's a fairy!"

Suddenly, a young girl exclaimed.

I saw a few streams of light passing above them, and that was the immortal filled with the wave of strengthening immortality.

They came through the air, without the help of warships, treasures, and relying on their own strength to ignore the turbulence of the surrounding space.

This is a fairy.

The girl looked very excited. For most of the cultivators in the Qinglan fairy world, immortals are still very rare.

"Brother, is this battle really so important? It attracted so many immortals to watch it?"

After the girl was excited, she looked at a young man beside her.

They come from a fairy-level orthodoxy, but for them, the immortals are still inaccessible existences, and they are impossible to reach.

"Naturally." The young man called the senior nodded, and then solemnly said: "Junior sister, you have to know, this battle is likely to be recorded in the annals of history! Both sides of the battle are the geniuses of the younger generation. No, it is a bit inappropriate to describe them as the young generation. Although they are of the same generation as us, their strength has already stood at the top of the Qinglan fairy world!"

"I know, I know, one of them is Jindiyi. I have just gone down the mountain these few days. There are rumors everywhere that he killed a fifth-grade earth immortal in seconds. Oh my goodness, that's really scary."

The girl felt incredible after she said it.

To her, ordinary immortals are already superior figures, let alone an earth immortal who is stronger than ordinary.

"Well, Jin Diyi's strength is indeed surprising, but the other side of the decisive battle, Madman Chu, is even more a legend!!"

Speaking of the three words "Kuangren Chu", the young brother's eyes showed a look of almost fanatical worship.

Next to him, Junior Sister couldn't understand, "This Madman Chu really has a senior brother, do you say so well?"

"Junior Sister, you have been in retreat for the past few years and it is not clear. Let me tell you about it. This Madman of Chu is really a legend..."

The younger brother immediately introduced the Madman Chu to the younger sister, who looked like he was giving others Amway's idol.

And the depths of Void Valley. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

This is the most dangerous place in the Void Valley. The space splits from time to time, flooding with a lot of spatial turbulence.

Even the fairy must always use the fairy yuan to resist.

In a certain void area, a group of immortals gathered.

Almost all the high-ranking Taoist officials came, including Yuqing Immortal Gate, Xingtian Sage Gate of Hundred Colleges, Wutong Mountain, and Dayuan Shenchao.

"What a supreme demon court, it would actually choose to fight in such a place." Gong Yue said while looking at the Void Valley in front of her.

Next to him, Yin Honghua couldn't help frowning, "It was absolutely deliberate. They knew that the king was good at space methods, so they chose to fight in this extremely unstable place. They wanted to use this unstable space to let the king Can't use space means."

"It's more than that."

The dean walked up and looked at Void Valley and said, "You will know the veins of this place by carefully observing it."

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