Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Jindi 1 comes on stage, the morning sun rises, the sea of ​​clouds rides on the pho

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"Earth vein?"

When everyone heard the dean's words, they all observed the veins of Void Valley, and then their faces showed weird colors.

"The ground veins here are all destroyed."

"No, it's not just the ground veins of Void Valley, all the ground veins of hundreds of millions of miles have been destroyed!!"

"In other words, the earth immortal has no way to mobilize the earth's energy to bless him here. Tsk tsk, it is really well prepared."

"If I remember correctly, Madman Chu is good at formations, especially there is a large formation of geo-qi, which is infinitely powerful, but now that the ground veins here are all destroyed, his formation will not be used."

"Ha, the Demon Court has tried so hard to choose a place for the duel. It seems that they are madmen who have eaten Chu this time."

"Such a duel is unfair."

"Tsk, that big qi formation was originally a cheating method, but I think this will make this battle more attractive."

The immortals talked a lot.

Some felt that the Demon Court was despicable, and some felt that the Demon Court was properly considered, but most of them still looked like a theater.

"In this battle, why don't you persuade Fellow Daoist Chu not to come."

Gong Yue frowned.

Demon Court obviously prepared for this battle for a long time, but Madman Chu just hurriedly challenged, and the two sides were not equal at the beginning.

"Master, this is impossible."

Yin Honghua shook his head and said: "Since he has won this battle, there is absolutely no reason not to come. Even if the Demon Court comes out, he will definitely come, because he is the king!"

Whether it is a king or a monk, Madman Chu has his own pride and retreats without a fight. This is not the style of Madman Chu.

Yin Honghua knew this well.

boom! !

At this moment, the sky is suddenly surging!

I saw a magnificent golden warship flying into the sky, and on that warship stood one by one Golden Crow Guards in golden armor.

In addition to the Golden Crow Guard, there are dozens of top monsters that are rarely seen in ordinary times, all of which are of the level of the immortal.

"The Supreme Demon Court, here comes!"

"Hey, this demon-like appearance is worthy of the Supreme Demon Court. It is said that the Supreme Demon Court has annexed Shenlong Island. It is estimated that it will not be long before their strength will rise another step."

"Yes, if Emperor Jin wins this battle, then in time, this Qinglan Immortal Realm will be the demon court."

"That said, isn't my human race in danger?"

"That's not true. The Human Race has an academy, Yuqing Immortal Gate and other immortal ancient Taoist traditions, and the combination is enough to fight against the demon court."

Everyone exchanged, they were all a little surprised at the demon court's current background, but then, they were attracted by a figure.

On the golden warship, the big monsters gathered.

In front of the big demon, there was a young man.

This young man was dressed in dark gold armor, covered with barbs, and the mixture of demonic and evil spirits swept the wind and clouds, shaking the surroundings.

With just a glance, everyone felt a terrifying coercion from the young man, crushing like a mountain whistling a tsunami!

"What a powerful breath, he is Jin Diyi!"

"The demon court prince Jindiyi is really extraordinary."

Everyone looked at the dark golden body and knew that this person was one of the protagonists of this duel, Prince Jin Diyi of the Demon Court.

After I noticed the other's breath, I couldn't help but admire.

Although it is rumored that the other party can kill the fifth-grade earth immortal in seconds, it is only a rumor after all. After seeing it with their own eyes, they are sure that the other party really has the ability to kill the fifth-grade earth immortal, or even easily!

In the crowd, Qing Feng looked at Jin Diyi, and a shocked expression flashed across his eyes, "His strength is much stronger!!"

In the past, Qingfeng was caught by Emperor Jin in the demon court, originally intended to use it as a bargaining chip to constrain Wutong Mountain in the future.

But later, Qingfeng awakened Qingluan's bloodline and caused Qingluan Jing to escape. Finally, he was rescued by the madman of Chu and returned to Wutong Mountain.

So she met Jindiyi.

But now in the eyes of her Qingluan, the Jindiyi in front of her is completely different from the previous Jindiyi! !

"Is this the last destiny?! Can Young Master Chu handle him?" Qing Feng was also a little uncertain.

Since the last time Wutong Mountain had parted, she and Madman Chu hadn't seen each other for several years, and I don't know where the other party is now.

However, it is not so easy to deal with people with emptiness.

Thinking of this, Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"This person is weird."

Yin Honghua frowned when he looked at Jin Diyi.

Since seeing the other party, she felt that the will of the fairy world in her body was faintly breaking out and flying towards the other party.

Is this person really the destiny world chosen by the will of the fairy world?

Jin Diyi also noticed Yin Honghua, but he just glanced at the other person, and then ignored it.

For him, a Yin Honghua who only has the will of the immortal world is nothing to worry about. He cares about only one thing now!

He glanced across the crowd, "Madman Chu, haven't you come yet?"

Everyone looked at the dean of the academy.

As everyone knows, Madman Chu is the thirteenth gentleman of the academy.

"Oh, it's not time for the decisive battle, don't worry, don't worry, Fellow Daoist Chu has always been on time." The dean chuckled.

Indeed, it is only the ninth day.

Tomorrow is the ten-day period.

"Then I will wait for him all night!"

The Emperor Jin glanced at the gradually darkening sky, then fell from the battleship and stepped into the Void Valley.

At the moment of landing, the entire valley was shaken, and the originally fragile space was bursting apart because of his arrival!

Everyone was stunned secretly.

The momentum is so fierce, how terrifying is it? ?

Soon, night fell.

For the monk, the night is nothing, but the night in the Void Valley is exceptionally bright today.

That's right.

Just bright.

There was even a scorching heat in the air.

In the Void Valley, the Emperor Jin stood proudly, wearing a dark gold armor, with golden flames burning all over his body.

The flame was very bright, illuminating all directions, dispelling the darkness of Void Valley, making it tens of thousands of miles in radius, bright day!

Not only that, the flame contains the intent of war!

Emperor Jin was excited about the upcoming battle.

"Is that the Golden Crow Fire? It's really scary."

"Golden Crow Fire, the Divine Fire that ranks third with Huang Huo in the Divine Fire Ranking, with this breath, he is almost always a pure-blooded Golden Crow."

The immortals looked at Jindi in awe.

Soon, one night passed.

far away.

Dawn breaks and the sun rises.

"The ten-day period has come, hasn't Madman Chu come yet?"

Jindi looked at the dean.

"The prince please be calm and restless."

The dean said lightly.

"Hmph, if the madman Chu avoids the battle, I don't mind taking a trip to the academy and turning your academy upside down!!"

Jindi snorted and said in a domineering tone.

Hearing what he said, the dean's eyes flashed coldly, "Young junior, ranting, be careful that the old man will kill you!"

"President, why get angry."

The demon master said indifferently: "It's just that the ten-day period has come, but Madman Chu is not coming. Could it be that he is really timid?"

"Cut, UU reading, the sun hasn't fully risen yet, and the ten-day period is not counted." Yin Honghua said with a curled mouth.

And this time.


A loud huangming sound suddenly resounded through the clouds!

Everyone seemed to sense something and looked into the distance.

I saw that in the rising sun, there was a beautiful divine phoenix coming into the sky with the dawn of dawn. The phoenix fire was raging and dyed most of the sky red.

And on the back of the Divine Phoenix, there was a person dressed in white, standing against the wind, the morning sun shining on his face, extraordinary!

The morning sun is rising, the sea of ​​clouds rides on the phoenix, and the madman of Chu is coming day by day!

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1107 Jindiyi debuts, the rising sun, the sea of ​​clouds and the phoenix come day by day), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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