Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Jindi 1’s trump card, the fairy world will transform the destiny, the will of heave

"Chaos gods and demon, yin and yang life and death chart!"

Madman Chu opened his hands, and the meaning of yin and yang of life and death emerged.

A black-and-white Tai Chi picture appeared out of thin air, rapidly expanded, covering a radius of thousands of miles, and then smashed towards the falling Red Crow Star.

The two forces collided in the air.

The meaning of life and death and the golden crow fire are like raging waves, sweeping everywhere!

The entire Void Valley is almost completely broken!

In the smoke and dust.

The madman of Chu stands proud, his figure motionless like a mountain

"Your formation is not very powerful."

An indifferent voice sounded.

"Hmph, do you think the Chiwu Formation has only this blow?"

The Emperor Jin said coldly, his golden crow fire pouring out, pouring into the ground, and he would use this formation again.

But at this moment, Madman Chu stepped forward, and the terrifying Xianyuan suddenly poured out from his toes, breaking through the ground! !

Bang, bang!

Loud bangs came from the ground one after another, and then, the long pillars of flames gushing from the ground all around dissipated one after another.

Jindi's face changed slightly.

He felt that the red black formation in the ground was destroyed!

"How could this be? This formation is extremely mysterious, and the formation node is even more secretive, and it was so easily destroyed by him!"

"How did he do it?"

Seemingly aware of the change in Jin Diyi's face, Madman Chu smiled faintly, "I can use hundreds of millions of miles of ground energy as an array, you little red black array, in my eyes there is no secret at all!"

"Do you think it is ridiculous to fiddle with the formation in front of me?"

The Emperor Jin took a deep breath and was shocked, "I didn't intend to use this formation to solve you."

"What else have you prepared, take it out."

"Mad Chu, in order to defeat you, I prepared far more than you thought!" Jin Di sneered.

Suddenly there was brilliance flowing around him, and four golden lights flew out from him.

There are countless lines on the golden light, revealing an extremely terrifying coercion, that is the four lines...the will of the immortal world!

"Chu madman, see the real hole cards that I have studied over the years! Destiny, now!"

The Emperor Jin roared loudly, and the golden crow fire on his body gushed out and merged with the four groups of golden light around him.

Soon, the four fire men came together.

When these four fire men appeared, everyone's pupils shrank, and they couldn't help taking a breath.

Those four were actually Lin Yan, Yuanxu, Blood Buddha, Mingzi!

The four Tianmingzi who had been killed by Madman Chu reappeared with the help of Jindiyi's golden crow fire at a moment, and then fought Madman Chu!

"This, how is this possible!"

"Oh my God, how did Prince Demon Court do it?!"

"Why are they all alive?"

"No, they are not alive. This is the incarnation formed by the demon court prince fusing the golden crow fire with the will of the fairy world! Those groups of the will of the fairy world are probably from the destiny of the previous ones. This may be the reason why he can transform these people." Said in a long voice solemnly.

Although it can be explained, everyone still feels incredible when seeing the dead man reappearing.

"Madman Chu, are you surprised? This is the magical power I have developed to deal with you!" Jindi said when he looked at Madman Chu.

Madman Chu took a look, then shook his head, his mouth couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm, "It's really funny, this group of defeated generals, I didn't look at them when I was alive, but now, a few incarnations want to defeat me. , Is your mind flooded?"

Jindi's face sank, "Then give it a try!"


After the words fell, several Tianmingzi attacked the Madman Chu.

Lin Yan took the lead and shot a cold color in his eyes, and there was a divine fire hovering around him, turning into a huge fire fist and smashing towards the madman Chu.

"Madman Chu, take your life!"

On the other side, Yuan Xu rose into the sky, his fighting spirit flowed, and behind him, there was a headless God of War.

He holds a golden sword in his hand, and his domineering aura is undoubtedly revealed.

"Xingtian holy scripture, cut!"

The huge sword shadow cuts down in the air, tearing the void!

The Blood Buddha sat in the air, pinching the mysterious seal technique in his hand.


In an instant, the blood-colored Buddha's light circulated, and the phases of waves condensed.

Mingzi also aroused the surging demonic energy, turning into huge fingerprints!

These avatars not only look like the Destiny Son, but they also have almost the same moves. If there is any difference, it is that their cultivation base is stronger than when they were alive!

Each of them has reached the level of the third rank in the Earth Immortal, and under the mutual cooperation, the combat power has vaguely obtained a certain bonus!

This is the resonance of the will of the immortal world, similar to a certain combination of strikes.

The four destiny sons, attack together.

Few people in the entire Qinglan Immortal Realm could stop this kind of power, and even the Celestial Immortal would be difficult to resist.

But the madman Chu looked calm and unmoved.

I saw him slowly raising his hand, holding the sword high, and the surrounding wind and clouds were surging, and the aura of the waves gathered like a flood.

The madman of Chu's immortal yuan flowed and turned into pure and sharp sword aura!

The pupils of the sword repairmen within hundreds of millions of miles shrank slightly, and they could feel the horror of Madman Chu's sword more than other monks.

"The Providence is like a sword!"

Madman Chu spoke indifferently.

In an instant, the majesty of the sky gushing out, and the will of heaven transforms the sword intent!

A purple sword shadow across the sky was cut down fiercely!

The huge fire fist, the scarlet giant Buddha, the devilish energy, the intent to fight and other attacks all disappeared under this sword.

Upon seeing this, those destiny sons couldn't help but change their expressions and tried their best to resist the blow, but they were still swept by this terrifying sword power, and they were blown out one by one, and the Dao lines on their bodies almost collapsed.

Jindi's eyes condensed, "This sword technique has never been seen before! He actually has a hidden cultivation technique!!"

The other monks couldn't help but marvel at this sword.

"What a terrifying kendo fairy method."

"This has to be the Golden Immortal Technique, it's too powerful, this attack power is not much weaker than his Yin Yang life and death chart."

After a sword, the entire Void Valley space was divided into two, a huge sword mark spanning millions of miles!

The surviving swords turned around, making everyone daunted.

"This sword is the best sword in the Qinglan fairy world!"

Jian Guan couldn't help but exclaim.

The rest of Jian Xiu did not refute.

This sword, let them see an unprecedented peak!

Ninety percent of the sword cultivators at the scene understood that even if they worked hard for a lifetime, they might not be able to reach the height of this sword. U U Reading

The space in the Void Valley hasn't been restored for a long time, and the madman of Chu stood proudly, holding Kunwu in his hand, looking indifferently at the destiny on the opposite side, "I'm tired of playing this game."

The sword's edge deflected, and the sword intent of God's will like a sword poured out again!

Another sword slashed out, the dazzling purple sword light shattered the world, and the remaining destiny could not resist at all, shattered on the spot, and re-turned into golden light to escape back into Jin Diyi's body.


Jin Diyi was a little annoyed. After preparing so much, he still couldn't defeat Madman Chu. Is this person really invincible?

"Golden Crow Probe Claw!"

He grabbed it with one claw and turned it into a giant flame claw!

With a blast of Sla, a sword light flashed across, the flame giant claws were easily torn apart, and the sword light fell on Jindi Yi like a bamboo, slashing him directly for dozens of miles.

If it weren't for the defensive celestial weapon, this sword, he would probably be hit hard.

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