Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : The will of the 7 immortals gathered together, and the third leg of the Golden Crow

The first thousand and eleventh chapters of the main text: the will of the seven immortal realms gather, the third leg of the Golden Crow is against the philosophers

"Site selection, destruction of ground veins, formations, fairy weapons, or the incarnation of the will of the fairy world, in order to defeat me, it is really difficult for you."

"It's just that I don't want to play this game anymore."

"So, let's end here."

Madman Chu said lightly, approaching the Emperor Jin step by step.

In his hand, the sword intent of God's will entangled on Kun Wu, and the sword like white jade was flowing with a chilling light.

"How can it be!!"

"How could I be defeated, Madman Chu, don't underestimate me, I still have a hole card!!" Jin Di shouted loudly.

I saw him take out a piece of fairy artifacts, most of those fairy artifacts were ordinary artifacts, and there were even a few earth artifacts mixed in them.

"go with!"

Pieces of fairy artifacts swiftly flew towards Madman Chu, and when they approached him, they bloomed with dazzling light and terrifying power brewed in them.


Jindi snorted coldly.

A series of explosive sounds resounded throughout the Void Valley.

He actually blew a lot of fairy tools!

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

"The Demon Court is worthy of being a Demon Court, and its background is rich enough to be able to blew so many fairy artifacts for Prince Demon Court."

"Yes, it is indeed proud."

"This kind of self-destructive power, even if it's an immortal, is enough."

In the Void Valley.

As soon as King Jin looked at Madman Chu who was buried by violent energy, he laughed and said, "Madman Chu, self-explosive magic weapon, this is one of your best methods, I don't know how it feels!!!"

He believed.

Under this kind of attack, the Madman Chu would be severely injured if he did not die.

"so so."

An indifferent voice came from the smoke and dust.

Madman Chu walked out of the smoke and dust, his eyes were calm as before, his white clothes were as old as old, not stained with dust, not to mention the slightest injury.

"How, how is it possible?!"

Jindi's pupil shrank.

Such strength, he was unscathed? !

No matter how strong his physical body is, even if he is really good at immortal gold, but such an attack is unreasonable and unscathed!

He underestimated the physical strength of Madman Chu! !

"The Providence is like a sword!"

Madman Chu raised Kun Wu in his hand and cut out with a sword.

Purple sword light blasted out again. This time, the heavenly immortal weapon on Jin Diyi suddenly burst, and the Dao pattern on it was directly broken.

Once Jindi was chopped with sword qi, he vomited blood, his face pale as paper.

"Damn it!"

As soon as the Emperor Jin stood up, he let out a long roar, his eyes were red, and the golden crow fire rose into the sky, and the will of the five immortals circled around him.

The terrifying coercion spread out, shaking the sky!

In the distance, the will of the immortal world in Yin Honghua's body broke out uncontrollably, and flew towards Emperor Jin Yi.

"what happened?"

Not only Yin Honghua, but the other monks were also surprised.

"This is... the resonance of the will of the fairy world?!"

"The Will of the Immortal Realm is helping Jin Diyi?"

In the Void Valley, Madman Chu also felt that the will of the immortal world in his body was flying towards the Emperor Jin uncontrollably.

At this point, the will of the seven immortals have all gathered!

The Emperor Jin stood up in the air, and the will of the seven immortal realms hovered around him. At this moment, he was covered with golden light, countless patterns circling in the void, thousands of auspicious auras surged, and his power was magnificent.

Like a fairy king!

There is no doubt that Jin Diyi at this moment is the only focus between heaven and earth, and everyone's eyes are on him.

In the direction of the demon court, the demon lord couldn't help laughing, "My son is the destiny! He is the destiny! What kind of madman Chu, what anomaly, in front of him are all chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning! "

Everyone frowned.

"Unexpectedly, the Destiny World would be born under this situation."

"The Demon Court...haven's fate."

high altitude.

Jin Diyi, who had been beaten so embarrassed, was Xianhui shining at the moment, looking at Madman Chu vigorously, "I am the destiny world, and today I will take the place of heaven and get rid of anomalies!!"

I saw the aura on his body rising steadily, and then, the void exploded, and a dark golden flame giant claw appeared in the air.

The claws were filled with tyrannical waves, as if they could tear the void with a slight movement, and the flames above could burn the river and boil the sea.

"Golden Crow, the third leg!!"

The Emperor Jin gave a long roar.

In the distance, the demon lord was overjoyed, "It is actually a bloodline vision that can only be mastered by the second-awakened Golden Crow beast, the third leg of the Golden Crow!"

According to rumors, the Golden Crow has three legs.

In addition to the physical characteristics, the third leg of this monster that is different from the ordinary bird also contains very terrifying power, which can derive a kind of blood anomaly power, the third leg of the Golden Crow!

But this kind of powerful vision is often only the second awakening Golden Crow can master, but now, Jindiyi has grasped this kind of blood vision in advance with the help of the will of the seven immortals.

"Mad Chu, feel the power of the Golden Crow's third leg!"

As soon as Emperor Jin urged his power, the third-footed vision of the Golden Crow was immediately suppressed by Madman Chu. Under the huge flame claws, Madman Chu's body appeared extremely small.

With the blessing of the will of the seven immortals, coupled with the third-foot vision, the current Golden Emperor is extremely powerful.

"Even if the immortal world will help you, even if it is a vision of a beast? I am a madman, only one appears forever, and one is mad forever! The heaven and the earth are especially arrogant, not to mention your little golden crow!"

A gleam of light burst out of Madman Chu's eyes, and the chaos **** and demon body and the only source body were simultaneously displayed!

With the two major physique bonuses, the madman Chu's aura is so strong that it suppresses the nine heavens and ten places, which is more aloof than Jin Diyi!

The next moment.

Behind the Madman Chu, Taoist sings suddenly, UU reading www. appeared one after another, or holding a scroll, or holding a weapon...

A solemn breath poured out.

"Pictures of a hundred schools of thought!"

The dean exclaimed, "Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Chu really mastered this Hundred Schools of Masters that even the Most Sacred Master might not be able to master!"

The third leg of the Golden Crow, a hundred schools of thought!

Two visions collide in the air!

Seeing the Golden Crow's third leg began to tremble, it seemed to be broken!

"How is it possible! The Golden Crow is about to lose in the third leg?!"

The demon master felt unbelievable.

And the dean looked proud, "That's natural. Although the golden beast is strong, how can it be against the hundreds of families?"


Madman Chu squeezed his five fingers and punched out, and a terrifying force burst out of his seemingly thin body!

Fist swept out, and under the blessing of the two physiques and Baijiatu, the mountains and rivers fell everywhere, and the world collapsed!

With the punch of the third kick of the Golden Crow, it completely collapsed!

"Impossible!" Jindi was full of disbelief. Then, he shook hands with the immortal weapon Tyrant Halberd, and under the blessing of the will of the immortal realm, he slashed at the Madman Chu, "Tyrant Halberd, cut it for me!!"

"Jiuzhou Ding!"

Madman Chu took out the Jiuzhou Ding without saying a word.

The Kyushu Cauldron and Batian Halberd crashed together, and the terrifying force shook the surrounding void, and the entire Void Valley was directly destroyed!

The powerful counter-shock force caused by the collision between the tripod and the halberd made Jin Diyi's mobile phone almost torn.

The Tyrant Halberd was shocked and shot out.

"The outcome is determined!"

This thought suddenly popped up in everyone's mind.

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