Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : You don’t need to stay in the Demon Court, the 3 gods besie the Demon Lord

The first thousand and twelve chapters of the text: the demon court does not need to stay, the three gods besiege the demon master

"The outcome is determined!"

"Mad Chu, you won!"

This idea came to everyone's mind.

Although I had anticipated it, I still felt something incredible.

You know, that is the destiny world who has gathered the will of the seven immortal worlds. In a sense, it represents the existence of the Qinglan fairy world, but it was defeated by the madman Chu!

In other words, Madman Chu defeated the Qinglan fairy world? !

"I lost, I lost..." Jin Diyi's expression changed, and he fell into deep self-doubt.

After preparing for so long, but still defeated.

Moreover, the defeat was a complete mess!

He couldn't even hurt the madman, and all the methods he displayed were easily dismantled by the opponent.

"Haha...I lost, I lost..."

"What destiny world, it's all shit!"

Jin Diyi suddenly laughed and looked crazy.

He is crazy!

Madman Chu didn't have any mercy in his eyes, the sword in his hand deflected, and the cold sword energy would gush out at any time.

"Madman Chu, stop!"

In the distance, the demon master was anxious.

His figure turned into a streamer and flew towards the Madman Chu.

But Madman Chu fell on deaf ears.

Kun Wu sword cut.


Heaven transforms sword intent, heaven is majestic!

The purple sword light completely enveloped Jin Diyi, and the defensive celestial weapon on his body had already been damaged, and he couldn't stop this sword at all.


A cloud of blood, exploded on the spot!

"Madman Chu!! I want you to die!!"

Slowly a step, the demon lord who watched the death of Emperor Jin was so angry that his face was grim and his eyes were splitting.

The Golden Crow cremated into a huge fireball, and smashed it fiercely towards the madman of Chu!

"Demon Court today, there is no need to keep it anymore."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Raising his hand with a sword, the will of heaven is like a sword, tearing the fireball, and fighting against the demon lord at the level of the immortal, without losing the wind.

In the next instant, his cultivation completely broke out.

Sixth grade immortal!

Everyone was shocked.

When Kuangren Chu returned to the immortal world a few years ago, he was only a third-rank earth immortal, and now he is directly promoted to sixth-rank.

This speed is too scary, you know, it is difficult for ordinary immortals to be promoted to the first grade, not for thousands of years.

"When he was fighting Jindiyi just now, the cultivation base he used was not stronger than Jindiyi, and he was also a fifth-grade earth immortal."

"In other words, in the previous battle, he didn't use all his strength!"

"Or, is it his full power now?"

A monk couldn't help but exclaimed.

Madman Chu hid too deeply.

It is never clear what hole cards he hides!

"You still hide your strength."

The demon master said with a gloomy expression.

"Guess, is my strength now?"

The madman Chu said lightly, the sixth-grade earth immortal cultivation base broke out, and the two major physiques plus the blessing of the philosophers' Baijiatu vision, he now has the power to fight even when facing the middle-grade heavenly immortal.

"Golden Crow Exploring Claws!!" The demon master roared, urging his cultivation base with all his strength, and a giant flame claw blasted towards Madman Chu.

The madman of Chu waved his sword, and the will of heaven was displayed like a sword.

Two forces collided, and each retreated!

"Demon Lord, your Demon Court is too presumptuous!"

The dean snorted softly.

He also shot, not only him, but also Gong Yue of Yuqing Immortal Gate followed closely, and the two great gods shot, and immediately suppressed the demon master.

"Demon Lord, pay for my husband!"

At this time, a cold voice sounded.

It is the Lord Huangshan of Wutong Mountain!

The Supreme Demon Court conquered Shenlong Island and attempted to annex Wutong Mountain, although it failed because of the intervention of Madman Chu.

But the Lord Fengshan of Wutong Mountain died in that battle.

Now, how could Lord Huangshan not shoot?


The demon Lord's face was so gloomy, a dean of an academy alone was enough for him, let alone three gods joined forces.

Madman Chu glanced at the three heavenly immortals besieging the demon master, then looked at the demon court battleship in the distance, his eyes flashed with killing intent.

Cut the grass to get rid of the roots!

He said that the demon court cannot stay!

Then, it can only be destroyed!

He stepped forward and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And on the golden battleship, all the great monsters seemed to notice something, their expressions changed drastically, and one great monster shouted, "Alert!!!"

"Watch out for what? Watch out for me?"

An indifferent voice suddenly rang in the ears of the demons.

At some point, a figure dressed in white appeared on the deck of the battleship, it was Madman Chu.

The pupils of the demons were trembling violently, and then they urged the demons to attack him frantically.

They knew that it was either Chu Kuangren died or they died today!

"You still have the courage to resist, not bad."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and then, he didn't even use the Kunwu Sword, the sword's finger condensed, and he suddenly slashed towards the surroundings!

The purple sword light swept across the void, destroying a crowd of demons, and even across their bodies before the demons had time to react.

The next moment.

Bang, bang, bang...

Blood mist erupted one after another!

The bodies of the monsters were broken directly! !

Providence is like a sword, slash the demons!

And among these great demons, there is no shortage of earth immortals and the like. Seeing this scene, the demonic cultivators are full of horror, where is the intent to fight?

"Devil, this demon..."

"Come on, we are not his opponents at all."

"Devil, don't come over..."

The demons either ran away, stayed in a daze, or collapsed to the ground due to fright...

Madman Chu's sword condensed, his sword pointed to the sky.

Sword Intent Transforms Providence!

A terrifying coercion fell from the sky, as unpredictable as the power of the sky, those demon cultivators who were about to flee were all lying on the ground under this coercion.

Then, the madman of Chu changed his sword intent again and suddenly cut it out.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and it is another piece of stump and broken arm.

Everyone looked at the figure who was slaughtering Demon Xiu and couldn't help but swallowed their saliva secretly, with deep fear in their eyes. UU reading

They can already be sure.

In the future, no matter who offends in the Qinglan fairy world, no one can offend the madman Chu, the holy city, the **** fire Mingjiao, the Jinshan Temple, and even the Shenlong Island, the Lin Family, the Supreme Demon Ting...

Each one was slaughtered by him, one person and one sword!


At this time, a powerful breath broke out in the distance.

I saw that the demon Lord was burning with blood light, and he broke through the siege of the three great immortals, turning into a stream of light and gliding into the distance.

That is a secret method that consumes life.

"Oh, escaped."

Madman Chu glanced at the demon master who disappeared in the sky, and then didn't pay too much attention to it, the current demon master was no longer a threat to him.

Then, he wiped out the other demons one by one.

He looked at the seven celestial wills in the sky, and for some unknown reason, these seven celestial volitions were suspended in the air and did not leave as usual.

Madman Chu ignored him, grabbed the seven groups of immortality will in his hands, threw them into the Universe Ring, and said to the dean, "Everyone, I'm going to the Demon Garden. Is it?"

"Ha, go together!"

"My husband's hatred, I must avenge it."

The dean, Gong Yue, and Lord Huangshan all shined.

The Demon Court is now at the end of the battle, they have no reason to let go of this opportunity, and the rest of the forces also want to get a share.

It's just that Madman Chu doesn't need them.

Soon, Madman Chu went to the demon court.

Behind him, a group of monks followed closely, even if they couldn't get a share of the pie, but this kind of excitement was not worth it.

Maybe you can still fish in troubled waters, and you may not get some benefits.

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