Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Destroying the Demon Court, 2 swords to cut the heavens, the **** tree Fusang

The first thousand and eleventh chapters of the text: Destroying the Demon Court, Slashing the Heavens with Two Swords, and the God Tree Fusang

The supreme demon court, the ancient orthodoxy.

As one of the ancient fairy tales of the past, the Supreme Demon Court has an extraordinary background. Although most people went to watch because of the Battle of Void Valley, there were still some earth immortals left to guard it.

It is said that there is still a Tier 1 Tianxian hidden in the depths of this demon court.

Although not as good as the demon master, but also very powerful.

After all, although it is only a first-grade product, it is also a god.

"Hey, the prince vs. Madman Chu, it must be an extremely exciting battle, but unfortunately, we can't go anymore."

"Yes, it's a pity."

At the gate of the splendid Demon Court, several demon modifiers were chatting, and they felt regretful when they talked about the Battle of Void Valley.

The Prince of the Demon Court, the owner of the will of the five groups of the immortal world, and the Madman Chu is the most popular person in the Qinglan immortal world today.

The battle between these two people is bound to be extremely exciting, and even the outcome of this battle is directly related to the future pattern of Qinglan Immortal Realm.

"After this battle, the prince will become the son of the destiny world, and in the future, he will surely lead me to dominate the immortal world with the demon court."

Said a demon cultivator who highly respected Emperor Jin.

"Yes, the prince's strength is unfathomable. Even if the Madman Chu is blown out, he is definitely not the prince's opponent."

"Well, Madman Chu should be defeated at this time."

"That Madman Chu is just a mere fame."

Several demon repairs said with a smile.

Although they knew that Madman Chu was very strong, the status of the demon cultivator who admired the prince was not low, and the other demon cultivators naturally echoed a few words.


This is a demon court, so you can't grow up the ambition of others, right?

boom! !

Just when several demons were talking and laughing.

In the distance, spiritual energy rushed, wind and clouds rolled, a million-meter purple sword shadow rose to the sky, smashing the sky and the earth! !

The sword intent is like heaven's will, and it is unpredictable!

"not good!!"


The faces of the demon cultivators changed drastically, and their faces were full of shock.

In their horrified eyes, the purple sword shadow abruptly slashed on the body of the demon court gate, and accompanied by a loud noise, the entire demon court gate was split in half!

Not only that, the huge sword energy still slashed out towards the depths of the demon garden after slicing the gate, where the sword energy spread, various gorgeous palace buildings, and the treasures of cultivation were all broken!

Not to mention some demon repairers who were affected by the sword aura, there was no resistance at all in front of the sword aura, and they exploded and died.

"Someone has attacked the demon court."

"Asshole, who is it, so bold!"

"Don't die?"

"Well, what a terrifying sword spirit, who did it on earth?"


The entire demon court fell into unprecedented turbulence and panic.

When the sword qi dissipated, the entire demon court was already riddled with holes, and an extremely huge sword mark split the entire demon court into two halves from beginning to end, which was stunned and shocking.

The demons looked into the distance.

I saw a young man dressed in white stepping into the air, and every step he took, his power increased by a point.

When he came to the gate of the demon court, that vast and boundless might almost enveloped all the demon cultivators, everyone, like a heavenly might!

"Well, what a terrifying breath!"

"It's him! Madman Chu!"

Some people recognized the person and took a breath.

"How is it possible! Shouldn't he be in Void Valley?"

"Is it impossible..."

Someone also guessed something.

"Did the prince lose?! How else could he appear here! No, no, it's impossible."

The demon cultivator who admired Jindi Yi very much saw this scene, with a deep look of horror and incredible color in his eyes.

Madman Chu came to the door of the Demon Court, and behind him, a number of figures appeared one after another.

Gong Yue, Dean, Lord Huangshan, Sword Crown and Mr. Da...

"Today, the demon court does not exist!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the entire demon court.

In the demon court, countless cultivators rushed out one after another, looking at Madman Chu, with solemn, jealous, and suspicion in his eyes.

"Why Madman Chu is here?"

"Where are the demon masters?"

Everyone is puzzled.

Even if the prince loses, what about the demon master and other big demon?

Some monks who came to watch looked at these demon cultivators with pity in their eyes. These demon cultivators didn't know that the demon master and others had been wiped out in the Void Valley, and they were now beaten up.

"To destroy my demon garden, dream!!"

A cold shout sounded from the depths of the demon court.

An immortal power broke out!

With a roar, a giant tiger with its back and wings rushed out from the depths of the demon court, and the violent killing energy swept through it.

"Oh, Qiongqi!"

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qiongqi, a fierce beast whose bloodline talent is no less than that of a divine beast.

He has seen a lot of Qiongqi, the four evil spirits have seen, but those are only monsters with a trace of the blood of the four evil spirits.

And the bloodline of the Qiongqi in front of him was very close to that of the pure-blooded Qiongqi. With the addition of the Celestial level combat power, it was extremely powerful.

"Unfortunately, if you are pure-blooded and strange, coupled with the cultivation base of this celestial immortal, maybe I will still be afraid of it, but only then, who gives you the courage to be presumptuous in front of me!" Chu Madman said indifferently.

He stepped out in one step, and the only source body, the chaotic **** and demon body, exploded together, and pointed like a sword, sweeping out the sky-shattering sword intent!

"The Providence is like a sword!"

God's will is like a sword, cut the poor!


Qiongqi's face changed drastically, and he couldn't believe it.

Looking at the falling purple sword light, I only felt a tremor in his body. He, a god, was trembling in front of an earth god? !

How can this be? !

But the sword light has whizzed out!

Qiongqi Tianxian was directly cut and flew Jianguang tore the body guard Xianyuan from his body and tore his body.

A large amount of Qiongqi blood spattered out.

With one sword, Qiongqi Tianxian was hit hard!

Madman Chu did not hesitate and cut out again with a sword. This time, Qiongqi Tianxian's head was completely cut off and he was killed on the spot!

Two swords!

Madman Chu, two swords cut the heavens!

When the others saw this, they only thought it was too incredible.

The dean and others were also stunned secretly.

"This kind of combat power far beyond the realm, no matter when I see it, I feel incredible." Gong Yuet said astonished.

The death of Qiongqi Tianxian made the rest of the big monsters in the demon court pale with fright, without fighting intentions, and immediately fled towards the surroundings.

The rest were intercepted and killed.

The scene is almost a one-sided trend.

With a movement of the madman's immortal consciousness, he swept across the entire demon court, and did not find the existence of the demon master, "I was so scared that I dare not come back?"

Madman Chu sneered.

He didn't care too much.

This supreme demon court is one of the strongest immortal Taoist traditions in the Qinglan Immortal Realm. It has a lot of hidden treasures.

Madman Chu's current goal is on these treasures.

After some scraping, he gained a lot.


He suddenly whispered, as if he had found something interesting, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the depths of the demon court.

In front of him, there is a towering tree.

A huge mulberry tree with red trunk and golden leaves.

"This is... Fusang!"

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