Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Move the entire demon garden away, striving to win over the world

The first thousand and eleventh chapters of the main text: Move the entire demon court away, and strive to overcome the world

Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then the invincible text volume Chapter 1,114: Move the entire demon court away, and strive to win the world. "This is... Fusang!"

Madman Chu glanced at the ancient tree in front of him quite unexpectedly.

"Xiao Ai, analyze it."

"Analyzing... the branch of the sacred tree hibiscus, the attribute is *the ability to gather spiritual energy, which can assist in cultivation..."

After Xiaoai's analysis, Fusang's message came to mind.

The madman of Chu was amazed, looking at the towering ancient tree tens of thousands of feet in front of him, "The branch of hibiscus, the hibiscus tree in front of you is just a branch of the complete hibiscus, how big should the complete hibiscus be?"

"The attribute is yang...but there are rumors that the hibiscus is actually composed of two big mulberry trees that support each other, one yin and one yang. Is this the branch of the yang hibiscus? It's a good harvest."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, he thought about how to take the hibiscus tree away.

Put in the universe ring?

No, the Qiankun Ring is okay to let go of the dead. This hibiscus tree is obviously a living thing. If you want to let the Qiankun Ring, it will die soon.

In addition, this hibiscus tree contains a huge amount of energy. Although the Universe Ring in his hand is of high level, it may not be able to bear it.

Refined into the body...

He has only refined immortal artifacts.

He hasn't refined such living creatures before, and has no such experience.


Madman Chu's immortal consciousness moved and found that although the rhizome of this hibiscus tree was connected to the entire demon garden, it was not difficult to uproot it with his ability, but what about after it was uprooted?

Which to plant?

What if the plant is dead if the water and soil are not satisfied in another place?

Madman Chu thought for a while, "It's decided, let's take this Demon Garden away together. As for the hibiscus plant, I'll talk about it then."

He thought about it, and then immortal consciousness surged, covering the entire demon court.

This demon court was suspended in the air like an island, his figure disappeared in the same place in a flash, and came below the demon court.

Someone discovered the movements of Madman Chu.

"What is he going to do?"

Some monks couldn't help being curious.

The others also looked at.

Below the demon court.

Numerous Dao patterns cover the surface of the Demon Court, forming a large formation, and it is this great formation that allows the Demon Court to stay in midair.

Madman Chu wants to move the demon court, he must first break the formation.

It is not difficult for him.

The level of his formation is so high that no one can match the Qinglan Immortal Realm, but even for him, it will take some time to crack the formation.

He was too lazy to spend time, so he chose the easiest way.

"Xiao Ai, analyze the weaknesses of this formation."

"Analyzing... the weak spot has been locked!"

Xiao Ai, the all-knowing spirit, quickly analyzed this big formation thoroughly and found the weakest part of this formation.

Madman Chu's gaze was like a torch, and the weakest part of the formation appeared in front of him, and then the immortal essence in his body circulated and punched out.

Immortal Yuan, Immortal Consciousness and physical power all exploded at this moment!

boom! !

In an instant, the entire demon court trembled frantically.

Countless lines are broken one after another!

The demon court is crumbling.

The next moment.

The huge demon court began to land from high in the sky.

When everyone saw this, their faces changed slightly.

"The Madman Chu is going to destroy the entire demon court."

"Tsk tusk, even the Demon Court itself is not let go, it's really ruthless."

"It's a pity, I heard that the demon masters of the past generations spent a lot of materials to build this demon garden. There are countless kinds of immortal gold stones. These building materials are worth a lot of immortal crystals."

"Yes, but it's all gone now."

"No, you see..."

Suddenly a monk noticed that the Demon Court had landed, but Madman Chu was under the Demon Court, motionless, and the huge Demon Court that had fallen above his head smashed at him like a sky, but he was still unmoved!

What is he going to do?

Everyone has some doubts.

In the next scene, they saw Madman Chu raise his hand, and the big demon garden fell into his hand. The terrifying impact made his body tremble, but in the next moment, every muscle in his body trembled with that terrifying impact. In this tremor, he was cleverly moved away.

This is the way to relieve strength.

Madman Chu has gone through so many battles, and some fighting skills have already been mastered. This method of unloading power is one of them.

He is holding the demon court, his figure as steady as a sacred mountain!

Everyone looked stunned.

"The impact that the Demon Court smashed was enough to crush the body of a heavenly immortal, but he was caught by him?!"

"How far has his physical body reached?!"

Everyone felt incredible.

And some monks had guessed what Madman Chu was going to do.

"He intends to take away this entire demon court!!"

"My God, I really don't keep it for us at all."

Some monks who plan to come to fish in troubled waters, wait for Madman Chu to leave, and then go to the Demon Court to see if they can find something with their faces confused.

Madman Chu has taken the entire demon court away, how can they fish in troubled waters? ? This time, it came for nothing.

Madman Chu didn't have any thoughts, he took away the demon court only for the sacred hibiscus tree above.


Madman Chu gave a deep cry, and took the Demon Ting towards the academy.


Within a hundred colleges.

The students are practicing, and some are chatting.

Suddenly, one of them looked into the distance, and his pupil suddenly shrank.

"Then, what is that?!"

I saw in the clouds, a glorious palace was rushing towards the academy, vaguely, there were countless demon repair corpses in that palace.

"That is, Supreme Demon Court?!"

Some students recognized the demon court.

"What's the situation, why did Demon Court come here?"

"Are they going to go to full-scale war with my college? And, how come there are so many dead bodies on it?"

The students were puzzled, but they were also facing an enemy.

"Look, under the demon court..."

Suddenly, UU read www. The sharp-eyed students discovered something.

I saw a white spot under the demon court.

The white spot is too insignificant compared to the huge demon court, but the white spot under the demon court gives everyone a very strange feeling, as if this white spot supports the entire demon court!

Looking closer, they gasped.

Isn't the white spot the most respected and beloved Mr. Chu?

I saw Kuang Chu’s man holding the demon court in his hand, stepping into the air, and his whole body was shining with celestial glory, his black hair flying, like a **** of the world! !

Struggle to beat the world! !

The students swallowed their saliva and their faces were shocked!

"Mr. Chu, this is bringing the entire Demon Court back!"

"Where is the Demon Lord? Where is the Prince Demon Court?"

"Damn, don't you see the corpses above? Needless to say, Mr. Chu must have chopped it down!"

"Mr. Chu is amazing!!"

The crowd looked at the Madman Chu with all their faces in worship.

The Madman Chu was holding the Demon Court, and soon came to a mountain range near the academy, his arm shook, and he threw the Demon Court out.

The moment the demon court landed, thousands of miles around was shaken!

"Well, let's do that first."

Madman Chu whispered.

At this time, no mathematicians in the academy ran out to watch.

"This is the Demon Court, but it's magnificent."

"No matter how splendid and magnificent, it is not that Mr. Chu moved back. You see, that huge sword mark almost cut the entire demon court in half. This must be Mr. Chu's handwriting."

"And that, that's... Qiongqi! This is dead and there is still such a terrifying evil spirit left, is it a god?!"

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