Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Take the world with you, 1 divide the sky, create the world with earth and water

The first thousand and eleventh chapters of the text: Take the world with you, open the sky in one stroke, and create the world

Ten consecutive draws at the beginning and then invincible. The first and fifth chapters of the text volume: Take the world, open up the world, create a world with wind, water and fire. The Madman Chu moved the demon court back to the academy, attracting a crowd of no mathematicians, but he did not. Don't mind, let those students walk around in the demon garden, but he set some restrictions near Fusang.

Shortly after.

He went back to rest.

Fighting Jindiyi first, then fighting the demon master and the great demon, and now also moved the demon court back, if it were other people, even in the realm of heavenly immortals, Xian Yuan would have been exhausted several times.

Even Madman Chu has consumed nearly half of the cents.

He wants to adjust his interest rate.

He likes to keep himself fully charged at all times.

Perhaps, he has such a lost obsessive-compulsive disorder?

"Huh...recovery is complete."

Two days later.

Madman Chu, who had taken a lot of pills, recovered to his peak state.


Madman Chu finds out the fantasy roulette and draws a lottery.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a super **** prize to carry the world."

Madman Chu was stunned.

Madman Chu's mouth opened with a grin.

Madman Chu couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's been many years, and finally let me draw another super **** level prize. It's not easy." Madman Chu was a little excited.

Then he took a deep breath and calmed his mind slowly.

He opened the inventory and clicked the switch to the introduction of the portable world.

Take the world.

Super God-level prizes, this is an exclusive host world, unaffected by foreign rules and other will...

Madman Chu looked at the introduction and couldn't help but marvel at it. This portable world, just like its name, is really a world.

He extracted the prize.

Soon, a colorful light group appeared in the void. This light group was the exclusive world of Madman Chu.


The light group penetrated into Chu Madman's body.

In an instant, his consciousness also came to the light group, and then he came to a whole new world.

The world is gray, like chaos.

"Is this my world? This scene is really shabby." Madman Chu murmured.

Then, with a thought, he raised his hand and swiped in the air.

In an instant.

I saw the endless chaos split with his stroke, the chaotic air rushed in all directions, and a huge void appeared, and in that space, countless light spots gathered.

Stars formed and turned into a huge galaxy.

Madman Chu, opened the sky in one stroke! !

"I rely on..."

Madman Chu suddenly screamed, his consciousness quickly returned to his body, and then he almost fell to the ground.

He felt that his head was about to explode, shocking his mind with a strong feeling of dizziness.

"This feeling, my soul power is almost exhausted!!"

Madman Chu murmured, taking out a large amount of pills for restoring soul power, and swallowing it directly, regardless of the three or seventy one.

After a while, he was relieved.

"Are there any mistakes, I just swiped like that and almost exhausted my soul power?!"

You know, his current soul power may not be comparable to that of the heavenly immortals, but it is almost exhausted because of the stroke in the endless chaos. Then if he strokes twice, how can his soul be? Don’t you want to be shattered? !

It seems that this super **** level reward cannot be messed up casually.

However, Madman Chu recalled the scene where he opened the sky in the endless chaos, and a lot of insights suddenly came to his heart.

That is the perception of Tao.

Originally, he had the Tao Te Ching, and his understanding of Tao had already reached a very high level.

When he reached his level, it was very difficult to improve, but because of the opening of the sky just now, he felt that his understanding of Tao had improved again, and it had improved a lot.


Madman Chu whispered.

His mind moved, and his mind came to the portable world again.

In the original endless chaos, there was a bright galaxy made up of countless stars, which was a galaxy.

It was also the result of Madman Chu opening the sky just now.

He named this galaxy the Milky Way.

Looking at the huge galaxy in front of him, Madman Chu suddenly felt that the soul power he had consumed was almost negligible.

It can even be ignored.

This is creating the world in one stroke! !

One stroke created a galaxy. This ability almost surpassed the imagination of Madman Chu, and even surpassed the imagination of immortals!

He did such a feat, only a little bit of soul power was consumed, which is simply incredible.

"Although these stars have already come, it seems that something is missing."

Madman Chu looked at the Milky Way, he pondered for a while, then his eyes lit up, "Life, how can there be no life in a world?"


The entire galaxy shook violently.

The chaos around is frantic.

Madman Chu felt something secretly, "Can't I directly create life with my current ability?"

"Then, what is the environment needed to create the birth of life?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Madman Chu's mind.

He came to a star.

The star was barren, without any anger at all.

"Life needs light and heat."

Madman Chu whispered, looking towards the sky.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of light blooming in the Milky Way.

The fire was extremely weak at first, but the size of an egg, but then quickly expanded, and soon became bigger than the stars.

That is... the sun!

The sun is filled with light and heat, shining all over the barren stars.

"One thought to create the sun is not a big drain on my soul power. It is far worse than just opening the sky. It seems that I can easily do this kind of thing in this world."

"Well, go ahead."

"In addition to light and heat, water is needed."

Madman Chu said.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and dark clouds surged.

The heavy rain was pouring down.

"This is too slow."

"Can you speed up the time. UU reading www.uuká"

Madman Chu's heart moved.

Suddenly, the whole star revolved rapidly, the sun went down and rose again, and time was passing fast.

For Madman Chu, it was only a moment, but for the star he observed, it seemed to have gone through endless years.

The majestic rain formed a vast ocean on the stars.


Madman Chu's heart moved, and the heavy rain stopped.

Seeing the stars that almost completely turned into oceans before him, he frowned and murmured, "This rain has fallen a lot."

He looked at the sun, and then led the sun's fire to turn into countless bolides and smashed toward the star.

Bang, bang, bang...

The bolide hits the surface of the stars, a lot of water is evaporated, and the ground has formed pits and the landform has changed greatly.

Water and fire watered and baked the earth, and a lot of fertile land and various landforms appeared.

But at the same time, the bolide hit the ocean and formed a large amount of water vapor that enveloped the entire star for a long time.

"The four major elements that make up the world, earth, water and fire, are now the wind." Madman Chu's heart moved, and suddenly a gust of wind swept across the universe and fell on the stars.

The wind blows away the steam, and the air flows due to the wind, either rising or sinking, forming an atmosphere and countless clouds.

"Earth, wind, water, fire, ha, live together!"

Madman Chu's mood was joyful.

He created a world with his own hands. This kind of experience was unprecedented. He felt that he had realized something in secret.

That feeling is mysterious and mysterious, indescribable.

But he knew that this was an unprecedented opportunity.

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