Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The conversation with the will of Qinglan Immortal Realm, used to be, now is...

The first thousand and sixteenth chapters of the main text: The conversation with the will of the Qinglan fairy world, used to be, now is, and the future is also

In the world with you.

Madman Chu had an addiction to being a **** of creation.

Then, he looked at the endless chaos outside the galaxy. He felt that something was brewing in the endless chaos. It was a kind of throbbing of life!

In that chaos, life is brewing.

Madman Chu showed a thoughtful color.

In the universe, there is a saying of the Chaos Demon God, is it possible that in his portable world, there is also the Chaos Demon God brewing?

Madman Chu thought, his mind entered the chaos.

He came into a chaotic air mass, which was similar to a giant egg, which was continuously absorbing the chaotic air around him, and a throbbing feeling of life spread from it.

"Is this the Chaos Demon God?"

There are a lot of these chaos domes in this chaos.

There was throbbing of life.

Madman Chu stretched out his hand to touch the Chaos Dome in front of him, and smiled faintly: "I look forward to your birth."

Chaos Demon...

Thinking about it is exciting.


With the birth of the Madman Chu's idea, the chaotic energy around him rushed into the chaotic dome like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

An inexplicable emotion spread to Madman Chu from the dome.


Madman Chu groaned.

This portable world belongs to him, and in a sense, he is the great will of this portable world.

His every move and even his thoughts will have a huge impact on this world. What he said just now is equivalent to Dao's favor.

The giant egg in front of him will grow at a faster rate.


"I look forward to you opening up this world for me."

Madman Chu had a thought, and the dome trembled slightly as if it had undertaken a certain mission, as if excited.

"Grow up well."

After taking a look at the giant egg, Madman Chu left the world again, his consciousness returned to his flesh.


"So weak."

"It's really too weak."

Madman Chu's consciousness returned to his body, sensing his current cultivation strength, and he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

In the portable world, his will is almost omnipotent.

Divide the sky.

One thought creates the world.

He is the God of Creation, the omnipotent God of Creation!

But now, as soon as he returned to the actual body, he came back to his senses, that he was only an earth fairy.

Don't talk about the God of Creation, he can fight with a few gods.

"The feeling of creation is really fascinating, but it does not mean that I will give up this universe."

"In that world, I can create everything I want. In this universe, what can't I do?"

"As long as I become strong enough!"

What he saw and heard in the portable world did not make Madman Chu lose himself, recklessly abandon everything he had, and return to that world to be the creator of the world, but made him more determined to become stronger.

He is the **** of creation in the portable world.

In this universe, he must also be the strong man who rules everything!

Madman Chu's eyes showed determination.

"Now, it's time to deal with this matter."

Madman Chu whispered, taking out seven golden light groups.

This is the will of the seven immortals.

"Qinglan Will, haven't you shown up to see me?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

As soon as his voice fell, the will of the immortal world in front of him suddenly merged and turned into a little golden man similar to the will of heaven.

This is the will of Qinglan Immortal Realm.

"The first meeting, an odd number." A voice that was so indifferent and without the slightest emotion that could not distinguish between men and women sounded in Chu Kuangren's ears.

Madman Chu looked at the little golden man in front of him, thinking of the heavenly will of the sky star, "Tsk, do you world will like to change into this golden light?"

"So, what about this?"

The will of Qinglan in front of her changed again, and she turned into a woman with silver hair and silver armor, and it was Lan Yu.

Even the voice and breath are exactly the same as Lan Yu.

Madman Chu's eyes were cold, and the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Dao Art was running, and a terrifying wave spread, "I don't mind swallowing you now."

"Blue Feather" showed a look of horror on his face, his eyes were red, and he was about to cry, "Master, you are terrible."

"You are really challenging my patience."

Madman Chu raised his hand and suddenly grabbed to ‘Lan Yu’, pinched the opponent’s neck and lifted it, and the Heaven-swallowing Divine Dao Art circulated.

A large amount of the will of the immortal world was immediately absorbed by him, and the power of the sky and heaven in his body was also rapidly growing.

The expression of'Lan Yu' changed, and then his body turned into countless golden light spots, scattered from the palm of Madman Chu.

The golden light spots were combined again, turning into a seven or eight-year-old girl wearing a golden dress.

The little girl, with red lips and white teeth, and delicate features like a doll, was looking at Madman Chu with indifference.

That expression made her look even less angry.

"Do you think that if you change into this look, I can't do it anymore?" Madman Chu said indifferently.

"Mad Chu, I'm showing up this time and want to negotiate terms with you."

The little girl Qing Lan will say.

"Go ahead, what to talk about?"

"Jiezi dispute."

"Oh, sure enough."

Madman Chu was not surprised at all.

"You have already seen that stubborn proverb with the dean of the academy. The dispute between Jiezi is true."

Qing Lan will continue to say.

As the Will of the Immortal Realm, she knows every move of anyone in the Qinglan Immortal Realm, including the dean.

Except the mad people of Chu.

This is an anomaly that she can't control.

"I need you to participate in the Jiezi fight on my behalf and help me become the will of a complete immortal world." Qinglan said.

"Oh, it's funny, you have been targeting me before, now you want me to help you fight for the world, you think so beautifully."

Madman Chu sneered.

"That's not an objection, it's a test. From the very beginning, I have selected you as the Destiny Realm!" Qinglan will say I need you to test me. "

Madman Chu remained unmoved.

"The battle between Jiezi is not comparable to the battle of Destiny. I am not brilliant in many of the worlds of remnants. Even if Jiezi is selected, it is basically impossible to stand out in the battle for Jiezi."

"And you are an anomaly, an uncontrolled anomaly, you may be able to stand out in this world-child battle."

Qing Lan will continue to say.

"Helping you become the will of a complete immortal world, what benefits can I get?" Madman Chu asked casually.

"The Lord of the Immortal Realm! If I become a complete will of the Immortal Realm, then you are the new Lord of the Immortal Realm!"

"That's it?" Madman Chu curled his lips, "I think I can become the lord of the immortal world without your help."

Qinglan Will:............

Madman Chu spoke casually.

But she heard an indisputable meaning from it, as if the lord of the immortal world seemed to him to be as easy as a bag.

Even if it is an odd number.

But this is too arrogant.

"Each realm is carefully selected by the various celestial beings. Among them, there are many pure-blooded beasts, the son of Daluo, but the supreme posture, and there are many existences that are better than Jindi."

Qing Lan said, she was reminding Madman Chu, a golden emperor, nothing, your opponents, many.

"Oh, when I first stepped into the world of spiritual practice, I once said such a sentence...Let him bloom in the garden, I will lead the way by myself, and I will stand out. Now this sentence is an indisputable fact."

"I am invincible in the battle, and I shall be called invincible!"

"It used to be, it is now, and so is the future!"

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