Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Xueshan Wenxin, disaster comes from the mouth, the head blossoms

The first thousand and thirtieth chapters of the main text: The heart of the snow mountain, the misfortune comes from the mouth, the head blooms

Ten consecutive draws at the start and then invincible text volume Chapter 1,130: Xueshan Wenxin, disaster comes out of the mouth, and the head blossoms "Good Mr. Chu."

"Mr. Chu, I'm back."


In the Qinglan Academy, the madman of Chu greeted the students he met. He was gentle and elegant, and the breeze was quiet, which made people unable to help being close.

He just came back from the Bailu Academy.

After returning to the residence, he first glanced at the rooms of Chu Hong and Lan Yu. He could keenly perceive that the other's aura was constantly strengthening.

He nodded in satisfaction.

When he returned to his room, he sat cross-legged, not practicing, but trying to deduce his own practice.

Not bad.

Over the years, he has been absorbing all kinds of knowledge from Shuhai, just to prepare for creating his own exercises.

One month later.

Madman Chu opened his eyes, his eyebrows frowned, "It's really not a simple matter to create a technique, especially the technique created based on my way of self-improvement and invincibility, it is even more difficult."

With his current reserves of knowledge and comprehension, it is not difficult for him to create his own exercises. The difficult thing is to create the most suitable exercises for him based on his self-improvement.

"Perhaps, I should find time to visit Sanqingdaomen."

Madman Chu whispered.

Sanqing Daomen, this is one of the top moral traditions in the immortal world today, and the predecessor of Yuqing Immortal Door.

Like the Hundred Colleges, the Dao Sect of the Three Qing Dynasty also carried out some integration during the integration of the immortal world, and became stronger and stronger.

He was going to the Sanqing Immortal Gate, so he naturally focused on the Yuqing Yuan Shijing. The integration of the three immortal sutras might give him some inspiration.

"By the way, see how Honghua is doing over there."

Some time ago, Gong Yue visited Yin Honghua and brought her back to the Sanqing Taoist School for training. It is said that she had a pretty good time.

"Let's draw a prize first."

Madman Chu whispered.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the god-level prize Xueshan Wenxin."

Xueshan Wenxin...

Madman Chu's eyes lit up and opened the inventory.

In the world of spiritual practice, some people with profound knowledge can have the vision of poems and books, and the literary mind can be born on top of it.

The so-called literary mind is a kind of talent that can enable a knowledgeable person to integrate what they have learned and greatly improve their understanding.

The Xueshan Wenxin is one of the highest levels of Wenxin.

Not only that, if the owner of Xueshan Wenxin develops this talent well, he can gain further mastery of Wenxin vision.

"This Xueshan Wenxin is pretty good."

Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction. This Xueshan Wenxin can be said to be one of the best prizes he has drawn in recent years.

After extracting the literary spirit of the snow-capped mountains, Madman Chu felt that he was a little different. In his mind, there seemed to be a large and continuous snow-capped mountains, and the sky and the earth were vast, except for the white snow.

Empty, lonely...

Give him an unprecedented sense of etherealness.

"Is this the Xueshan Wenxin? It's not bad as expected."

Madman Chu whispered.

He was already knowledgeable, and few people could compare it. This Xueshan Wenxin was handy as soon as he started, as if he was born with it.

Perhaps, there is no lottery.

It won't be long before he can master the literary spirit on his own. This lottery will only speed up the process.

the next day.

He went to the book sea of ​​Bailu Academy as usual.

There are many students in the sea of ​​books.

When he saw Madman Chu coming, he was not surprised. In the past few years, the other party has become a frequent visitor here.

"Look, this nerd is here again."

"Tsk tusk, he really intends to finish reading all the books here, even the dean can't do it."

"Oh, how is he wasting his time? Other worlds will completely leave him behind."

"Yes, doesn't this person know what to choose?"

Many people are talking in secret.

One of them glanced at Madman Chu, "Don't say it's a Jiezi, I'm afraid even I may not be able to beat it now."

The speaker was Lin Xian from Mo Xue Academy.

He looked at Madman Chu with a bit of resentment in his eyes, and he was obviously aggrieved by the humiliation of Madman Chu a few years ago.

It's just that Madman Chu is a Jiezi, so he can't say anything.

At most, just a few words of yin and yang strangeness beside.

"But to be honest, this Madman Chu has a unique appearance and temperament, and it matches Mo Xue Jiezi well."

A young man beside Lin Xian smiled faintly.

Hearing this, Lin Xian's eyes widened, staring at the young man and said: "Fart, Madman Chu is the mud that can't support the wall. What qualifications does he have to compare with Mo Xuejiezi?"

His emotions are a bit agitated, and his voice is not small.

The monk in Shuhai glanced over.

"Mo Xue? The Jiezi of Mo Xue Academy is also the goddess of Mo Xue Academy. Lin Xian seems to be her admirer too."

"Tsk, no wonder the emotions are so excited."

"It's a pity that Mo Xue Jiezi doesn't seem to like him either."

As if perceiving that his emotions were a little out of state, Lin Xian calmed down and turned around to leave.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of him.

It is a madman of Chu.

He also heard Lin Xian's words.

"Do you know what is meant by misfortune."

Madman Chu looked at Lin Xian with stern eyes.

"Chu Madman, look clearly, this is Shuhai, even if you are a Jiezi, you are not allowed to do anything here."

Lin Xianyou said without fear.

Shuhai is an important place in the academy, even a branch of Shuhai does not allow anyone to do anything here.

Otherwise, the majesty of the academy is offended.

Even Jiezi will be severely punished.

"Naturally, if you do something here, it won't be worthwhile if you hurt these precious books." Madman Chu said lightly.

He pointed out like a sword.

"what are you going to do?!"

Lin Xian's pupils shrank, and he felt as if he was enveloped by an unprecedented pressure. The sword pointed at him, but he was inevitable, even unable to move.


This finger pointed on Lin Xian's forehead. UU reading www. uukanshu. cm

In an instant, the terror pressure also dissipated.

Lin Xian slumped on the ground, sweating, looking at Madman Chu with some horror, "You, what did you do?!"

Madman Chu didn't answer, "Feel it well."

After speaking, he randomly found a place in the sea of ​​books.

"Pretend to be a fool."

Lin Xian snorted coldly, then quickly got up and left, but for some reason, he felt a little uneasy.

"Wait for me." The young man behind Lin Xian glanced at Madman Chu, and then quickly followed.

"Oh, death is not a pity," Chu Madman said lightly.


Lin Xian walked quickly out of the sea of ​​books, his eyes extremely cold.

The second time.

This is the second time that he has slumped in the hands of Madman Chu.

Especially this time, in the crowd, he was scared to the ground by Madman Chu, and his face was completely discouraged.

"This account, I must get it back!"

"Go to Big Brother, Big Brother is the arrogant man in Mo Xue Academy second only to Jiezi, if he takes action, he might suppress Madman Chu!"

After speaking, his footsteps are getting faster and faster.

But at this time.

He feels something wrong.

He felt a tingling sensation suddenly coming from his body.

The tingling sensation became stronger and stronger, and then came to his mind, and finally with a bang, he lost all consciousness.

"Lin Xian, wait...ah!"

Behind him, the young man who was chasing Lin Xian out of the sea of ​​books suddenly exclaimed, and his expression suddenly became extremely frightened.

Lin Xian, who was originally walking in front of him, just a few steps after leaving the sea of ​​books, his head suddenly exploded with a bang, blood spattering everywhere!


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