Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Lin Jiao came to seek revenge, Dean Mo Xue’s proposal, Wen Xin vision

Main text Chapter 131: Lin Jiao comes to seek revenge, Dean Mo Xue’s proposal, Wenxin vision

The opening ten consecutive draws and then the invincible text volume Chapter 131: Lin Jiao came to seek revenge, Dean Mo Xue’s proposal, Wenxin vision bang!

A head exploded, and blood was splashed!

Some blood mixed with a little faint sword intent splashed on the young man's body, leaving the young man dumbfounded and could not help exclaiming.

The headless corpse fell to the ground with a puff, his body twitched a few times, and there was no more movement.

Lin Xian...fallen! !

The exclamation attracted the attention of many people, and many people gathered around, watching Lin Xian's body and talking.

"This, what's going on?!"

"This is... Sword Intent! This blood is mixed with a bit of sword intent, and the person who shot it was a sword repairman, but who was it?"

"I haven't seen anyone making a move."

"This sword intent was not invaded from outside, but exploded from within. Someone buried a sword aura in his body and detonated it."

"It's Madman Chu!!"

The young man following Lin Xian seemed to think of something, exclaiming, thinking of what the Madman Chu had done just now.

The other party pointed on Lin Xian's forehead, and then Lin Xian got a headshot within a few steps after taking out the book.

If it wasn't made by Mad Chu, who would believe it?

At this time, Madman Chu was sitting by the window of Shuhai, the sun was shining on him, and he was reading the book leisurely.

With Junyi's appearance, refined temperament, and a peaceful appearance of time, Lin Xian's death could not cause the slightest disturbance in his heart.

Everyone looked at him with jealousy in their eyes.

Lin Xian was a sixth-rank land immortal no matter what, but he was killed in this way without knowing it.

Such a method really makes people feel jealous, even...


"This Madman of Chu is hiding deep enough."

"Sure enough, none of Jiezi is easy to provoke."

Everyone talked about it.

On the other side, the administrator of Bailu Academy of Shuhai came up, looked at Madman Chu, and said solemnly: "Is Lin Xian's death related to you? Did you use your hands?"

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Yes."

He was also calm and did not deny it.

His finger just now indeed buried a sword qi in Lin Xian's head, and it was time to detonate.

With his level of sword qi manipulation, it is not difficult to do this, and with Lin Xian's strength, it is even more difficult to resist.

"You have violated the rules of the college."

"The academy's rule is that Shuhai must not hurt people, but I didn't hurt people in Shuhai. He died outside of Shuhai."

Madman Chu said lightly.


The Shuhai administrator was unable to refute for a while.

And not far away, when the young man with Lin Xian saw Lin Xian's death, he took a deep breath and left quickly.

He may be scared.

Perhaps it is to go back and file a complaint.

But Kuangren Chu didn't care. He didn't violate Shuhai's rules, and he was a realmist. The Shuhai manager couldn't help him.

Therefore, he continued to stay and study in the sea of ​​books.

After three years, he has seen almost half of the collections in the Bailu Academy. The rest, with the help of Xueshan Wenxin, has accelerated his learning a lot, reaching an incredible level.

Three months later.

A young man stepped out of the sky in Bailu Academy.

The man's face was stern, and there was evil spirit flowing around him. When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but stunned and didn't dare to approach.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person should be Lin Jiao from Mo Xue Academy." A student recognized Lin Jiao.

"Yes, it's him."

"What did he come to our Bailu Academy for?"

"Don't you know? A few months ago, Lin Xian came to our academy to find some information, but then he had some conflicts with Madman Chu and was killed by Madman Chu. Lin Jiao was Lin Xian's brother, this time he came to give He takes revenge."

"Well, it should be."

"It seems that there is a good show."

The majestic evil spirit descended on the sea of ​​books, Lin Jiao stood outside the book, and said coldly: "Crazy man, come out to die!!"

He has already asked someone to ask, Madman Chu is still in the sea of ​​books, Lin Xian's hatred, he must repay.

With Lin Jiao openly declaring war, the students in Shuhai talked a lot and looked at the Madman Chu sitting aside.

It's just that Madman Chu was sitting cross-legged at this time, immortal knowledge wandering in the sea of ​​books, absorbing all kinds of knowledge.

Lin Jiao's declaration of war fell on deaf ears.

In fact, he didn't bother to pay attention.

Seeing his appearance, the students in Shuhai became more talking, all wondering if he was scared.

"Be quiet for me."

At this moment, the manager of Shuhai gave a cold cry.

Everyone converged.

"I won't come out, okay, I want to see when you can hide in the sea of ​​books!" Shu Haihai, Lin Jiao coldly snorted, and then sat on the floor in a posture of blocking the door.

The book cannot hurt people.

Then he was here waiting for Madman Chu to come out, he did not believe that Madman Chu could hide in the sea of ​​books for a lifetime.

He didn't believe it. He was a dignified man and avoided fighting. Amidst the ridicule of the entire college, the other party could remain indifferent.

The manager glanced at Lin Jiao, who swears to stop killing the madman of Chu, frowned, "It seems that this matter will not be so easy to deal with. It is better to notify them and let them deal with it."

It's about Jiezi, not careless.

The manager sent a message to Dean Bailu.

Soon, the clouds were surging, and a white fairy deer slowly stepped into the air, and on the back of the white deer sat an old man.

The old man wore a white robe, a fairy-style dao bone, and a whisk in his hand. He was the dean of Bailu Academy.

Except for Dean Bailu.

Dean Mo Xue and Dean Qinglan also came before.

After all, the two parties involved in the disturbance are from these two colleges.

"Meet the dean."

"Meet the dean."

The students hurriedly saluted.

But most of them were in line with Dean Bailu and Dean Mo Xue. As for Dean Qinglan, they were completely regarded as a background board.

After all, except for a madman in Qinglan Academy, the others are too inexistent, even the dean.

The courtyard with the weakest overall strength...

This is not a joke. U U Reading

Like Mo Xue Academy, its overall strength can only be considered middle and inferior among the nineteen academies, but it is still much stronger than Qinglan Academy.

"Two, tell me what to do now."

Dean Bailu said lightly.

The two parties involved in the trouble were not his students, so they naturally threw the trouble to Dean Mo Xue, Dean Qinglan.

"Killing pays for life is justified." Dean Mo Xue is an old woman. She glanced at Dean Qinglan and said coldly.

"Oh, but as far as I know, it's Lin Xian who doesn't hesitate to speak, and offend Mr. Chu first," Dean Qinglan said.

Although his strength is not as good as that of Dean Mo Xue, he will not bow down. He doesn't think Madman Chu is wrong.

"Because killing a person in one sentence is still one of the best students in my Moxue Academy. Madman Chu is too arrogant. In my opinion, he should not be a realmist and give his will to the immortal world. Give it to others." Dean Mo Xue said.

"You are coveting the identity of Jiezi."

"Huh, Madman Chu has been obsessed with the sea of ​​books these years. He hasn't practiced at all. It has long been abandoned. It is better to surrender the will of the immortal realm and let other more capable people serve as the realm son. I will apply to the Famed Teachers Pavilion for this matter."

Dean Mo Xue said.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, within the sea of ​​books, there was a wave of incomparably powerful Dao fluctuations.

In the void, a stretch of towering and rolling snow-capped mountains shone out, and strands of cold air spread and enveloped the Bailu Academy.

The pupils of the deans shrank, and their faces were full of shock.

"This, this is..."


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