Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1160: : Ye Zhu's trump card, Qingye Jiantong, who told you that you can't win

On the Zhanzi Peak, Ye Zhuxiu was fully open.

   His figure flashed, he already appeared in front of Madman Chu, with a green bamboo sword in his hand, wrapped in extremely sharp sword energy.

  Chu madman Kun Wu cut out.


   The sword fought with the sword, and the sword gas shot out.

   The space around was torn apart by Jian Qi.

   In the blink of an eye, Madman Chu and Ye Zhu had already fought dozens of swords with their long swords, each showing unparalleled kendo power.

   In the course of the fight, Ye Zhu felt a bit of weirdness. His Xianyuan felt like being suppressed.

   "Shangqing Lingbao Jing!"

   "It is the Shangqing Lingbao Jing. He also practices the Shangqing Lingbao Jing like me, but his immortal Jing is more complete than mine!"

   Yezhu figured out everything.

   But he is also very confused.

  Shangqing Lingbao Jing, this is the immortal scripture of the Sanqing Xianmen, how could a madman of Chu know it? Moreover, he is more complete than himself!

   But he was fighting at this time, and he didn't think much about it.

  The green bamboo sword in his hand was cut out one after another, and the dazzling sword light seemed to be astonishing, one after another, it swept towards the Madman Chu.

   Tianxian, Taoist law can pass the sky.

   Once the cultivation base reaches the heavenly fairyland, he will have an extraordinary perception of Dao Fa, and the power of Dao Fa on display is not the same.

   What's more, for a arrogant like Ye Zhu, all kinds of kendo techniques are fully displayed in his hands, and his power shakes the world.

   "Qingping Wushuang Sword!"

   Yezhu raised his hand and cut out a sword. The green sword aura was like a piece of green leaves floating in the air, swaying with the wind.

   has completely covered Chu Madman in the blink of an eye.

  Kun Wu waved in the hands of the madman of Chu, and the sword aura of heaven like a sword surged like a wave, destroying the green leaves in the square.

   "Nine Heavens Thunder Sword!"

  The leaf bamboo sword finger condensed, unexpectedly outlined a series of mysterious runes in the void, and the runes burst into the green bamboo sword.

   Cut out with a sword, and the violent thunder clung out with sword energy!

   Yezhu actually uses talisman to enter the sword, and the talisman is connected!


   Chu Madman still stood still.

  The reincarnation celestial body is launched.

  The power of reincarnation was injected into the sword aura, and a sword was cut out suddenly.

  The sword strikes, and the void explodes!

  The air waves are flying.

   The madman of Chu is straight, as tall as a sword, standing firm.

   was broken in two consecutive moves, Ye Zhu's eyebrows frowned, "Unexpectedly, I displayed the immortal cultivation base but still can't hurt you. The reincarnation celestial body is indeed well-deserved, and it is worthy of being one of the top ten supreme immortals."

   "You, don't you still open your eyes?"

   Chu Madman said indifferently.

   Yezhu's strength is indeed very strong, the level of kendo is the top of the young generation, coupled with the way of runes, the combination of talisman and sword, although first entered the heavenly fairy, but the combat power is close to the top heavenly fairy.

   Announcement, really good, it is worth installing one, even Android and iPhone support!

   But this is not what Chu Kuangren values ​​and is most interested in.

  He is interested in only one.

   That's the other person's eyes.

   "Open your eyes?"

   Ye Zhu murmured, seeming to ponder something.

Even if he stepped into the realm of heavenly immortals, the madman of Chu practiced better than his own in the Supreme Qing Lingbao Sutra, natural restraint on the immortal yuan, plus the reincarnation celestial body, which is almost open, and he wants to defeat the other party. A simple thing.

   Moreover, he could feel that Madman Chu had reservations.

   may be reserved for more than one star.

  If you don’t open your eyes, your chances of winning are almost equal!

   Thinking of this, Ye Zhu took a deep breath, the sword aura on his body instantly converged, and the original fierce aura suddenly disappeared completely.

   Seeing this, the disciples of Sanqing Daomen all around looked at each other.

"How is this going?"

   "Why did the brother's breath suddenly weaken?"

  The disciples were puzzled.

   And some of the worlds are extremely dignified.

   "Are you finally showing up?"

   "The eyes..."

   Qingling Taoist eyes also showed a touch of solemnity, "I didn't expect Ye Zhu to be forced to this level even after he displayed his cultivation as a fairy."

Beside   , Bei Ming was very interested, "Well, those eyes are a bit interesting. In the first year, there are really many talents."

  The word war on the peak.

   Ye Zhu converged his sword aura, but Madman Chu didn't think that the other party was about to surrender. On the contrary, he knew that the other party was going to use real life.

   "Come, let me see your eyes."

   The madman of Chu said with great interest.

   The words fall.

   But seeing the surrounding wind and clouds suddenly surge, the aura of tens of millions of miles around is rushing towards Yezhu like a torrent! !


   Between heaven and earth, a sharp meaning emerged.

   Even the air seems to have turned into a fine sword air.

   The world has changed.

   Only because Ye Zhu opened his eyes! !

   A blue light shot out from Ye Zhu's eyes, turning into an incomparable sword energy, sweeping the entire Zhanzi Peak.

   Chu Madness did not move his body, his sword energy circulated on its own, isolating the sword energy that had been swept away one by one.

   He looked at Ye Zhu curiously.

   At this moment, Ye Zhu's eyes have been opened, they are a pair of blue eyes, there are lines in the eyes that are similar to the meridian of leaves.

  And on that pattern road, there seems to be endless sword energy!

   Each one is enough to tear the stars apart.

  Yezhu's eyes hide two leaves!

   Two leaves with sword energy.

   "Interesting, is this the Aoba Sword Hitomi, one of the top ten supreme immortals? It just doesn't seem to be complete."

   Qingye Jiantong, one of the ten supreme fairy bodies.

   However, Ye Zhu's sword pupil is incomplete and incomplete, which may be the reason why Ye Zhu never opens his eyes easily.

   But although it is incomplete, it is after all the top ten supreme immortal bodies, and its power is so powerful that ordinary imperial or supreme immortal bodies are incomparable.

   "The chief of the college, please enlighten me!"

   Ye Zhu said with sword intent in his eyes.

   The edge of the Qingping sword in his hand deflected, and the cold sword aura gushed out from the sword, and its power was higher than before.

  Chu madman Kun Wu cut.

   But the sword spirit is inferior!

   He used two swords to crush Ye Zhu's sword energy.

   Heavenly Wonderland, UU reading plus Aoba Jian pupil, this combination is too terrifying, in the younger generation, it can almost be said that it is difficult to find an opponent.

   "Aoba Sword Hitomi is the best kendo fairy in the world. Chief of the academy, although you are strong, you are still inferior in sword qi!"

   Ye Zhu said lightly.

   "It doesn't matter, Kendo is not what I am best at."

   The madman of Chu gave a chuckle, and Kunwu sword was put into the scabbard.

   On him, there is the power of reincarnation flowing, and a gray light is looming on him, that is, the light of reincarnation! !

   "It's useless, although you also have a supreme immortal body, don't forget, I am already a god! On the realm, you are inferior to me."

   Yezhu was calm as if to explain a fact.

   He held the green bamboo sword in his hand, raised it high, and his eyes were full of blue light.

   A blue sword shadow rose to the sky, behind him, a faint grass lingering endless sword energy emerged.

   The grass trembled, the sword qi was cut out, and the sun, moon and stars shattered!

   "Use this trick to end the battle!"

   "Qingye Jiantong, Caojian Jue!"

  Grass Sword Art, Aoba Sword Hitomi's extra magical power!

   This is a boundless magical power. When the blade of grass moves, it can cut down the sun, moon and stars. It is the world's top kendo magical power.

   "Heh, who told you that the earth immortal can't win the heavenly immortal? Who told you that I only have this reincarnation celestial body?"

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