Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1161: :Yin-Yang Life and Death Chart and Grass Sword Art, I allow you to have hope

"Who told you that the earth immortal can't win the heavenly immortal? And who told you that I only have this reincarnation celestial body?"

   The voice of the madman Chu sounded, and then, an incomparably powerful spirit of the gods and demons burst from his body!

   Then, a sense of life and death emerged!

   Life and death, reincarnation!

  God and demons, reincarnation celestial bodies!

   The two physiques and the two powers are simultaneously displayed, and there is a strange resonance, which makes the aura of the madman of Chu rise!

   "Chaos God and Demon Body!"

   Not far away, the Taoist Qingling was speechless.

   He glanced at Bei Ming next to him, took a deep breath, and said, "That's it, it's no wonder you will help this person."

   Beiming smiled indifferently, "Don't move him, believe me, the anger of the gods and demons, you can't bear the Sanqingdaomen!"

   "Then it depends on his own ability. This immortal world is not much stronger than my Sanqing Dao Sect, but there are some."

   Although the line of gods and demons is strong.

   But it's not without opponents.

   Such as the two ancient fairy gardens.

   "Now at the stage of the Jiezi controversy, those old guys won't take it easily, and the younger generation, I believe him."

   Bei Ming's eyes revealed deep confidence, even if the world knew that Madman Chu had reincarnation celestial bodies, what about chaos gods and demons?

   The most terrifying thing about the other party is not a constitution.

   Qingling Taoist glanced at Bei Ming, then looked at Madman Chu, perceiving the breath of the gods and demons on the opponent, his eyes solemn.

   "And the breath of this **** and devil body is extraordinary!"

   "Its potential is far above ordinary gods and monsters!"

   Chaos God and Demon Body is not included in the Top Ten Supreme Immortal Body, because the performance of this physique is unstable.

   Although the chaotic gods and monsters are powerful, some gods and monsters are only comparable to the supreme immortal body and slightly inferior to the supreme immortal body.

  Only the top gods and demons can compare with the supreme fairy.

no doubt.

   The Chaos God and Demon of the Mad Man Chu is the top.

   "The outcome of this battle is hard to predict."


  The word war on the peak.

   The two physiques of the madman of Chu came out together, the meaning of reincarnation of life and death poured out, Xianhui ran into the surrounding void madly.

   If you say that Ye Zhu, who displays the green leaf sword pupil, is a sword **** who is aloft, at the peak, and looks down upon the world!

   That Madman of Chu is an immortal king who holds life and death! !

   "The chief of the academy, you really deserve my all-out effort, ready to take my last sword!" Ye Zhu said in a deep voice.

   "Do you think there is only this?"

   "Don't forget, I am the chief of the college!"

   Chu Madman laughed.

   Then, as Tao Yin sang, phantom shadows appeared.

   That's a map of the philosophers!

   In the air, the cold air is permeating, and the snow-capped mountains are shining out, empty and lonely, this is the vision of the heart of the snow-capped mountains!

   "Oh, this guy still has this hand."

   Bei Ming said in surprise.

   Each of these two great visions is not weaker than the blessing of a respectable immortal body, let alone appearing in the same person at the same time.

   "I want you to be convinced of defeat!!"

   There are two big visions on the madman of Chu.

   Boundless power, shocking nine heavens and ten earth!

   Everyone in the Sanqing Immortal Gate looked dumbfounded.

   This is the first time they have seen such a terrifying monk. Is such a power really something an earth fairy can possess?

   "Cao Jian Jue, cut!"

   Ye Zhu made a long roar and cut it down with a sword!

   The blue sword shadow is wrapped in boundless sharp sword energy, everywhere, the void is shattered, and the sword energy storm is rolled out one after another.

  Chu madman left Yunsheng, right hold to death!

  Samsara robbery light circulates on the body surface.

  The union of life and death, a huge yin and yang image of life and death is condensed, covering the sky, fusing the reincarnation and calamity light, and rolling out!

  Under the blessing of the two great visions, the boundless meaning of reincarnation of life and death slapped the void, and everything was annihilated before this power.

   The cyan sword shadow collided with the yin-yang life and death map!

   The terrifying loud noise broke out!

   Sword Qi, the Qi of Life and Death, and the Power of Reincarnation, the majestic energy that is mixed together like a torrent, crushing everything around crazily.

   The Zhanzi Peak at the feet of the two turned into ashes in an instant!

   And the majestic energy is still spreading out, if it weren't for the great Luo Jinxian like Qingling Taoist, I am afraid that this area would be destroyed by the battle between the two.

   bang, bang, bang...

   The void keeps cracking!

   The cyan sword shadow and the yin and yang life and death map are still contending.

   Yezhu urged his own fairy to the extreme, and the two leaves in his eyes flowed with celestial splendor, with boundless sword intent.

   "You can't stop this trick."

   Compared to Ye Zhu, Madman Chu seemed much more relaxed.

   And his words just fell.

   I saw the blue sword shadow cracking every inch! !

   Finally, the sword shadow shattered!

   The yin and yang life and death picture, still crushed out!

   Yezhu was shrouded in a picture of life and death, the horrible meaning of reincarnation impacted, and the fairy body was broken every inch and blood was flowing.

   As the yin and yang life and death chart dissipated, Ye Zhu collapsed to the ground, and there was almost no place in his body.

   What makes Qingling Taoist happy.

   Yezhu, still alive.

   And this, for Daomen, it has been a great fortune.

   Thinking of this, Daoist Qingling felt so grateful for Madman Chu.

  Because he knew that Madman Chu had the ability to kill Ye Zhu just now, and even if he killed Ye Zhu, the Sanqing Dao Sect would probably not desperately seek revenge on him.

  Because this is a battle between world sons, plus the guarantee of the line of gods and demons and the protection of a hundred schools, he is not afraid.

   But he didn't. Instead, he let Ye Zhu go.

The Taoist Qingling could understand all this, and the same was true for Ye Zhu, who was hit hard. He barely propped up, half-kneeled on the ground, and looked at Madman Chu not far away, with shock, gratitude, unwillingness and other complex emotions in his eyes .

   "How strong is your real strength?"

   Ye Zhu asked weakly.

   The madman of Chu stood with his hand in his hand, and said indifferently: "You shouldn't be entangled with this question, because I will keep getting stronger, and tomorrow's will only be stronger than today!"

   "The only thing you can chase is the present me, UU reading www.uukア and tomorrow I will be the back you can never reach!"

Madman Chu finished speaking, then turned and left, while Ye Zhu looked at his back and took a deep breath, "I will become stronger, whether it is you now or tomorrow, I must catch up and surpass. , And then defeat you!!!"

   "I allow you to have hope. If this makes you motivated, it might make me have some fun."

   The madman Chu said without looking back.

   Ye Zhu's vision gradually blurred, and his head tilted and fainted.

   From now on, the Madman of Chu will become the target he will pursue for him all his life.

   Maybe, he can become stronger because of this.

   But this is also a sad thing, because he will never be able to chase Madman Chu.

   It is extremely hard to even touch his back a little bit.

   Qingling Taoist, Taoist elders and others looked at the messy battlefield in front of them, their eyes a little complicated.

  Reincarnation celestial body, chaos **** and demon body, one of the two can be at the pinnacle among countless arrogances.

  Chu madman, one person has two exclusives, and two top-notch powers of vision.

   In addition, this may not even be the whole story of Madman Chu, there is a deeper secret hidden in him!

   "Well, the controversy between Jiezi, such an enchanted evildoer, this is really a lot of pressure for other Jiezi."

   Qingling Taoist said with emotion.

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