Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1166: : Upgrading technique, emperor seal induction, 7 beads of white lotus

"One life two, two beget three, three beget all things."

"Humans follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heavens follow the Tao, and the Tao follows nature."

"One qi transforms three clears, one qi transforms all dharmas into one, one tens of thousands dharma, so one dharma can be used, can all dharmas be achievable?!" The madman of Chu realized the method of one qi transforming three clears, his eyes brighter and more rewarding. .

Now, he has been promoted to the heavenly immortal, and coupled with his understanding of the Tao, all kinds of Taoism are readily available to him.

Coupled with this method of Qi Hua Sanqing, his achievement in Taoism is estimated to be no weaker than any golden immortal.

And this is not the ultimate of the Three Purifications of One Qi, let alone his ultimate, his Taoism, there is a broader world.

Except besides.

He discovered that one qi transforms three clears has another great effect, that is, it is used to deduce the world exercises and improve them.

This effect is very powerful.

It can even be said that the most important role of one gasification and three cleansing!

For example, Madman Chu has a Jade Lake Immortal Sutra, but it is incomplete. He can use one energy to transform the three cleans to perform the rest.

This will have a great effect on the creation of the celestial scriptures by the Mad Chu in the future.

He already has a general idea.

That is based on the transformation of one qi into the three clears, and the integration of the world's exercises as the only one, forming a unique celestial scripture! !

"You don't have to worry about creating your own celestial scriptures, and draw a prize first."

Madman Chu opened the fantasy roulette and began the draw.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a god-level prize skill upgrade card."

Skill upgrade card?

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

He rarely draws prizes in the card category.

It's just that prizes like this are often of great use to him.

Take a look at the card introduction, the skill upgrade card, as the name suggests, can increase the level of the practice.

This made his eyes shine, and he raised his level of cultivation technique?

This is a good effect.

There are too many advanced techniques on his body.

One Qi transforms into three clears, Bo Xun Jing, Jade Lake Immortal Sutra, Star Immortal Body, Nine Turns Three Element Soul Refining Art, etc...

But this skill upgrade card is not unlimited.

The higher the level of the exercises, the lower the chance of promotion, even if it succeeds, the increase may not be much.

"Xiao Ai, give me an analysis of my practice and see which one is the most cost-effective with this upgrade card."

"Yes, under analysis..."


Xiao Ai analyzed the success rate of various exercises upgrade.

One gasification and three cleansing, the success rate is 0.1%...

Madman Chu was not surprised.

One Qi Hua Sanqing is too mysterious, and it is obviously higher than the other exercises on his body, or even more.

Even if it is not super **** level, it should not be much different.

The success rates of other exercises are as follows.

The star is immortal, the success rate is 20%.

Nine-turn Three-Element Soul Refining Art has a success rate of 7%.

Po Xunjing, 22%.

The Immortal Sutra of Yaochi, fifty percent.


Among them, the level of Yaochi Immortal Sutra and Bo Xunjing is not much different, but because the former is in a state of incompleteness, it is easier to upgrade.

This upgrade should have the meaning of complement.

This is not necessary.

He has a qi into three clears, and he can make up for it himself.

The Bo Xunjing, Yaochi Immortal Sutra, Yuqing Yuan Shijing and other cultivation techniques were all excluded by him, and he had one Qi to transform three Qings and it was enough.

The remaining ones are the Star Immortal Body for physical training and the Soul Refining Technique for soul training, and the upgrade probability of the latter is much lower than that of the former.

But if the upgrade is successful, the harvest should be even greater.

"Nine-turn Three-Element Soul Refining Art?"

Madman Chu whispered, a decision has been made.

"Upgrade the Soul Refining Technique."

"I have selected the upgrade target technique, whether to upgrade."


"Successfully used, the Nine Rank Three Yuan Soul Refining Art is being upgraded..."

About an hour later.

"The Nine Rank Three Yuan Soul Refining Art was successfully upgraded."

"Please accept it."

With a prompt sound, Madman Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

A smile appeared on his face, "I admit that there is a gambling element, but who told me to have a lucky halo body protector, ha."

A lot of information exploded in my mind.

That is the brand-new Nine-Ran Three-Element Soul Refining Art!

The upgraded Soul Refining Art has a more profound technique. From Rank 9 to Rank 18, it was directly promoted to Rank 18. This doubled!

It should now be called the Eighteenth Rank Three Yuan Soul Refining Art.

"Now, my soul can continue to practice again. Maybe, I have the opportunity to refine a golden immortal soul before my body and Xianyuan!!" Chu Madman smiled lightly.

And at this moment.

There was a sudden throbbing inside him.

"This feeling is... the reincarnation seal?!"

The Emperor Seal in his body reacted.

"Ha, it seems that I have really been doing good things recently. First, I had to transform the three cleansings with one Qi, and then upgraded the Nine Ranks Three Element Soul Refining Art. Now the second emperor seal has appeared." Chu Madman did not hesitate. Take Lan Yu and a few people to the place that Emperor Yin felt.

There, it is Yunmeng Daze.

And as he got closer to Yunmeng Daze, not only the reincarnation seal, but also his reincarnation celestial body also reacted.

Yunmeng Daze outside.

A few mad people from Chu came.

"The mist in this swamp is so heavy."

Chu Hong wrinkled her nose.

She is a beast of fire attribute and a symbol of auspiciousness.

The swamp here was dense, humid and hot, and the bubbling muddy water enveloped in a large amount of methane made her a little uncomfortable.

"Not only that, there seems to be a lot of foreign objects hidden in this swamp," Chu Madman said lightly.

He gently raised his hand, and the golden red phoenix fire roared out, burning the fog clean, revealing a wide road.

But at this time.

A giant black crocodile rushed out from the swamp, opened its mouth wide, and bit towards the Madman Chu.

But at this moment, a dazzling white light passed by.

Lan Yu raised his hand and punched out, a white beam of light directly penetrated the void, smashing the head of the giant crocodile forcibly.

This surprised some nearby monks who came here to practice.

"That silver-haired woman is so strong!"

"It actually defeated the black water crocodile here with one move. It is estimated that it is the top earth fairy, too powerful."

Everyone talked a lot.

And Madman Chu didn't care about everyone's comments. He followed his infinite induction and swept towards the depths of Yunmeng Daze.

"My son, look."

Suddenly, Lan Yu pointed to a swamp not far away.

I saw there was a white lotus swaying, and there were seven pearl-like white lotus seeds growing in the lotus in the white lotus.

"This is the best immortal medicine Qizhu Bailian!"

Madman Chu's eyes lit up, the best immortal medicine corresponds to the true immortal, and it can also play a role in the true immortal.

For Chu Kuangren and others, it also had a good effect.

"Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected gains."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

"There seems to be some natural restrictions around this fairy medicine."

Lan Yu said.

In order to be able to grow safely, some natural treasures can brew their own prohibitions after reaching a certain level.

These prohibitions can isolate the monks' perception to a certain extent.

But the Madman Chu and others are very close to the seven beads white lotus, UU reading www. doesn't need to perceive it at all, and you can see it, so the prohibition naturally did not take effect.

"give it to me."

Said the little fox.

She ran towards the Seven Pearl White Lotus, the surrounding restrictions did not work for her at all, just like air.

This is the magical power of Moonlight Fox, which can ignore the restriction. With her current cultivation base, as long as she is not restricted by the Jinxian, she can come and go freely. This ability is very powerful.


Just when the little fox was about to get the Seven Pearl White Lotus, a sword aura suddenly cut through the void, smashed through the many restrictions imposed by the Seven Pearl White Lotus, and slashed towards the little fox!

"Be careful!!"

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