Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1167: : One clan from the other side, then meet 9 leaf soul grass, 9 yuan meet Chu madman

"Be careful!"

A sword energy cut through the void and cut straight towards the little fox.

This sword aura is extremely powerful and has reached the level of a god.

The strength of the little fox is not bad, but it is also difficult to resist, plus it is caught off guard against being attacked, and it is likely to be directly hit hard.


A soft snort.

A white figure suddenly appeared in front of the little fox.

It was Madman Chu who made the shot.

He casually raised his hand to smash the sword energy, and then looked into the depths of the swamp, with an icy color in his eyes.

"come out!"

With a cold drink, Madman Chu waved his sleeves.

Sword Qi blows away the clouds and mist around it like a violent wind, and several figures appear in the swamp.

These people are all dressed in black, with a dark red flower on their foreheads, similar to the imprint of the other side flower.

"That seven-bead white lotus, we from the other side want it, you'd better hand it over by yourself." The leader said.

Madman Chu heard this, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

The other side family.

He had heard that this race was one of the ethnic groups that originated from the ancient immortals, and its depth was no less than that of the Sanqing Daomen.

Among his clan, there have also been strongest people in the Hedao realm.

The most interesting thing is that people of this race are said to have some connection with the underworld, and their ancestors were once the power of the underworld.

These messages passed through Madman Chu's mind, and then he ignored them. He only had the intention to kill these people.

"No matter what race you are, there is only one death now!"

Madman Chu didn't talk nonsense, there seemed to be blue light flashing in his eyes, his sword fingers condensed, the will of heaven was like a sword, and the sword aura was full.

"What?!" After seeing this sword qi, these people from the other side couldn't help their pupils shrinking sharply, showing a look of horror.

They couldn't stop this sword energy!

Provoked people who shouldn't be offended!

Bang, bang, bang...

Clouds of blood exploded.

None of these people from the other side of the sea were spared, and they fell on the spot!

It's just that when the blood splashed on the ground, a bunch of fascinating dark red flowers of the other bank actually grew.

Madman Chu took a look, and then retracted his gaze. It is rumored that people from the Bi An tribe will turn into Bi An flowers after death, which seems to be the case.

Quite strange race...

Madman Chu thought to himself, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Let's go."

Madman Chu said to the little fox.

The other party has picked the seven white lotus beads.

When everyone left, many cultivators gathered around and looked at the backs of a few people leaving. They couldn't help but be surprised.

"Who is this person, with such a powerful strength, he can kill so many people from the other side in a second."

"Yes, that sword aura is too sharp."

"White clothes, with an ancient sword scroll on his waist, and a Divine Phoenix and a silver-haired woman. I know who it is. He is the head of the academy who has risen to fame recently. It is said that this person has defeated Xiao Zhurong..."

Someone guessed the identity of Madman Chu.

In this controversy of the world's sons, many Tianjiao shine.

The Madman Chu gained the inheritance of Fengdu not long ago and became the ghost emperor of Fengdu. His reputation is naturally not low, and many people can recognize him.

"Unexpectedly, this Yunmeng Daze attracted even the ghost emperor."

"I heard that some people have seen Yin Cao's descendants of the wheel have also appeared here. I don't know if it is true or not."

"Tsk tsk, don't underestimate it."

At this time, a group of people came.

The head of them is a young man in red, and without exception, these people have the imprint of the other shore flower on their foreheads.

These people are also from the other side.

After seeing the other shore flowers on the ground, the red-clothed youth's face shrank fiercely, "Who is it, who killed my tribe!"

His eyes swept away, and the cold breath of death spread out.

Anyone who was enveloped by this breath shuddered involuntarily, looking at the red-clothed youth in fear.


The red-clothed youth flashed, and came to a monk, staring at him coldly, "Say, who killed my tribe?!"

"I, I don't know."

The monk did not want to get involved in this matter.

But as soon as his voice fell, a blood-colored light had already emanated from the young man in red, covering him.

With a bang, a blood mist burst open!

After killing one person, the young man in red caught another monk and asked coldly: "Who killed my tribe."

"Yes, it's the chief of the college."

The man said tremblingly.

"The chief of the academy...the chief of the academy...I have noted it. If you dare to kill my people, I must pay the price!"

The young man in red said coldly.

He led people to the depths of Daze.

The surrounding monks breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a terrifying aura of death, this person must be a realmist cultivated by the Bian clan, and it is likely to reach the top level of the immortal."

"I don't know if the chief of the college is his opponent."

The depths of Daze.

The madman Chu looked for the emperor's seal following the infinite induction.


There was a cold breath in front of him.

I saw dozens of dead souls coming in groups not far away.

"Oh, it's the dead soul."

"It seems that I am not far from my destination."

Madman Chu whispered.

With a wave of his sleeves, a gray vortex suddenly appeared in the void, with a burst of gloomy life.

This is the ghost gate!

As the ghost emperor of Fengdu, with the reincarnation celestial body and the emperor seal, the madman of Chu can open the ghost gate anytime and anywhere, freely travel between the sun and the underworld, and can also extradite the dead to the mansion of Fengdu.

In the void, the gray vortex slightly emerging from the Ghost Gate exudes a suction force, sucking the dead souls in.

Madman Chu led people to move on.

At this time, there was a violent fighting sound not far away.

Immortal consciousness moved.

I saw that not far away, a group of monks were fighting for a fairy medicine, and that fairy medicine was no stranger to Madman Chu.

It was the nine-leaf soul grass he had taken some time ago!

"I didn't expect this kind of treasure medicine to be born in this Daze, which is surprising." Madman Chu murmured.

He had taken Nine Leaf Soul Grass once, and the effect was powerful, directly increasing his soul strength to the peak of the true god.

It even gave him a trace of soul gold.

If he could take one more strain, plus the upgraded eighteenth-turn Three-Element Soul Refining Art, his soul's goldenness would increase a lot.

Thinking of this, he was a little eager to try.


At this time, there was a long roar from the battle in the distance.

I saw a giant beast stepped into the battlefield before the Chu Madman, it was a giant snake with nine heads.

"It's the Jiezi of the Jiuying Race."

Madman Chu whispered.

On the battlefield.

Jiu Yuan, the Jiuying child of the Jiuying clan, intervened strongly in the battle, and the lines on his body flowed, and the horrible power of water and fire burst out.

Many monks were bombarded by the force of water and fire. UU Reading

"This nine-leaf soul grass belongs to me. You humble human races also want to fight with me? Give it to me!

Jiu Yuan's huge body dashed straight, approaching the Nine Leaf Soul Grass all the way, greedy in his eyes.

Although he does not practice the way of the soul, if he can increase the strength of the soul, it will be of great use to him.

And just when he was about to get the Nine Leaf Soul Grass, a white figure suddenly appeared next to the Soul Grass.

But he didn't care.

The figure was too small compared to him.

"Humans who are in the way, go to death!"

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