Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1175: : Sage of Yaochi, Magic Way Action, Cao Yun's Exit

The emergence of the Kunlun Secret Realm invigorated all avenues.

People from all walks of life have gone.

A **** storm is already brewing.


A place surrounded by clouds and mist.

The graceful piano sound reverberated in bursts, making people fascinated.

In the clouds and mist, a woman in white clothes was vaguely seen playing the piano with her slender fingers plucking the strings, and the sound of the piano echoed.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up.

A woman dressed in a Chinese robe came up with a celestial body.

The clouds and mist all around dispersed.

The graceful woman in the clouds and mist also appeared, and she saw that the person's face was delicate, her skin was like fat, and her temperament was dusty.

Three thousand green hair and waist, wearing a white dress, sitting cross-legged by the lake, in front of a seven-string guqin.

The white-clothed woman slowly got up, her figure was concave and convex, her legs were slender, and she bowed slightly to the visitor, "Yuzhi has seen the master."

"Well, Yuzhi, Kunlun Secret Realm has appeared."

"Yuzhi knows."

"Kunlun is the birthplace of my Jade Lake Holy Land. It is the residence of Queen Mother West enshrined in my Holy Land. If you go this time, you may find some opportunities related to Queen Mother West."

Luxurious woman.

That is, the Sacred Sect Master Qing Yao of Yaochi said lightly.

She looked at Yuzhi with admiration in her eyes, "You are the youngest saint in Yaochi, and the best Jade Physique ever. Your talent is very close to the rumored Queen Mother of the West."

"If you can find some inheritance about her, then you will be able to win the first place in this world-class contest."

"By the way, this time, Zhuo Donglai, a fellow of the Eastern Kings Church, will also go to Kunlun Church with you.

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhixiu frowned, "Zhuo Donglai...I don't like him, Master, can you let me go alone?"

"The pattern of the immortal world is far less stable than it seems on the surface. The Eastern King Church and my Jade Lake Sacred Gate are quite related. They can support each other. I can also help you refuse."

Qing Yao is very fond of Yuzhi.

She also didn't want to wrong the other party to do things she didn't want to do.

"No, if you go with me, you can."

Yuzhi pondered for a while and said, she didn't want Master to be too embarrassed for her, and she was just a companion, she couldn't bear it either.



One hundred thousand mountains.

This is the land of demons.

In the fairy world, countless ancient beasts and divine beasts mostly live here, and human monks rarely come here.

Nine infants in one vein.

A young man in red rose into the sky, filled with evil spirits.

This person is the strongest world of Jiuying, Jiufang!

"Jiufang, when you go to Kunlun Secret Realm this time, you must remember to pay attention to a man named Chu Madman who killed Jiu Yuan."

A dull voice sounded.

"I understand that I will avenge Jiu Yuan."

A cold color flashed in Jiufang's eyes.

"Do not."

"I don't want you to take revenge. This person is powerful, and all the mighty powers in the immortal world can't be seen through. If you meet him, remember not to face him." The dull voice continued.

Hearing this, Jiu Fang was stunned for a moment, "It seems that this person is not trivial to make the patriarch so jealous, but I am interested."

"Remember my words."

"Don't worry about the patriarch, I have my own measures."

"Well, when I went to Kunlun this time, besides you, Qiongqi and other tribes such as Yinglu, Nine-tailed Fox, Thunder Beast, Kui Niu, etc. will also take action. If you meet them, you may be able to support each other. ."

"I just hope they don't hold me back."

Jiu Fang didn't take it seriously. After speaking, his figure flashed, turning into a stream of light, and swept towards the Kunlun Secret Realm.



A palace hidden in the dark.


In the palace, the lights are bright.

A figure composed of several black fog appeared.

These people are the successors of the ten veins of the magic way.

"What do you think about Kunlun matter?"

"Kunlun's chance is not to be missed, but the process on Luohou Zudi's side cannot be slackened."

"What the elders mean is to let us decide for ourselves. I plan to let two people go to Kunlun to explore. Who will go?"

A gentle voice sounded.

These figures looked at each other.

"I heard that a college chief has recently appeared in the fairy world. He is very strong. I would like to go there for a while."

A tall black shadow said coldly.

"Oh, Chi Zhan, yes, among us, your combat power can be ranked in the top three, so it is appropriate to let you go."

"Top three? One day, I will be number one."

Chi Zhan said coldly.

The gentle voice didn't care, and continued: "In addition, the person who heard the soul said that the descendant of Baimei's line is also in the academy, you can pay attention to it, if you can, bring her back by the way."

"Oh, there are still descendants of the Baimei line that is nearly extinct. That's interesting. The people who have heard of the Baimei line are all top furnaces. Ha, I would like to try it."

Chi Zhan showed a smile that every man knew.


Xing Tian Shengmen.

A figure rose to the sky.

A terrifying breath whistled out, transforming into a huge headless phantom in the void, swept across the world with a fighting spirit.

"I finally broke through the gods!"

"This trip to Kunlun will definitely shine!"

The young man stood in the air with a confident look on his face.

"Xing Feng, at this Kunlun gathering, Tianjiao is like Jiang Zhiqing, there are countless countless ones, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, I know."


Within a hundred colleges.

On a mountain peak, there is a bright light soaring into the sky, transforming into countless golden characters. Looking carefully, it is actually a sentence of academy rules and regulations.

"Do unto others, do not impose on others."

"Don't do small things for good, do not do small things for evil."

"Repay virtue by virtue, and repay grievances directly."

For a time, there seemed to be solemn recitations between heaven and earth.

Seeing this, the students from the hundreds of academies couldn't help but be surprised.

"This is one of the three great visions of the Academy!"

"That direction is Bailu Academy, it's Cao Yun, the elder of Bailu Academy. He has left the customs. This breath is so powerful."

"Has he broken through the realm of heavenly immortals?"

"This breath is too powerful."

Bailu Academy.

A handsome young man dressed in white walked out.

The young man has a slender figure, a firm face, and countless mysterious characters in his eyes, making him look very mysterious.

This person is the deer of Bailu Academy, Cao Yun.

When Cao Yun left the customs, Dean Bai Lu came to greet him personally.

Then, Cao Yun asked about the current situation in the academy.

"In the academy, is there a chief?"

After hearing the news, Cao Yun frowned slightly. He originally thought he could become the chief of the academy after breaking through the gods.

But I didn't expect that someone else would be the first to board?

This made him a little surprised.

"This Madman of Chu is really so amazing?"

Cao Yun asked.

Dean Bailu pondered for a while, UU read www. nodded immediately.

"His talent is the only thing I have seen in my life, no one can match, otherwise, Lu Zi would not let him be the chief of the college."

"The Dean said that, it made me curious."

Dean Bailu spoke tactfully, but Cao Yun heard it.

No one can reach, isn't it even less than him.

He was aroused to win.

"This time the Kunlun Secret Realm appears, I will take a few realms to look for opportunities, and hope to see this chief then."

Cao Yun said lightly.


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