Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1176: : Blood Nine Crows stand by and wait for the rabbits, the battle of immortal medicine

The depths of Yunmeng Daze.

Madman Chu is refining Xuzhou Ding.

On this day, he finally succeeded in refining the Xuzhou Ding, plus the previous Qingzhou Ding, Jizhou Ding, and Jiuzhou Ding, he has won the third.

"Maybe one day, I can really collect the Kyushu tripod. When Kyushu comes out, who will fight for it?!"

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, quite expectant.

As he left the customs, Chu Hong, Lan Yu, and the little foxes also greeted them, and everyone was planning to go to Kunlun Secret Realm.


"I hope I don't let me down."

Madman Chu looked at the white beam of light in the distance.


A beam of light penetrated the sky and the earth.

This beam of light is the entrance of Kunlun Secret Realm.

With the emergence of the Kunlun Secret Realm, many monks came here to explore.

Among them, there is no lack of Tianjiao, Jiezi and so on.

Outside the beam of light, there are many monks.

But what is surprising is that these monks gathered together and did not intend to enter Kunlun.

And the head of these monks was a thin man, but his eyes were like falcons.

This man called the Blood Nine Crows, holding a mace in his hand, and the thorns that protruded outward were shining with cold light.

He looked at the beam of light and sneered, "Rather than enter the Kunlun Secret Realm and compete with so many Tianjiao Realmists for opportunities, fight for life and death, it is better to stay outside here, wait for the rabbits, and hunt others for opportunities!"

The Blood Nine Crows used this method to gain a lot of opportunities before, and step by step to the present, he became a realmist.

Now he is the son of the most famous Evil Immortal Valley Lord in the immortal realm, no worse than those of the top orthodoxy.

"Boss, look."

At this time, a little brother next to Xue Jiu Crow said.

I saw a figure in white clothes walking out of the void, followed by two women with good temperament and a fox.

The people who came were Chu Kuangren and others.

Looking at the visitor, a strange color flashed across Xue Jiu Crow's eyes, "This white-clothed man has a good breath, where he seems to have seen it?"

Xue Jiu Crow stared at Madman Chu, as if thinking about something. He had done some investigations on the active members of the world in the fairy world.

After all, robbery depends on people.

It's not good to grab someone who can't afford it.

Soon, his eyes lit up and he remembered the identity of Chu Madman.

"It's him, the chief of the academy, the madman of Fengdu ghost emperor Chu!"

Xue Jiu Crow stared at Madman Chu, his eyes narrowed slightly.

It's just that Madman Chu didn't seem to pay attention to him. Without even looking at him, he turned and walked into the white beam of light.

In the blink of an eye, Madman Chu disappeared into the beam of light.

"Fengdu Ghost Emperor, interesting, and another big fish."

Xue Jiuya licked his lips, "I hope you don't let me down. In this Kunlun Secret Realm, it is better to search for opportunities. The more you collect, the more I can grab!!!"


Kunlun Secret World.

As soon as he entered it, Madman Chu suddenly felt an extremely rich fairy spirit rushing towards his face, refreshing his heart.

"It deserves to be the Kunlun Secret Realm, such a rich spiritual energy."

Madman Chu smiled.

Next to him, Lan Yu frowned slightly and said, "My son, when we came in just now, we seemed to be stared at."

"It's okay, some jumping clowns."

Madman Chu knew that Lan Yu was talking about the Blood Nine Crows.

He naturally noticed the other person's gaze. How could he conceal the gaze that seemed to be looking at the prey?

Judging from the behavior of the other party not entering the secret world but guarding the outside world, it is not difficult to guess the other party's true thoughts.


"I want to sit back and wait for the rabbit, but how do you know whether it is a rabbit or a tiger?" Madman Chu's mouth raised slightly.

He looked at the secret world in front of him, "Explore this place first."


Kunlun secret world, somewhere.

A group of people are exploring the secret world.

And the head of them, dressed in white, has a firm face.

This person is Cao Yun, a fellow of the academy.

He is also leading a group of students in the academy.

"Fu Shan, is Madman Chu really stunning as you say it?" Cao Yun was asking Fushan about Madman Chu.

Fu Shan nodded, "Cao Yun, although I know you may be unhappy to say that, the chief performance is indeed above you."

"To make you so convincing, I am really more and more interested in this chief who has never met before."

Cao Yun said expectantly.

"Cao Yun, there is movement not far away."

Suddenly, one of the college circles who walked in the front said.

I saw a light flashing in the mountains in front of him.

Everyone followed Baoguang and came to the mountain range, and then they saw a vermilion fruit growing on a cliff.

The spirit fruit is the size of a fist, and there are restrictions around it, and the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth is constantly converging towards the spirit fruit.

"This is... Yuan Ling Dao Fruit!"

In the team, a woman's eyes lit up.

This woman is called Huayun, she is best at medicine, alchemy, and all kinds of magical medicines in the world. There are few she does not know.

"Yuan Ling Dao Guo is the top best immortal medicine, not much inferior to the extremely top immortal medicine. It is very rare. Taking one piece is enough to make a lower third-rank Tianxian break through one or two grades."

Only Cao Yun was a celestial being present. In other words, this Yuan Ling Dao fruit was of great use to each of them.

"I'll take it off."

A world can't hold back the road.

He stepped forward to fetch medicine.

"and many more."

Hua Yun's face changed slightly, but that Jiezi had already taken action, and the power of the Xian Yuan had broken the restriction around Yuan Ling Dao Guo.

I saw this fruit blooming brilliantly.

A strange wave arose, and the monks who were exploring in the Kunlun Secret Realm all sensed this breath, and their eyes lit up.

"This breath, is there any treasure born?"

"Such fluctuations are at least the ultimate Xianzhen!"

"Ha, Kunlun really has opportunities everywhere."

Many monks rushed to the source of fluctuations.

Yuan Ling Dao Guo is located.

"What's the matter?"

The shot Jiezi looked confused.

"Once the prohibition of the Yuan Ling Dao Guo is broken, it will automatically absorb a large amount of spiritual energy protection, and at the same time it will emit energy fluctuations, and the fluctuations are enough to attract all nearby monks.

"Pick off Dao Guo and leave."

Hua Yun said.

But at this time.

There was a shocking wave of warfare in the void.

A white figure walked out of the void, looking at the Yuan Ling Daoguo's eyes, "Sure enough, a treasure has appeared."

He raised his hand and urged Xian Yuan, turning it into a big hand to grab it.


The pupils of the students in the academy shrank slightly.


There was a soft snort.

I saw that Cao Yun also shot, the powerful Xianyuan wave broke out, and also turned out a big Xianyuan hand and smashed it out.

In the crashing collision, each retreated.

"Oh, you are also a god."

"With such a fighting spirit, you are a member of Xingtian Holy Sect."

Cao Yun said lightly. UU Reading

"Yes, it is Xing Feng, Xingtian Sacred Gate!"

Xing Feng said proudly, and then he looked at Cao Yun, "I am the undead unknown person in my hand, who are you, please report your name."

"School, Cao Yun!"

"Very well, you and me fight, decide the ownership of this fairy medicine."

Just when the battle between the two sides was about to start.

Between heaven and earth, the majestic demon spirit swept across.

In the clouds, a figure soared into the sky, staring at Cao Yun and others coldly, "People from the academy? Madman Chu, where?!"


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