Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1182: : Test of Yuxu Palace, 7 futons, 1 ride Juechen

The madman Chu stepped out, and the vigorous immortal Yuan whistled out.

In an instant, the meaning of life and death emerged.

A huge yin and yang Tai Chi picture slowly unfolds!

Taiji Tu envelops the Madman Chu, Lan Yu, Chu Hong, Cao Yun and others completely, filled with black and white fairy radiance.

The surrounding bans blasted on it, and they were broken.

"Let's go."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He opened the yin and yang picture of life and death, leading everyone on.

When the monks all around saw this, the fear in their eyes became stronger.

"What an amazing supernatural power."

"Is this the method of the chief of the academy, the ghost emperor Fengdu? Such a meaning of life and death gave me a shuddering feeling."


"The picture of life and death is composed of two spirits of gods and demons. It is rumored that the chief of this academy also has a kind of chaotic gods and demons, which seems to be true."

Zhuo Donglai said with a solemn tone.

Reincarnation celestial bodies, chaotic gods and demons, these two peerless physiques are combined in one person, which is really incredible.

He has a rare sense of crisis.

The cultivation base of his own deity is indeed higher than that of Chu Madman.

But that is only temporary.

Who knows where in a few years the Mad Man Chu will grow up, with these two peerless physiques in his body, his cultivation speed will only exceed his imagination, and I am afraid that he will only be higher than himself.

"The chief of the academy is really very human!"

Yuzhi couldn't help but sigh.

She became more and more interested in the Mad Man Chu.

This made Zhuo Donglai next to him gritted his teeth.

Everyone continued to approach Yuxu Palace.

After a while, some of the talented Tianjiao Realmists had already passed through the sea of ​​clouds and arrived at the Yuxu Palace Dojo.

"It's so strong."

"It's really a land of Xianjiafu, this Yuxu Palace is definitely the top fairy mountain in Kunlun's secret world."

"Not bad."

Many monks admired again and again.

"Look, there is a fairy medicine there."

At this time, a monk saw a top-quality fairy medicine growing on a rockery in the distance, and rushed to pick it up.

Others also stepped forward to fight.

Kuangren Chu and other top players didn't have much interest.

"The mouse is short-sighted."

Zhuo Donglai snorted softly.

The opportunity in this Yuxu Dojo is more than just a fairy medicine?

On the contrary, the immortal medicine is most likely to be the least worth mentioning in the Yuxu palace. It is simply not worth the gain to miss other opportunities here because of a fairy medicine.

"The real chance should be in the Yuxu Palace."

Zhuo Donglai and others looked at Yuxu Palace.

I saw that there were seven futons in that glorious palace, and there were countless mysterious Dao patterns on the futons.

"That futon seems to have a chance." Zhuo Donglai's eyes lit up and walked into Yuxu Palace, wanting to take a closer look.

It's just that when he entered, a strong pressure suddenly enveloped him, making his brows frowned.

"Is this the test of Yuxu Palace?"

"It's best to have a test, and the harder the test, the better it proves that there is a chance here!" Zhuo Donglai's tone was excited.

Others also walked into Yuxu Palace one by one.

Like Zhuo Donglai, everyone felt an extremely powerful pressure covering them.

Under pressure, everyone approached the futon step by step.

But many people couldn't resist the pressure, and they were crushed on the ground, unable to move.

"This opportunity seems to have no chance with me. Instead of staying here and insisting, it is better to go to other places to explore."

Some monks got up and left the Yuxu Palace. Sometimes, it is also very important to judge the situation and recognize one's own ability.

"Chief, the chance in this Yuxu Palace probably has nothing to do with us. Let's explore other places first."

Hua Yun, Fu Shan and other academies said to Chu Madman.

"Okay, you guys be careful."


Madman Chu glanced at the futon, flashed on his body, and walked into the Yuxu Palace. Besides him, Chu Hong, Lan Yu, and Cao Yun were also trying to get this opportunity.

"This pressure is kind of interesting."

Madman Chu smiled.

Compared to other people, he appeared to be much more relaxed, with the power of life and death circulating in his body, resisting pressure.


Suddenly, the madman Chu gave a soft voice and looked at a monk next to him, who was a luxurious female fairy dressed in white.

It was Yuzhi that when Madman Chu approached the opponent, he suddenly felt a strange resonance reaction.

The Jade Lake Immortal Scriptures in his body actually reacted.

This fairy is also practicing the Yaochi Immortal Sutra!

And it is the most complete Jade Lake Immortal Sutra. In addition, the strange resonance is not only the Immortal Sutra, but also other factors.

Yuzhi also found that Madman Chu was watching her, and the closer she got to the other party, the strange resonance became stronger.

"This feeling……"

"It's Qin!"

"My Xianqin resonates with this person."

Yuzhi finally found the source of the resonance, but he was even more puzzled, why would her Xianqin resonate with this person?

"Oh, that's it."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, and there was a sense of sorrow in his eyes.

He looked at Yuzhi with a playful look.

When the other party looked at him like this, Yuzhi felt his cheeks feel a little hot, and said, "Don't you think it's too rude?"

Her voice was gentle and not harsh.

It's more shy.

After all, Madman Chu's face was too lethal.

"Sorry." Madman Chu smiled apologetically, and felt that it was indeed rude that he had been staring at a female fairy.


The saint of Yaochi Holy Land.

Perhaps it will be useful in the future.

He retracted his gaze, and then continued to walk towards the futon.

Behind Yuzhi, the anger in Zhuo Donglai's eyes was almost gushing out. It was the first time he saw Yuzhi blushing at a man.

What is so great about this Madman of Chu?

Isn't it just being pregnant with two peerless immortals?

Doesn’t it just look better?

Isn't it the ghost emperor of Fengdu?

Apart from these, what is he comparable to himself? !

Zhuo Donglai took a deep breath, pressed his inner fire forcibly, urged Xianyuan, resisting the pressure and strode towards the futon.

He wants to prove that he is better than Chu Madman!

It's just that he has been following Madman Chu, only looking at Madman Chu's back, getting further and further away from him.

"Damn it?!"

"How could this be!"

"Even if my avatar is not as strong as the deity, it shouldn't be so different!"

Zhuo Donglai gritted his teeth.

"No, this pressure is not only a test of cultivation level, but also factors such as the monk's perception of Tao and Taoism."

"But even how could this Madman of Chu walk so easily? Does he really have such a deep understanding of Tao?"

The other cultivators looked at Madman Chu's back, and they felt bitter.

The Madman Chu, who was riding Juechen, ignored everyone's feelings. He did two steps in three steps. After walking the last distance, he came to the front of the seven futons, muttered, and then sat down.


The situation in front of him changed.

A vast white space appeared in front of him, and in this space a fairy radiance suddenly bloomed, and in the light, an old man with white hair and white clothes and a bone of fairy style appeared.

The old man glanced at Madman Chu and smiled.


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