Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1183: : Hunyuan preaching, Ksitigarbha scripture, plundering Yuxu dojo

Yuxu Palace.

Madman Chu was sitting on the futon, the situation in front of him changed, he appeared in a white space, and also encountered a white-haired old man.

This old man’s fairy-wind dao bones, celestial radiance and dazzling dazzling fascination, and mysterious dao patterns flowing around his body, constituted all phenomena in the world.

The old man looked at Madman Chu with a smile.

Then, the old man opened his mouth and began to preach.

"Is this Yuqing Yuanshi?"

"He's... preaching."

The madman of Chu suddenly realized that this futon contained Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun's perception of Tao.

His eyes lit up.

A Hunyuan Da Luoxian's perception of Tao is very rare, this is an out-and-out great opportunity!

Madman Chu sat cross-legged and began to realize.

His own understanding of Tao reached an incredible level, and many immortals of the older generation were far inferior to him.

Now, after listening to Yuanshi's sermon, I have a lot of insights, and just when he enlightened, the other futons also welcomed people.

The seven futons are occupied by seven Tianjiao. Except for the Mad Man of Chu, the other six are Yuzhi, the sage of Yaochi, Zhuo Donglai, the son of Dongwangjiao, the descendant of Chiyou, Chizhan, and Tu Shanfei of the nine-tailed fox family. Rain, the purple thunder of Xianting Lagerstroemia, and Lan Yu.

The six people sat down.

Then, their consciousness also came to the white space.

At this time, in this white space, golden lotus rushed from the ground, thousands of auspicious lights flowed, and the avenue manifested, amazed everyone.

"This old man is preaching."

"Is this person the rumors Yuanshi Tianzun?!"

"Quick, feel good."

Someone noticed the Madman Chu who was enlightening.

Their faces condensed, and they quickly began to enlighten.

As time passed, in Yuxu Palace, all the worlds had been sitting for seven days, and they were all comprehending the Tao left by Yuanshi Tianzun.

this day.

Madman Chu opened his eyes leisurely.

In his eyes, a ray of essence flashed past.

"I'm almost enlightened."

Yuanshi Tianzun’s perception of Tao is indeed very mysterious, even for him.

It's just that now he has almost realized it.

It won't work anymore.

But the rest of them were all intoxicated.

Madman Chu glanced at it and ignored it.

He opened the fantasy roulette draw.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the god-level prize Ksitigarbha!"

Ksitigarbha scripture, this is a top-notch celestial scripture, and like the Bo Xun scripture, it is also related to Buddhism.

Although it was a top celestial scripture, it was of little use to the Mad Chu.

He has a top celestial scripture such as Qihua Sanqing, and the remaining celestial scriptures can only be said to be icing on the cake at best.

Having said that, there is always better than nothing.


The madman of Chu extracted the Buddhist scriptures.

Then, his eyes lit up, "Interesting, this Ksitigarbha scripture actually contains a mysterious soul technique."

You know, even if the Madman of Chu practices a top-notch exercise like the eighteenth-turn three-element soul refining art, this exercise only cultivates the strength of the soul. As for the methods of soul attack, he doesn't have many methods.

"Ksitigarbha spell!"

"Building a statue of Buddha with the power of the soul can save the soul of the dead or directly attack the soul of the monk."

"Not bad."

Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction, then got up and left Yuxu Palace.

They bother Lan Yu and others.

After leaving the Yuxu Palace, his immortal knowledge surged, covering most of the Yuxu Dojo, and he saw many people vying for various opportunities.

"This opportunity, let me take over."

His figure flashed and came to a mountain.

Here, the king of the academy, Shentian, was fighting fiercely with an ancient beast, vying for the spiritual fluid contained in a pond.

"Academy King Shentian, you are not my opponent, get out of here!" The fierce beast roared and blasted out with a palm, sweeping the violent demon energy, and it contained powerful thunder power.

Wang Chentian was blasted back by a single blow, "Damn it!"

Just when he was about to fight again, a figure in white clothes suddenly appeared and came to the battlefield, "It's the chief."

Wang Shentian was a little surprised.

"Mad Chu?"

"Didn't he enlighten Dao in Yuxu Palace? How could he suddenly appear here?!" The fierce beast opposite was also very surprised.

Many Tianjiao had been to Yuxu Palace, and naturally they knew that Madman Chu and other seven Tianjiao realmists enlightened Dao there.

That can be said to be the biggest opportunity of this Yuxu Palace, but why did this Madman of Chu come out first before anyone else came out?

"This opportunity, I want it."

Madman Chu said calmly.

"Oh, do you want to seize the opportunity?"

"This opportunity is not yours. How can you grab it? If you leave now, you may be able to survive." Chu Kuang said humanely.

"You..." The fierce beast took a deep breath, recalling the horrible power of Madman Chu in the past to kill Sanjiezi with three swords.

He took a deep look at Chu Madman, "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. You can't keep being so arrogant."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Shen Tian, ​​take good chance, let's go to other places."

"Okay, chief." Wang Chentian faintly guessed what Madman Chu was going to do, and his eyes showed excitement. He put away the opportunity, and then went to the next opportunity with Madman Chu.

There were a lot of people vying there, but after the arrival of the Mad Man Chu, everyone else was silent.

Now in this Kunlun Secret Realm, few people dare to say that they have the strength to compete with Madman Chu.

The other party is too strong.

It's so strong that they can't afford the slightest resistance.

In this way, Madman Chu led the people from the academy to collect various opportunities in the Yuxu Dojo, and no one could compete with them.

Although everyone was angry, they were helpless.

There were indeed a few who couldn't bear it. They went to find trouble, but without exception, they were all slapped to death by Madman Chu.

Since then, everyone is dissatisfied and dare not say anything.

It is so cruel in this spiritual world.

The strong, dominate everything.

The weak have no right to speak.

One month later.

Yuxu Palace.

Lan Yu and the others recovered from the state of enlightenment, and everyone had a great harvest, with joy on their faces.

"Huh, where's the son?"

Suddenly, Lan Yu frowned slightly.

She swept around without seeing Madman Chu.

"It should be before we wake up and leave here."

Lan Yu said.

Then she got up and left.


At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

Zhuo Dong came to her, his eyes showed a touch of surprise, but then he stopped, "Where is Madman Chu?"

The others also looked at her swiftly.

They recovered from the state of enlightenment at almost the same time, but Madman Chu left before them.

Is the other party not interested in the preaching of Yuanshi Tianzun?

This surprised everyone.

"Oh, are you looking for me?"

A voice sounded.

Madman Chu walked in outside Yuxu Palace.

"The son."

Lan Yu greeted him. UU reading

"How is the harvest?"

"Very good." There was a touch of excitement in Lan Yu's eyes. Hun Yuan's powerful preaching benefited her a lot.

"That's good."

"Madman Chu, when did you wake up?"

Zhuo Dong asked.

"Just wake up so few days earlier than you guys."

"Hun Yuan's preaching is not over yet, are you willing to leave?"

"Nothing to do with you."


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