Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1184: : The residence of Queen Mother of the West, Fragment of Fuxi Qin, Yuzhi's Expec


Zhuo Donglai snorted and said nothing.

He left the Yuxu Palace with other Tianjiao Jiezi.

When they passed by Kuangren Chu, they saw Cao Yun, Wang Shentian and other college students, all of them were red.

It looked like a great opportunity.

This made them a little confused, but they didn't care too much. There are many opportunities for this Yuxu Dojo, and chances are normal.

"This Madman of Chu is too arrogant. This month, he has taken over dozens of opportunities, large and small."

"Too disgusting."

"The fairy medicine, the fairy weapon, he didn't keep one for us."

In the Yuxu Dojo, some monks were talking about it.

When Zhuo Dong came, Zi Lei and the others couldn't help being stunned when they heard these comments, and then they asked someone to follow up.

After learning what happened, they were all confused.

Madman Chu woke up a month earlier than them? !

And also took away most of this opportunity? !

"What's the matter with this guy, he woke up a month earlier than us. Isn't that Hunyuan preaching opportunity doesn't appeal to him at all?"

"With so many opportunities in Yuxu Dojo, he actually grabbed them all?"

"Hmph, I didn't expect this person to be so greedy."

When Zhuo Dong came, Chi Zhan and others looked at Madman Chu, feeling a little uncomfortable in their hearts, so many opportunities were all taken over by this man?

No wonder the people in the academy are all red.

That's it.


Madman Chu said to Lan Yu and others.

They had almost gotten the chance in the Yuxu Dojo, and it would be of no benefit if they continued to stay.

To leave the Yuxu Dojo, one has to pass through the sea of ​​clouds again.

This is not difficult for those who enter.

If you can come in, you can naturally go out.

This is what most people think.

However, they found that they were wrong.

The prohibition in the sea of ​​clouds has changed when they came in, and it is even more varied and unpredictable.


Golden lights came to everyone.

Zhuo Donglai and others took action.

Madman Chu is much simpler, the yin and yang life and death map is opened, covering everyone, and it can't help them to restrain them all around.

But after a certain distance.

In the distance, a terrifying storm of restraint swept over, and the mighty power made everyone present moved.

"What a terrifying prohibition."

Even Zhuo Donglai, Yuzhi and the others were a little serious.

"Let's shoot together!"

Zhuo Dong said.

When he raised his hand, there were Dao patterns condensed, and the vast and hot immortal yuan wave spread, condensed into a big sun and exploded.

The rest of the people also performed their own magic.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the surrounding sea of ​​clouds rolled and the void burst.

That forbidden storm to shatter.

Vaguely, in the sea of ​​broken clouds, a peak appeared, and its magnificence was not inferior to Yuxu Dojo.

"That is……"

After Yuzhi saw the peak, her pupils shrank slightly, and her heart was a little throbbing, and she felt something in the peak calling to herself, "This feeling is...The residence of Queen Mother of the West!!"

She is pregnant with the sacred body of the Jade Lake, and she is also the sage of the Jade Lake.

She keenly realized that this mountain contained a heritage of her own, and she immediately became itchy.


Without saying a word, Yuzhi flew towards the mountain peak that appeared in the void, while the others looked at each other and moved one after another.

The residence of Queen Mother West.

This is definitely a place worth exploring.

And when they flew to the mountain, a strange spatial fluctuation spread from the void, which made them disappear.

"Oh, some kind of spatial force?"

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He looked at Cao Yun and the others and said, "I don't know what danger there is. Do you want to go in with me or leave?"

"Ha, of course I am going."

"If you are afraid of risks, you should be a practitioner."

No one wants to back down.

Madman Chu smiled, "Let's go then."

The crowd flew towards the residence of Queen Mother West, and as soon as they entered it, an extremely powerful space-time force enveloped them.

Immediately, the situation changed and everyone stepped into the residence of Queen Mother of the West.

"People are scattered."

Madman Chu looked around, and apart from him, there was no half of a human figure, apparently they had been teleported somewhere.

"This place is located in Kunlun, but it is not in Kunlun. Is it actually a realm?" Madman Chu muttered.

In the world.

It is to open up another secret world in the secret world, this kind of method is only possible by some of the top powers.

There is no doubt that Queen Mother West is such a great power.

"Is that the center of this realm?"

The madman Chu looked at a towering mountain in the distance. The peak of the mountain stood on top of the sky, and its immortal aura was the strongest. The immortal medicine was everywhere, and the immortal crystals were dew. There were countless, a fairy family.

"Go take a look."

Madman Chu is already tens of thousands of miles away.

Just as he hurried to the center of this world, he suddenly felt an incomparably surging breath midway.

He stayed and took a look, but saw a giant white tiger fighting a fairy in white.

The female fairy has a graceful figure and a cold face, holding a guqin in her hand, and the surging sound of the piano is constantly blasting.

"is her."

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

This fairy is the sage Yuzhi of Yaochi.

As the piano sounded, there was a throbbing inside the Madman Chu, and he raised his hand to take out a guqin.

It is the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant he got in the past!

The Nine Heavens Ring Pedestal is just a top-notch heavenly immortal weapon, which is of no use to Madman Chu.

But this qin is a fragment of the original treasure. At this time, this nine-seven ring is resonating with the guqin in Yuzhi's hands.

"it is as expected."

Madman Chu was not surprised.

Obviously, the guqin in Yaochi's hands, like the Nine Heavens Ring Pei, is also a fragment of the original treasure.

This is also the reason why he resonates with Yaochi.

"There are not many treasures of the piano, and the most famous one is undoubtedly the Fuxi Qin, which is known as the first piano in the ancient ancient world."

"In all likelihood, this is the treasure."

Madman Chu murmured.

"Do you want to grab it?"

He was thinking.

A treasure of origin, it is a treasure even higher than the Da Luo Immortal Artifact, and it can even help the monk to hit the realm of Hedao.


At this moment, the giant white tiger roared, and the terrifying demon spirit lifted Yuzhi hundreds of feet away, causing blood to overflow from the corner of her mouth.

This white tiger behemoth is too strong.

White Tiger, one of the sacred beasts, is best at killing!

And the white tiger in front of Yuzhi was a pure-blooded ninth-tier **** who had even experienced several awakenings.

Yuzhi is just a third-ranking goddess at this time. It is not a simple matter for UU reading to deal with such a beast.

"Ask him?"

Yuzhi looked at the Madman Chu in the sky.

When the opponent came, she noticed it, but the other side watched the battle for some reason and did not make a move.

Although she knows that the other party is not obligated to take action, after all, in this world battle, one less opponent will be one less.

But for some reason, she still had some expectations in her heart.


At this time, the White Tiger Divine Beast once again shot, wrapped in an immense majesty, and rushed towards Yuzhi like a substantive monster.

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