Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1186: : Undead Potion, do you have the ability to pick me up?

The Queen Mother's Immortal is present, and countless people admire it.

Everyone has illusions about this object.

Even if it was Zhuo Dong, Zi Lei was fiery inside.

But no one did it the first time, everyone knew that whoever did it the first time would become the target of others.

The Immortal Medicine swayed on the top of the mountain, Xianhui radiantly, exuding seductive fluctuations, and tickled everyone like a fairy.

But everyone is also on guard.

at this time.

Two figures came together in the distance.

The two men, a man and a woman, talked and laughed, breaking the tense atmosphere at the scene, and everyone looked over subconsciously.

"It's them."

"Wait, how can they be together."

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

The person who came was the madman of Chu, Yuzhi.

When Zhuo Donglai saw Madman Chu approaching Yuzhi, his eyes suddenly turned red and his face was extremely ugly.

That smile, that tone...

Yuzhi never showed it when he was with him.

What exactly is going on? ! !

How long has it been since this time, why did Madman Chu and Yuzhi become so close? !

Zhuo Donglai was almost mad with jealousy. He even stepped forward quickly uncontrollably and asked coldly: "Yuzhi, why are you with this guy?!"

Hearing his words, Yuzhi frowned slightly, and said displeased: "Friend Chu is my friend, please also respect him."

What this guy?

This is her soulmate.

Also, what tone is this?

He and the other party only came to explore the secret world together. In fact, the relationship is not close. Why did she seem to be cheating?

Bah baah bah...

She didn't even have a target, so what kind of cheating.

"Friend? How long have you known him? How come you became friends." Zhuo Donglai said coldly.

"At first sight."

Yuzhi didn't want to explain too much, the more he explained, the more he seemed to have something like Madman Chu.

"It’s like seeing before?! What a good one at first sight."

Zhuo Donglai gritted his teeth and said.

When he heard this, it was no different from love at first sight.

He looked at Madman Chu with an icy color in his eyes, but found that since the other party came, he hadn't seen him straight from the beginning to the end, his gaze had been on the elixir on the top of the mountain.

"Interesting, I didn't expect this kind of windfall."

In fact, this elixir had little temptation for Madman Chu.

After all, he has an immortal body.

This is much more powerful than an elixir.

The immortal medicine only prolongs the life span. If a monk is fatally injured, he will die.

But the immortal body is different.

If his will is not dead, his body will not die.

This is truly powerful.

However, although the temptation is not great, it is undeniable that the value of this elixir is better than being taken by others in your own hands. Who knows if you need it in the future?

I want to take it.

Madman Chu ignored the stalemate present, took a step forward and swept the elixir, reaching out to take it off.

"What a madman Chu!"

"Sure enough, there is a kind!"

As Madman Chu shot, everyone also shot.

Everyone had a tacit understanding, urging Xianfa to attack Madman Chu, wanting to kick out the biggest enemy first.

Zhuo Donglai had to make a move.

But Yuzhi stopped him.


"Yuzhi, what are you doing?!"

Zhuo Donglai's face sank.

"You are not an opponent of Fellow Daoist Chu."

Yuzhi said lightly.

On the way, she had seen the strength of Madman Chu, it was a strength that made her feel unmatched.

And this is probably just the tip of the iceberg for the other party.

Zhuo Donglai's strength in Jiezi is not weak, but compared to the Madman Chu, it is only a little insignificant.

So she stopped the opponent and didn't want him to die, so she could be regarded as a companion who came to explore the secret world together.

"Is it an opponent? Only after playing it will I know."

Zhuo Donglai snorted coldly.

Yuzhi's words made him extremely annoyed. In the eyes of his beloved woman, he is actually inferior to another man?

How could this make him stand?

However, he did not immediately make a move.

Because the immortal methods of the major Tianjiao realms have been played, a turbulent flow of extremely terrifying energy sweeps towards Madman Chu.

In the face of such power, even Zhuo Donglai had no certainty that he would survive.

However, he saw that the Madman Chu didn't retreat, and a sense of reincarnation broke out on his body. The chaotic **** and demon body and the reincarnation celestial body were displayed at the same time, forming a yin and yang picture of life and death spreading towards the surroundings.

Life and death are matched by reincarnation, its gods are vast, and the immortals that blasted from all around collapsed and disintegrated in front of this move!

Madman Chu came to the eternal medicine almost unscathed, stretched out his hand to pick it up, and put it into the universe of space in his sleeve.

The pupils of Zi Lei, Chi Zhan and others shrank.

"How can it be!"

"He was able to take a joint blow from everyone present unscathed, this kind of strength...just kidding!!"

"What kind of monster is he?!"

All Tianjiao Jiezi stared at Madman Chu, unbelievable.

The madman Chu gave a chuckle, his eyes swept across the crowd, his body swept across all directions, shaking the world.

"Take me, do you have the ability to take my sword?"

Madman Chu's sword finger condensed.

In an instant, the will of heaven transforms the intent of the sword, the will of the sword transforms the intent of the sword, and the will of heaven is like a sword to be urged to the extreme by him.

In his eyes, there was a gleam of blue light flowing.

In his eyes, two leaves composed of sword energy loomed.

It is Aoba Ken Hitomi!

Sword pupil blessed the kendo magic, and its power skyrocketed!

The Madman Chu at this moment is like the highest immortal **** in the sword, he can walk across the world with a sword in his hand, cutting down the sun, moon and stars!

The next moment.

Chu Madman's sword pointed to the sky in one fell swoop!

A huge cyan sword shadow rose to the sky, splitting the sky!

"not good!"


Everyone's face changed drastically, showing a look of horror.


Madman Chu gave a soft sigh, his sword flicked in the void, and that huge sword shadow also appeared out of the sky, slashing towards the crowd!

The sword shadow passed, the void shattered!

Accompanied by a loud noise, more than a dozen Tianjiao Realmists under the sword's edge turned into blood mist and exploded on the spot, with no corpses dead!

But this was not over yet, the cyan sword shadow burst open, and the sword energy contained in it swept in all directions like a storm! !

A crowd of Tianjiao worlds urged immortal law to resist.

But even if it was just a sword aura, the power contained in it was terrifyingly strong, and ordinary heavenly immortals could hardly stop it.

In an instant, blood mist exploded like blood fireworks.

A sword passes, UU reading www. is in a mess.

The wills of the immortal world converged towards the Madman Chu, and those were the will of the immortal world who was killed by him.

Twenty, thirty, fifty...

Plus some Tianjiao who are not Jiezi.

Madman Chu killed hundreds of people with this sword!

Hundreds of world-child Tianjiao! !

"This is the chief of the academy, the strength of Fengdu Ghost Emperor?!"

There was a Tianjiao who couldn't help trembling.

He luckily survived that sword, but that sword might become a nightmare of his life, lingering! !

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