Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1187: : The clue of the little fox's father, the peculiar fragrance

On the top of the fairy mountain, the madman of Chu killed hundreds of heavenly arrogant worlds with a single sword.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene!

They all knew that Madman Chu was very strong, and once killed three heavenly immortals with three swords.

But I didn't expect the other party to be so strong.

Kill hundreds of heavenly arrogant worlds with one sword?

Is this a person or a monster?

Is this definitely a world of the same age group as them?


The purple thunder from the line of Xianting Lagerstroemia without a second word, the figure turned into a purple electric light, and instantly left the scene.

The power of Madman Chu has made him feel desperate.

the other side.

Chi Zhan's eyes were shocked, but he still had a fighting spirit.

"Fighting against this class of characters, if I don't die, it will definitely improve my cultivation!" Chi Zhan's tone trembled slightly.

He wanted to fight, but was a little scared.

He was afraid... he would die!

"Chi Zhan, retreat!"

At this time, a voice rang in his ears.

It is the soul guardian.

The voice of the Soul Guardian also made him regained his senses, took a deep breath, and then his figure escaped into the void and disappeared.

The other Tianjiao Jiezi also left the scene individually.

Madman Chu's sword was too shocking.

No one wants to fight him head-on.

That is looking for death.

"How could it be like this... with such strength, even if my deity comes, I am afraid it will not be an opponent."

"He is so tyrannical?!"

Zhuo Donglai's eyes changed and he was extremely proud of him as the world son cultivated by the Dongwang Sect.

Even when he came to Kunlun to explore this time, he only sent an avatar, because he thought that even if it was an avatar, no one could compare with him.

But the appearance of the Mad Man Chu made him feel threatened.

An unprecedented threat!

Even his beloved woman, Yuzhi, the saint of Yaochi, seems to have a different affection for each other.

"Friend Chu's methods are really amazing."

Just as Zhuo Donglai's thoughts were turning, Yuzhi next to him sighed again, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"The son."


At this time, Lan Yu and the others also came to Xianshan. They looked at Madman Chu with a strong admiration and admiration in their eyes.

They had already seen the sword of Madman Chu.

The sword that amazed the gods and ghosts amazed them.

They believed that in the younger generation, apart from Madman Chu, no one else could make a sword like just now.

"Where is the little fox?"

Madman Chu swept around and suddenly found that the little fox was missing.

"Big guy, big guy, I'm here."

At this moment, the little fox ran from not far away, a pair of short legs swiftly moved, and soon ran to Madman Chu, his face was full of excitement, "Big boss, your sword just now is so handsome. !"

Madman Chu touched her head.

Immediately, he looked behind him and found that there were a few others. They were a few handsome men and women, especially the one in the lead. They were graceful and charming, especially those watery eyes that seemed to be seductive. , I can’t remove it at first glance.

This is a peerless stunner.

Madman Chu made a comment inwardly.

And this woman, he has also seen it.

It was one of the seven people who got the chance to preach in Yuxu Palace.

"In Xia Tushan's Feiyu, I have seen Fellow Taoist Chu."

Tu Shan Feiyu said with his hands.

"Boss, they said they belonged to my clan, and they said they might know my father." said the little fox.

Hearing this, Madman Chu was quite surprised.

He knew that the little fox had a father, and the reason why she left the group was to find her own father.

Unexpectedly, I will gain something here.

"Does Tushan?"

"The fairy book left by the little fox's father is indeed the Tushan Jing. They said it is not impossible to know the little fox's father. Maybe it can really help the little fox find her father."

For the little fox, he is not without feelings.

In any case, the gangster called himself for so long.

If you can help each other find his father, that would be great.

"Friend Chu Dao, Xiaoyue's father is probably the offspring of a senior member of my Tushan family, and I want to take her back."

Tu Shan Feiyu said.

She could perceive that although the little fox is a mutated moonlight fox, the blood of the sky fox in his body is extremely rich.

That kind of celestial fox bloodline is only possessed by celestial foxes who have been awakened for six times, and in the history of the Tushan clan, all of them are stunningly talented and famous in history.

Most of these people are at the top of the Tushan clan.

"It depends on the little fox himself."

Madman Chu looked at the little fox and asked her for advice.

The little fox hesitated.

On the one hand, she reluctantly left the Mad Man Chu, but on the other hand, she left the ethnic group in order to find her father.

Now that there are clues, she cannot be indifferent.

"How about this."

"After this trip to Kunlun is over, I will personally take the little fox to Shiwan Dashan and visit Tushan. How about?"

Madman Chu looked at Tu Shan Feiyu and said.

He was a little rest assured that the little fox went to Tushan alone. This little fox is so cute and cute. What if there are three long and two short ones?

This Tu Shanfeiyu just met, how can you trust it?

"Okay, I understand."

Tu Shanfeiyu nodded.

Then, Madman Chu led the people from the academy to explore Xianshan and collect immortal medicines, and Yuzhi and Zhuo Donglai were with him.

The former followed Madman Chu, and the latter simply didn't want to see Yuzhi getting too close to Madman Chu, so he kept following.

After seeing Madman Chu's stronger horizontal strength, Zhuo Donglai's aura has reduced a lot, no longer showing too obvious hostility.

But along the way, there is also a cold face.

Madman Chu didn't care either.

The best if the other party can be honest.

If not, it is just a matter of one or two swords.

He could see that the other party was just an avatar, even if the deity came, he would not pay attention to it, let alone this avatar?

"I sensed that there is a chance that belongs to me in the front." Yuzhi muttered as he looked not far away.

Soon, everyone came to a place surrounded by clouds and mist.

Because of the previous encounter with the sea of ​​clouds outside Yuxu Palace, everyone became alert, thinking that there was also some restriction in this cloud and mist.

But look carefully, there is no restriction in this cloud.

Not only that, but there is also a burst of fragrance.

The fragrance is refreshing and intoxicating.

Everyone was unconsciously attracted by the fragrance and walked into the clouds.

"Something's wrong."

Chu Kuangren frowned slightly He held his breath, trying to isolate the fragrance, but found that the fragrance was pervasive and unpredictable.

Even blocking perception cannot prevent the erosion of fragrance.

He wanted to stop Lan Yu and the others, but found that several people's eyes were blank and blurred, as if they were caught in some kind of illusion.

Even Zhuo Donglai is the same.

"This scent has the effect of eroding the mind and confusing the mind?"


Madman Chu flicked his sleeves, and his sleeves showed everything, Lan Yu and others except Zhuo Donglai were taken in.

"Huh, where is Yuzhi?" Suddenly, the madman of Chu discovered that Yuzhi had gone deep into the clouds and mist and disappeared.

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