Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1189: : Inheritance of the Queen Mother of the West, the treasure at the bottom of the pond

In the Kunlun Yao Pool.

Madman Chu and Yuzhi are using the jade pond to wash their immortal bodies.

"How did Fellow Daoist Chu come here?"

Yuzhi asked curiously.

You know, she came here because of the Yaochi Immortal Body.

But what about Madman Chu?

"Just walked here."

Madman Chu chuckles.

Upon hearing this, Yuzhi's expression was shocked.

Just got here?

The information revealed by this is too scary.

Is it possible that Madman Chu already possesses the supreme Taoism? !


This monk who was in the same age class as her was really terrifying, and she refreshed her knowledge of practice time and time again.


Suddenly, the madman Chu gave a soft voice.

He saw that there were countless light spots floating in the jade pond, converging in the void, and gradually turned into a figure.

It was a graceful woman in a gorgeous golden robe and a beaded hairpin. She had a beautiful face and a pair of phoenix eyes with majesty.

This is a peerless fairy.

Even the head of the female fairies standing on top of all female fairies! !

"Western Queen!"

Yuzhi exclaimed and recognized that the woman in the void was the Queen Mother Xi who was the head of the world's female fairies in ancient rumors!

"The offspring of the sacred body of Yaochi and..."

Queen Mother Xi glanced at Yuzhi, then looked at Madman Chu, with a strange color in her eyes, "The strange number of fate of nothingness!"

Madman Chu knew that the other party was talking about himself.

He didn't pay any attention to his unobtrusive posture, saluting neither humble nor overbearing, "I have seen Senior Queen Mother Xi."

"Lady, you are very good." Queen Mother Xi said while looking at Madman Chu. She didn't know if she was talking about him or something else.

Yuzhi beside him was not as open-minded as Madman Chu.

She shyly took out a cloak and put it on her body before standing on the water to salute Queen Mother West, "I have seen Senior."

"You're welcome, what you see now is just a piece of my fairy knowledge, the younger generation, do you want my inheritance?"

Queen Mother West looked at Yuzhi and said.

Yuzhi smiled, "Yes!"

This is the inheritance of Queen Mother Xi, who doesn't want it? !

This is also the purpose of her coming here.

Kuangren Chu watched from the side, didn't say much, didn't try to fight for anything, because he knew that this inheritance was prepared by Queen Mother Xi for Yuzhi, and her ray of immortal knowledge was awakened for Yuzhi.

Even if I want to fight, I guess there is no way.


This is Yaochi.

If there is something wrong with him, who knows if it will be targeted by some of the backhands left by Queen Mother West?

"Then how much you can feel depends on you."

I saw the immortal consciousness left by Queen Mother West shattered, turned into countless mysterious characters, and quickly poured into Yuzhi's body.

"Lady, there are some treasures deep in the bottom of this pool. Maybe you are interested, so I will give it to you."

Queen Mother Xi's voice rang in Chu Kuangren's ears.

Madman Chu's eyes lit up, "Thank you."

After speaking, his figure flashed, and he immediately entered the depths of the bottom of the pool, seeing that there were layers of mysterious restrictions in the bottom of the pool.

Restriction is like a light film, as if something is sealed.

With the arrival of the Mad Man Chu, the light film shattered, and in an instant there was light spreading out, and pieces of treasure appeared.

Immortal implements, immortal gold, jade slips, etc. are countless.

Among them are a few sets of ladies' battle armors, with fascinating celestial splendor flowing around them, and all of them are Da Luo fairy artifacts!

Madman Chu called the good guy.

Daluo Immortal Tool, this is a top treasure in the immortal world.

Second only to the original treasure, Hedao Xianqi.

"It's a pity that they are all women's models, but I am immortal, so I don't need these armors."

Madman Chu said, putting these armors into his sleeves.

After thinking about it, I planned to leave one for Yuzhi.

As a result, the West Queen Mother's inheritance was opened because of the other party. Without the other party, he wouldn't necessarily be able to get these treasures.

Second, make a good relationship for the future.

Who knows if it will be useful for the other party in the future?

Finally, there is another reason.

That is……

Who knows if Queen Mother West has really fallen, or still exists somewhere between heaven and earth, if the former is fine.

If the latter...

If you take everything away, you will probably leave a bad impression on the other party. It is not worth it for the sake of a little bargain.

Not that he thought too much.

On the contrary, when he deduced that one Qi transformed Sanqing, the feeling of being watched by Sanqing was too strong.

He has a hunch.

These top powers of the Immortal Ancient Period are probably not dead, they still exist somewhere watching the situation changes.

"But don't blame me for taking the rest."

Madman Chu looked at the other treasures, showing the universe in his sleeves.

Pieces of treasure were collected by him.

Among them, there are actually two Kyushu tripods.

They are Jingzhou Ding of Kyushu and Yanzhou Ding of Kyushu.

It is believed that after some refining, the Mad Man of Chu with five Kyushu dings in his hand will have one more hole card.

Not to mention that there are many other opportunities for this trip.

As long as he can absorb them one by one, his strength will skyrocket again.

"Not bad."

"It's true that you didn't kill Yuzhi that day. Although it is precious, how can it compare with the harvest here?"


Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction.

Then he flew out of Yaochi and put on a white robe.

The effect of this jade pond on him is not much.

In the Jade Lake, Yuzhi was still absorbing and digesting the inheritance of Queen Mother of the West. He could clearly feel that the other party's aura was constantly getting stronger.

First was the preaching opportunity of Yuxu Palace, and now it was the inheritance of Queen Mother of the West. The future potential of Yuzhi was unimaginable.

Compared to Zhuo Dong who taught by the Eastern King, it was only high and not low.

However, Madman Chu still ignored it.

Among the younger generation, no one can compete with him. It used to be, it is now, and it will always be in the future!

He even hoped that there would be a few opponents that would interest him, so as to pass the boring time.

It's just that the probability is extremely low.

Three days passed.

Yuzhi suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a bright light flashing in her eyes, and she seemed more noble and dusty at this time, quite the style of the head of the Western Queen Mother and the Fairy.

Then, she saw Madman Chu not far away, his figure flashed brightly and he was already dressed neatly in a white dress.

"Thank you Daoist Chu for protecting me."

Yuzhi said.

Although she knew that apart from Madman Chu, it was impossible for anyone to enter this Jade Lake, but who knew if there would be other changes?

"Girl Yuzhi is polite." Then, he took out some treasures, "This is the treasure I found at the bottom of the pool. I think it is also part of the West Queen's inheritance. I think it should be yours."


It was found at the bottom of the pool.

But only one-tenth of it.

But Yuzhi didn’t know about it, and looked at the treasures on the ground with emotion, “Friend Chu Dao Fengliang, Yuzhi admires, you come to this jade pond with me, I have inherited the West Queen Mother’s inheritance, there is no reason to let you go back empty-handed. These treasures should go to Fellow Daoist Chu."

"Girl Yuzhi is serious. Since it is from Queen Mother of West, it should be given to you from Queen Mother of West. How can I take Friends of Chu Daoist should not refuse."

After the two shied away, in the end, Yuzhi only took the lady's armor, and the rest went to the madman Chu.

"Tsk, this silly girl really only took a battle armor, Queen Mother Xi, Queen Mother Xi, it's not that I didn't give it to her, but she didn't want it."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

"Hey, this armor is a big Luo immortal tool. Fellow Daoist Chu deliberately left this thing to me, which shows that he really considers me."

"This kind of gentleman is rare in the world."

Yuzhi sighed inwardly, and felt very fond of Chu Madman.


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