Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1190: : Retreat, everyone's progress, Zhao Fangfei was hunted down

Beyond the clouds.

Zhuo Donglai was waiting, looking at the clouds and mist, there was a flash of dread in his eyes, "This mist is really weird, if it weren't for the treasure of my body that awakened me at the last moment, I don't know it will be in this mist. How long have you fallen into it."

"But Yuzhi, and the Madman Chu, where are they now? Have you lost yourself in this mist?"

Madman Chu, he didn't care.

But he was reluctant to bear Yuzhi.

"Do you want me to go in and explore again?"

"No, it's too dangerous."

Zhuo Donglai shook his head.

at this time.

A dark figure came to him.


Zhuo Donglai's eyes sank.

"Oh, Dongwang Jiaojie, it's polite to protect the soul from the devil's path." The dark figure is the descendant of the soul.

"Oh, people of Magic Way, what do you want to do?"

Zhuo Donglai said indifferently.

He has nothing to do with the magic way.

"Come and invite you to participate in a project."

"I am not interested in your plan of the magic way. If you want to ask me for help, then you are looking for the wrong person."

Zhuo Donglai said indifferently.

"What if this plan is related to Madman Chu?"

The soul-master chuckled.

Hearing this, Zhuo Donglai's pupils shrank slightly, and then calmly said: "Then I am a little interested, let's talk."


Outside the clouds.

Zhuo Donglai was thinking.

"Kuangren Chu...heh, he doesn't know whether this guy is alive or dead in this cloud and mist, what plan to talk about?"

Thinking of the plan mentioned by the soul guardian, he sneered twice.

And this time.

Two figures walked out of Yunwu.

It was Madman Chu, Yuzhi, Zhuo Donglai frowned when he saw them, he keenly felt that there was something wrong between the two of them.

As if... became more intimate.

What have they experienced in the clouds?

Also, why is Madman Chu not affected by clouds and mist?

There was a series of doubts in his mind.

He hurried up and asked concerned: "Yuzhi, you have nothing to do, you are worried about me inside."

I don't know if it was an illusion, Zhuo Donglai felt that the Yuzhi in front of him was a bit different, and more noble and glamorous.

Could it be...

Did she really get any great opportunities? !

Is it related to Queen Mother West?

Zhuo Donglai thought to himself.

But Yuzhi didn't say much, but said coldly that he was okay. On the contrary, when he talked to Madman Chu, his face showed a happy smile that he had never seen before.

That smile was extremely dazzling in Zhuo Donglai's eyes.

At this moment, he was silent. He thought of the matter of the soul guardian coming to him before, and made a secret decision in his heart.

Then, Madman Chu and others found the weak point of this realm in the middle of the realm, and returned to Kunlun Secret Realm from there.

At this point, the Kunlun Secret Realm, Madman Chu and others have almost explored, and the opportunity they can get is almost done.

"Next, it's time to find a place to refine these opportunities."

Madman Chu whispered.

This Kunlun Secret Realm is full of aura and immortal, it is a very suitable place for retreat.

So Madman Chu planned to find a secret place here to refine the opportunities he had gained during this time.

He found a suitable mountain range, placed some restrictions, and then released Lan Yu, Cao Yun and others.

At this moment, they had recovered from the illusion created by the aroma of Yaochi, but they looked around in confusion.

Madman Chu briefly told them what happened, and then took out the income from this trip and began to divide.

This trip to Kunlun Secret Realm, everyone's gain is huge.

There are almost countless kinds of immortal medicines and immortal artifacts. After the distribution, everyone is satisfied.

At this moment, each of them worshipped the Mad Chu to the extreme.

They knew very well that without the Mad Chu, they would not have been able to gain such a gain alone.

Maybe not even a tenth.

After dividing various resources, Madman Chu found Chu Hong, Lan Yu, and Little Fox in private, and gave them a suit of armor.

That was the armor he got in Jade Lake.

Each one was of the level of Da Luo Immortal Artifacts, a total of five pieces, one was given to Yuzhi, and four were left.

Just for Lan Yu a few people.

After all, he is the person closest to him, so he must take extra care of him.

"This battle armor, you refining it well, it can be regarded as a life-saving trump card." Madman Chu said with a smile.

"Yes, son."

Lan Yu nodded solemnly.

Of course she knew how precious this Daluo Immortal tool was, even those preachers of the great religion might not have it.


Madman Chu began to retreat to absorb various opportunities.

Inside a cave.

He took out all kinds of rare and precious treasures, and any one of them can make some gods scalp blood.

But now, they are piled in front of him.


Madman Chu brought an elixir in hand.

Take it.

The elixir turns into surging medicinal power, filling the whole body.

Time goes by.

Half a year passed.

Within this six months.

Cao Yun, Lan Yu and others have already left the customs accordingly, and each of them has made considerable progress, and they have all entered the realm of middle third grade heaven.

Especially Lan Yu, even stepped into the sixth-ranking fairy!

Only one step away from reaching the upper third rank, plus her bright war fairy body, even if facing the top celestial immortal.

At this time, a scream sounded.

I saw a flame burst into the sky.

That is Huang Huo.

Seeing Chu Hong leaping into the air, the powerful aura fluctuations spread out, and that aura was no different than Lan Yu.

"Fifth Stage Wonderland!"

Lan Yu exclaimed.

An overbearing aura spread from the mountains.

In the void, there were bursts of battle roars, and a domineering figure soared into the sky, as if an overlord was alive!

It is Wang Shentian.

He also broke through to the Fourth Stage Heavenly Immortal realm.

The rest of the academy scholars also went out of their own way, each of them reached the realm of heavenly immortals, and gained a lot.

"Has the chief left the customs."

Wang Shentian asked.

Cao Yun shook his head, "Still in retreat."

"Ha, we can all make such progress. I don't know what level the chief will reach, which is very exciting."

Wang Shentian laughed.

The rest of the world are also looking forward to it.

A few days later.

Hua Yun looked a little ugly and found Wang Shentian and others.

"what happened?"

Cao Yun asked if Hua Yun's expression was different.

"When I was out to collect the fairy medicine, I heard a news that someone was chasing and killing Zhao Fangfei!!"


Upon hearing this, all the fellows in the academy turned gloomy.

Zhao Fangfei is also a master of the academy.

"Cao Yun, what are you going to do?"

Wang Shentian frowned and asked.

Now Madman Chu is in retreat, and Cao Yun is the strongest among them, so he naturally decides.

"If the chief was at what would he do?"

Cao Yun took a deep breath, then asked back.

Everyone smiled upon hearing this.

"Of course it's **** him!"

Wang Shentian laughed.

"Our college is not bullying."

"Hmph, just broke through, I want to find someone to try it."

"Let the people of the world see that besides the chief of the academy, there are also us. Let's go, I want to see who dares to trouble the academy!"


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