Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1197: : The true purpose of the soul guard, the battle of the soul, the Ksitigarbha spell

The yin and yang life and death map rolled out!

The terrifying meaning of reincarnation of life and death covers the entire formation enchantment!

Chi Zhan, Zi Lei, Zhuo Donglai and others resisted with all their strength, and various trump card tricks emerged one after another, one after another.

But in front of the yin and yang life and death map blessed by the three major visions, it seemed a little weak and couldn't resist it.

Chi You's Demon Shadow, shattered!

The violent thunder, was consumed by the power of reincarnation!

Yuanyang Divine Light was also defeated in one blow!

Not to mention the rest of Tianjiao Realm, they have no resistance at all in the face of the power of life and death.

After one move, most of Tianjiao Jiezi fell!

The remaining Tianjiao Realmists were also hit hard!

In the smoke and dust, there is only one person standing proudly, watching the world's mighty power, and the whole body is immortal and brilliant, like a fairy king, surpassing all beings!

Hum! !

At this time, the mutation is reborn!

I saw the countless eyes on the formation barrier suddenly converge, turning into a larger, purple magic eye that enveloped the world.

The demon eye burst out with an extremely powerful evil light, but all Tianjiao affected by the evil light was stiff and difficult to move.

"Purple Eye Magic Light!!"

In the distance, the descendant of Yuhun gave a long roar.

I saw that the purple giant eyes emit a huge purple light beam, descending from the sky, covering Madman Chu completely.

The activation of a huge force that directly acted on the soul caused the Mad Chu to feel a burst of pressure.

"Oh, is this your real hole card?"

Madman Chu looked at the descendant of Yuhun in the distance.

But seeing the other side's figure flashed, turned into a black gas, coming from a distance, entering the beam, and directly swept into his spiritual sea.

Spiritual sea.

A black air suddenly came.

The black qi transforms into the figure of the descendant of the soul.

"Haha, Madman Chu, you didn't expect it, my real purpose is not to kill you, but to use everyone, with a thousand-eye array to kill your power, so that I can take your body!"

"Reincarnation celestial bodies, chaotic gods and demons, and even Aoba Jiantong, these three peerless physiques, I laughed at it!!"

The descendant of Yuhun was extremely excited.

Not bad.

He planned for so long, just for the body of Madman Chu.

There is a secret method in the line of Yuhun, which can invade the spirit of other monks, kill the other's fairy soul, and then occupy the body.

This secret method is very scary.

But in the same way, each cultivator of the soul-guarding line can only use it once in a lifetime, and once it fails, it will be the end of the soul.

Therefore, the descendants of Yuhun never use it.

Until, he met Chu Madman.

This talent is good enough to make him jealous, and his presence is a fatal temptation.

The three peerless physiques are concentrated on the same person.

Is there a better practice body in this world?

No! !

If he can seize the opponent's body, he will go smoothly on the path of cultivation, and he can even set foot on the top of the immortal way!

Therefore, since the first time he met Madman Chu, he has been thinking about how to take the opponent's body away.

He tested what the other person could do in every possible way.

Until this unique killing array is set for the opponent!

"Kunren Chu, you will obediently become my help to step into the top of the Immortal Dao." The descendant of Yuhun smiled excitedly.

He looked into the depths of the spiritual sea.

There was the fairy soul of Madman Chu.

But suddenly, his face froze on the spot.

What did he see?

The three fairy souls were sitting cross-legged in the air in a triangle shape, with a golden halo flowing around them, dyeing the fairy souls into pale gold.

At this time, the three fairy souls were holding their chins, looking at him with a smile.

The descendant of Yuhun was stunned.

What's the situation?

Three fairy souls?

Madman Chu actually has three fairy souls? !

What the **** is this soul practice! !

He can now be sure that Madman Chu must have practiced a certain soul practice, and this practice is very mysterious.

Otherwise, how could there be three fairy souls?

In addition.

That golden light is...


"Soul goldenness!! Your soul strength is actually close to the golden fairy!! How could there be such a thing?!!!"

The descendants of Yuhun couldn't believe it.

If Madman Chu was only practising the method of soul formation, then he would not be so shocked, but the problem is that Madman Chu's soul has soul gold, and it is extremely close to the golden immortal level.

Even if he is a cultivator who specializes in souls, he hasn't possessed the golden nature of soul yet, Madman Chu, how could it be possible? !

Cultivation, physical body, vision, supreme immortal body...

Now, there is another soul gold!

How many cards does the opponent have?

Does the other party have any shortcomings?

How can there be such an invulnerable monk in this world?

The descendant of Yuhun only felt his head became a paste.

One doubt after another.

"Mouse, we met."

At this moment, Madman Chu's voice suddenly resounded through the entire spiritual sea.

Majesty, like a master.

The soul guardian was shocked and quickly recovered.

He calmed down.

"I am a monk in the line of Yuhun, specializing in the way of the soul, even if his soul is weird, I won't necessarily lose!"

"I have been planning for so long, how can I lose to my best soul!! Yes, I can't lose!"

The soul guardian looked at the Madman Chu with a firm expression in his eyes.

This body, he is going to fix it.

"Chu madman, although your methods are extraordinary, if you talk about soul methods, you are the opponent of Yuhun's line."

After the soul guardian finished speaking, his figure flashed and came to Chu Madman.

Raising his hand and blasting out, the power of the soul exploded.


Madman Chu's heavenly soul was shot at random with a palm.

Soul power exploded.

The Soul Guardian was lifted off on the spot, and plunged into the spiritual sea below, which was submerged by the seawater transformed by a large amount of spiritual power.

Under that kind of power, the soul under the realm of true gods must die.

Although the soul master specializes in the soul, the soul is extraordinary, but it is still at the level of the gods, and has not reached all the true gods of the true gods.


At this time, the soul guard rushed out of the spirit sea.

His soul was not damaged at all.

On his body, there is a mysterious rune circulating, it is a rune specially used to defend the soul from attack!

"Madman Chu, with this soul guard, even if your soul reaches the golden level, it won't hurt me."

A confident smile appeared on the face of the soul guardian.

"A mouse that has been hiding in front of me, suddenly has the courage to come to me, is it because of this rune?"

"Chu madman, you can only take advantage of your tongue now. With this soul guard, you can't hurt me. On the contrary, I will slowly wear away your soul power, and then take your body!!"

Between the soul guards raising their, a spike formed by the power of the soul is formed, suspended around him, ready to go.

His eyes are fiery.

It seemed that after he had seized the body of the madman from She Chu, he relied on the three peerless Immortal Dao to climb to the top of Immortal Dao.

"A mouse dare to covet my body? A joke."

"I'm going to kill you, but when I turn my palms, heaven can't keep you, let alone a soul guard?"

Madman Chu gently raised his hand, and in an instant, surging soul power spewed out, and suddenly bursts of Sanskrit sounds were sung in the spirit sea, and an ancient and solemn Buddha image suddenly appeared!

"Ksitigarbha spell!"

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