Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1198: : The one who destroys the soul, defeats the killing array, no one can move you

"Ksitigarbha spell!"

An indifferent voice resounded through the spirit sea.

I saw the madman Chu's soul power surge wildly, and a solemn, sacred Buddhist and Taoist image appeared! !

The Buddha's light soars into the sky, and his look is compassionate.

Waves of Sanskrit sounds echoed in the spirit sea.

"How is it possible!!" Looking at the Buddha's appearance, the descendant of Yuhun was already dumbfounded, and his eyes showed unprecedented horror.


outside world.

Within the formation enchantment.

Under the purple magic light, Madman Chu stood still.

As if being anchored.

"How is this going?"

"Could it be the hidden back hand of the descendant of Yuhun?"

Some of the Tianjiao world's children who are still alive are quite puzzled.

"It is rumored that there is a secret method in Yuhun's line, and it seems that it is so." Chi Zhan's eyes showed a daze.

It turns out that this is the real purpose of the Soul Guardian.

"Huh, grab your body?"

"This kind of evildoer is totally unacceptable!"

Zhuo Donglai said with cold eyes.

Whether it is a Madman of Chu or a descendant of Yuhun, anyone who has three peerless physiques in one is a huge threat to him.

He does not allow such existence to remain in the world.

Zhuo Dong came to mention the last Xian Yuan in his body to kill Madman Chu, but was blocked by Chi Zhan.

"I don't allow you to do this."

Chi Zhan said coldly.

After all, the descendant of Yuhun is also a person of their magic way, he can't easily watch others destroy his plan.

"Hmph, whether it is Madman Chu or Demon Dao, this kind of existence that can threaten my Xianting Shaoyu must be destroyed!"

not far away.

A coldness burst into Zi Lei's eyes.

His figure flashed and shot towards Madman Chu.

But at this time.

A strange wave suddenly burst out of Madman Chu, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came out of the opponent.

Under this Sanskrit sound, Zi Lei, who had originally planned to shoot, only felt a splitting headache, and he couldn't help lying on the ground in pain.

"Damn, this, what's going on?!"

The others were also affected.

When everyone doubts.

A burst of Buddha's light soared into the sky.

On the madman of Chu, the light of the Buddha surged, revealing a huge Buddha image, the meaning of sacred solemnity, sweeping the world.

When everyone looked at this Buddha image, they only felt that their souls were about to be stripped out, which was very uncomfortable.

Spirit at home.

Madman Chu's soul raised his hand and pressed towards the soul guardian.

Behind him, the Ksitigarbha image also moved at the same time.

"Do not!!"

The Soul Guardian roared frantically, urging the soul power to the extreme, and a very soul spike flew out.

But it is a pity that when the Ksitigarbha Buddha image was pressed with a palm, the soul spikes shattered one after another, and they couldn't stop it.


This palm fell on the soul defender.

I saw runes circulating on him, it was a soul guard!

It is the final hole card of the Soul Guardian.

But even this soul-keeping talisman couldn't stop it when facing the palm of the Tibetan Buddha, it broke every inch, and finally turned into ashes.

Keep the soul broken!

The soul guardian was also shot directly by the palm of the Buddha, and turned into countless light spots. The Madman Chu waved the light spots in his hand, and a picture appeared in his mind.

That is, the memory fragment of the soul guardian.

"Oh, there seems to be a windfall."

Madman Chu analyzed it with the omniscient spirit.

Finding that these light spots can be absorbed, he absorbed these light spots without saying a word, and there was a lot of memory in his mind.

Among them, most of them are information about the ten veins of the magic path.

"Oh, interesting."

Then, Madman Chu's consciousness returned to the flesh from the spiritual sea.

He opened his eyes, and there was Buddha's light flowing in his eyes, like two whirlpools, as if to **** in the human soul.

And in front of him, were the Tianjiao world children who were shocked by the power of the Earth-Zang magic curse to their souls.

"Oh, now, please go and die."

Kuangren Chu held the Buddha statue behind him with a palm.

Silent soul fluctuations erupted.

Zhuo Donglai, Zi Lei, Chi Zhan, the descendant of the five sense organs, etc. were directly frightened under this palm, and their bodies collapsed to the ground.


In the distance, the face of the descendant of the corpse demon was terrified, and he wanted to escape.

But suddenly.

The time and space around him was blocked, and he was unable to move in place!

This is the time and space seal technique! !

"It's over!!"

The descendant of the corpse demon thought desperately.

The next moment.

A sword qi had already broken through the air, and the descendants of the corpse demon had no resistance, and were directly slashed by the sword qi! !

So far.

This killing array against the madman of Chu ended in defeat!

These people can't even do the madman who hurt Chu.

In the distance, all the Tianjiao Realmists watching the battle were silent, and a deep sense of powerlessness could not help but surge in their hearts.

Jiezi dispute...

Are they going to fight with such a person? !

Are you kidding me? ! !

Fighting with such a monster, isn't it killing them?

Madman Chu didn't care about the thoughts of everyone present, he swept away his fairy knowledge and collected some useful things on the battlefield.

For example, fairy weapons, battle armor, or Qiankun ring.

For another example, some of these Tianjiao realmists have immortal bodies, and their immortal bodies can also be used as research materials.

In short, this battle has gained a lot.

"Hey, come all the way to give me gifts, these people are all good people." Kuangren Chu stepped on Zhuo Donglai's head under his feet, and casually put away the sword of war next to him, and said with emotion.

The monk in the distance shuddered when he heard his words.


This person is definitely a demon! !

"From today, if you don't mess with this guy, try not to mess with it. He is not a human at all!!"

"I suspect that if he stands in front of him, I guess he will obediently offer the will of the fairy world with his hands. It's terrible."

"Hey, who else can compete with this young generation in the fairy world?"

"Kunlun Xianting Six Imperial Descendants are also very difficult."

Everyone talked a lot.

Madman Chu also released Lan Yu and others from his sleeves.

Everyone looked at the broken scene in front of them, the corpses everywhere, and then at the unscathed Madman Chu beside him, they felt incredible.

So many Tianjiao worlds come to besieged the chief? !

More importantly.

So many Tianjiao Jiezi were all killed by the chief!

How did he do it?

This is incredible! !

"Zhao Fangfei."

Madman Chu suddenly spoke.


Zhao Fangfei gave a shock and responded quickly.

She looked at Madman Chu and suddenly felt a little strange. How long has it been since the chief has become so powerful that it is unattainable.

When Madman Chu raised his hands, the yin and yang life and death chart was shot.

Reversal of life and death!

Zhao Fangfei's injuries immediately improved a lot, not only that, but he also forced the corpse out of his body for the other party.

"Thank you Chief."

Zhao Fangfei's heart warmed.

"Tell me carefully, what's going on." Madman Chu asked.

Then, Zhao Fangfei told her story again, including how she became the preacher of Baimeijiao.

Things are not complicated.

It was Zhao Fangfei who had an adventure. He got the inheritance of Baimeijiao at a site, and then learned that the current situation of Baimeijiao was not optimistic. In order to protect himself, he hid his identity and joined hundreds of academies.

After that, it was discovered and killed by the people of the magic way.

Everyone knew what happened next. UU reading

It was used as bait to lure the madman from Chu.

"From now on, you don't need to hide. As long as I am the chief of the academy, no one in this world can move you!"

Madman Chu looked calm.

But the tone is beyond doubt.

"Thank you Chief!"

Zhao Fangfei was moved inwardly.

The rest of the college community is also full of smiles.

Who doesn't love a chief who is unparalleled in strength and short-term, looks good, and is almost flawless? ?


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