Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1199: : Zhuo Donglai's anger, Ziwei Shaoyu, wood puppet technique

"Damn it, **** it!!"

Fairyland, somewhere.

There was a roar from a magnificent palace!

A round of big day skyrocketed.

Permeated with vast divine power and...infinite anger!

Around the palace, some maids and servants were all scared to the ground by this coercion. Their faces were pale and panic.

It was the first time they saw Jiezi so angry.

It was a hundred times more angry than the failure to confess the saint of Bai Yaochi!

Inside the palace.

Zhuo Donglai, the master of the Eastern King's Church, was pale with anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and the burning anger almost gushed out.

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu!"

"I am at odds with you!!"

Zhuo Donglai gritted his teeth.

However, although he was angry, he did not completely lose his reason. He knew very well that he was not an opponent of Mad Man Chu.

"Perhaps, only by finding the most yin thing as soon as possible and combining it with my Yuanyang body to form the Liangyi immortal body, will it be possible to contend with Madman Chu, but where can I find this most yin thing?"

Zhuo Dong thought about it.

at this time.

The jade slip on his waist shook.

"It's the message of the master."

"What, the master has already fallen?!"

Zhuo Donglai's eyes lit up.

He couldn't help laughing, "Haha, great, it seems that God is helping me, Madman Chu, you can wait for me, when I become a liangyi immortal body, I will definitely seek revenge from you! !"


"Madman Chu, it's a monster!"

"The line of Yuhun, the line of corpse demon, and the line of Chiyou, the three descendants shot together, and the combination of so many Tianjiao worlds can not kill this person. This kind of strength, I am afraid that even I am far inferior."

In a gloomy palace.

A gentle voice exclaimed.

"I have ten demon paths, and the descendants of Baimei can almost confirm the rebellion, Yuhun, corpse demon, Chiyou, Yinming and the four descendants are all dead. This is not good news for my demon path."

A cold voice sounded.

"This matter will be considered by the senior management. I believe that new heirs will be selected soon. Now, the most important thing is to develop the Luohu Ancestral Land. If you can find the inheritance of the Demon Zu Luohu, you may have a chance The madman of Chu contends." Wen Run said in a voice.

Demon Zu Luohou, rumored, the origin of the magic way.

He is a demon monk who is older than Chi You's demon ancestor, and he can be powerful, even going back to the beginning of the world.



Fairy court.

A heavenly servant dressed in white is reporting some recent events in the fairy world to a young man in purple robes.

Among them, he mentioned Chu Madman.

Mentioned the battle that was discussed by countless people.

"Interesting, so to speak, I have already died in the hands of this person in Xianting." The purple-robed youth smiled faintly.

For the death of Ji Xia Zi, he didn't seem to care.

He cared more about Madman Chu.

The fairy court is in charge of the six imperial palaces.

They are Jade Emperor, Emperor Tian, ​​Emperor Changsheng, Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Qinghua, and Emperor Houtu.

And this person is one of the Six Emperors of Xian Ting, the descendant of Emperor Ziwei, that is, Shao Yu of Ziwei!

"What action did the other five Shaoyu do?"

"No action yet."

"Are you still in retreat? Or, you want Jiezi to kill each other first, and wait until the end of the Jiezi dispute before taking action."

Ziwei Shaoyu chuckles.

Then, he looked at the sky in the distance, "Interesting, I didn't expect that the Jiezi dispute had not yet reached the end stage, and there would be such an existence as Madman Chu, which made me want to be born early and have a while with him."

After thinking about it, he pressed his mind.

"Continue to pay attention to developments."

"Yes, Shao Yu."


Kunlun Secret Realm.

Several days have passed since that battle.

These days, Cao Yun and others continue to explore the Kunlun Secret Realm. Because of that battle, almost all the senior Tianjiao Realmists died in the hands of Madman Chu, and the rest were also afraid of the name of Madman Chu. How polite, dare not offend easily.

This allowed the academy circles to come and go freely in the Kunlun Secret Realm, and even if they encountered some opportunities, almost no one could compete with them.

"It's great that the chief can be our chief."

Wang Shentian said with emotion.

This is not the first time he has thought so.

And the others think the same way.

"By the way, the chief has ran into retreat since he returned from that war, and he doesn't know when he will leave."

Cao Yun said, he looked at Lan Yu and Chu Hong.

Here they are the most familiar with Madman Chu.

"The son said, he wants to study something."

Lan Yu said.

Inside the cave.

Madman Chu who was in retreat was indeed studying something.

What he studied was exactly some of the immortal materials brought back on the battlefield that day, including Zhuo Donglai's Yuanyang Immortal Body, Zi Lei's Thunder Immortal Body, Chi Zhan Demon Body, and some fierce animal bloodlines.

All of these were analyzed by the book of physique.

Then, into the body of the only source.

This makes his original body more powerful.

In addition, after he came back, he had consulted with Yuzhi, secretly obtained some blood of the other party, and incidentally analyzed the fairy body of Yaochi.

Speaking of it, Yuzhi didn't have much reaction to his killing of Zhuo Donglai. Even if it was just an incarnation, it could be seen that Yuzhi didn't have much favor with Zhuo Donglai.

No, it can even be said to be annoying.

"Eastern King Church... If I remember correctly, the inheritance of the Eastern King Church comes from the ancient Eastern Prince."

Madman Chu whispered.

Rumor has it that the Queen Mother of the West claimed to be the head of female immortals in the long time ago, and the Eastern Prince was also the head of male immortals.

Although a little exaggerated, it is undeniable that the opponent is powerful.

That is at least the same level as Queen Mother Xi.

"The relationship between Dongwangjiao and Yaochi Holy Land should not be shallow, so Dongwang Jiezi also has a covetous heart for the sage of Yaochi Yuzhi."

"However, the Eastern King intended, the saint unintentional, and even his coveting made Yu even more offensive. Well, this might be something worth taking advantage of in the future." Chu Madman murmured.

After he was busy, Madman Chu was ready to leave.

Before leaving the customs, he drew a prize.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the god-level reward wood puppet technique!"

Wood puppetry? !

Madman Chu had some doubts.

He extracted this reward.

Suddenly, a lot of information popped up in my mind.

"What a wood-making puppet technique! You can fuse the world's spirit wood with your own essence and blood to make a puppet equivalent to a clone!!"

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

He now has some spirit woods in his hands, and he plans to experiment with this wood puppet technique when he returns.

Then, Madman Chu left.

Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others greeted How have you gained recently? "

Madman Chu asked.

"The opportunities in the Kunlun Secret Realm have basically been explored." Cao Yun said with a smile.

"Well, then we should almost leave."

"it is good."

And outside the Kunlun secret world.

A large number of monks surrounded the entrances and exits of the secret world, with suffocating aura on them.

It is the blood nine crows of the evil immortal valley doctrine.


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