Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1200: : The blood 9 crows plundered the Tushan clan

Outside the Kunlun secret world.

There is a group of monks furious and frightening.

This group of people is the evil immortal valley cultivator headed by the Blood Nine Crows, who specifically blocked the entrance of the Kunlun Secret Realm to **** the opportunity of the cultivators who came out of the secret realm, and they have already had a lot of results.

"Ha, it's really great. With so many treasures, it's much more convenient than going into the secret world by yourself to fight."

Some monks couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Yes, thanks to the boss."

"Thanks to the good leadership of the boss."

The corner of Xue Jiu Crow's mouth was slightly raised, and said: "Although I have gained a lot during this period, these are not enough. The top Tianjiao world children have not yet come out, and they are our goal."

"The boss is right."

"Boss, what if you meet Madman Chu?"

At this time, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

And after hearing this name, everyone's originally high mood was suddenly cooled down like a basin of ice water.

Madman Chu...

They know this name.

They want to plunder the monks who return from the secret world, so how can they not pay attention to the movements of the monks in the secret world?

In the secret world, there is their eyeliner, so although they are not in the secret world, they know the situation well.

For example, the battle.

Madman Chu destroyed countless Tianjiao battles with his own power.

How could they not pay attention to such a battle?

"If you meet Madman Chu, quit!"

Xue Jiu Crow took a deep breath and said.

He once looked at Madman Chu from a distance, and originally wanted to treat him as a prey. Now it seems that this idea is really ridiculous.

The opponent is simply not an existence that he can contend with.

The rest were silent when they heard the words.

"Such a monster, it's better to be less provoked."

Said a monk.

"Oh, it's a pity, that Madman Chu is definitely the one who has gained the most. If he can be killed, the harvest will be much more than the sum of all the Tianjiao realms previously hunted and killed."

"Don't be whimsical."

Even so, everyone's eyes glowed, and everyone couldn't help but imagine that if they could really kill Madman Chu and take the other party's things as their own, it would be great!


at this time.

Several figures walked out of the Kunlun Secret Realm. The head of them was a charming woman with a graceful figure and long hair.

Seeing these, the eyes of Xue Jiuya and others lit up.

"Oh, it's them, from the Tushan clan."

Tushan's clan is not small in the fairy world.

Xue Jiu Crow recognized the pedestrian at once, his eyes linger on Tu Shan Feiyu, who was headed by him, and he was amazed, "It is said that the monks of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan are all stunning, and they are really good."

"Boss, do you want to wait..." A thin man walked to the side of Xue Jiu Crow with a wretched smile on his face.

"You kid, it's not impossible."

Xue Jiu Crow touched his chin.

Then he waved his hand.

The rest of the cultivators knew what they were doing, and immediately took action, rushing to Tu Shan Feiyu and the others, and surrounded them.

"What do you want to do?"

Tu Shanfeiyu's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she was ready to go.

"What we want is very simple, just leave all the treasures on you." Xue Jiu Crow smiled lightly.

"Huh, it turned out to be a group of robbers."

Tu Shan Feiyu snorted coldly.

She took out the immortal weapon and was on guard. She knew very well that it was definitely not an ordinary person to dare to do such a robbery outside the Kunlun Secret Realm.

They absolutely depend on it.

"It looks like you don't plan to cooperate anymore."

Xue Jiu Crow raised his hand and grabbed it in the void.

Suddenly, I saw a series of patterns circulating in the void, and a vast expanse of power poured out, covering thousands of miles.

A huge purple rune appeared faintly.

Tu Shan Feiyu and others only felt that their bodies were bound by an invisible force, and it was immediately difficult to move.

"This is Rune!"

"What kind of rune is this? It has such power that can restrain us all? Even true fairy runes don't have this power!"

A smile appeared on Xue Jiu Crow's face, and said: "If I don't have a hole card, how dare I come here to rob my chance."

There are two types of runes.

One-time rune, permanent rune.

One-off runes are the most common. Some runemasters can easily throw hundreds or thousands of them when they are fighting, which is not unusual.

Use it once and the power will dissipate.

The second type, eternal rune, as the name suggests, is a rune whose power can always exist and be used many times.

This kind of rune is like some special immortal implements.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to draw such runes, and the requirements for runes are too high.

The Blood Nine Crow uses a top-notch Golden Immortal Eternal Rune, and it is also one of the rarest runes, a space rune.

Such runes, some Da Luo Jinxian who specializes in the way of runes may not be able to draw them.

This is also the biggest opportunity for the Blood Nine Crows.

With this rune, he was able to plunder successfully many times.

"I am afraid that even Madman Chu can only obediently tie his hands in front of this rune power." Xue Jiu Crow thought to himself.


At this time, a demon gas burst out.

Tu Shan Feiyu started at him.

However, her power was greatly weakened under the limitation of rune power, and she was not his opponent at all.

With a punch, a blood-colored fist burst out with an extremely violent aura, directly blasting Tu Shan Feiyu out hundreds of meters.

"Toast and not eat fine wine!"

"Then I will beat you up first, and then let you **** power!"

When Xue Jiu Crow spoke to the back, a wicked smile appeared on his face, which made Tu Shanfeiyu's face flushed with anger.

"Despicable human beings, even if I die with you today, I will not hesitate!!"

Tu Shan Feiyu urged the demon and attacked again.

And around, many monks noticed this battle, but no one wanted to go up to the hero to save the United States.

Evil Immortal Valley is not a force to provoke.

Even for some cultivators, they would rather offend those well-known traditions that have been passed down longer than the evil immortal valley.

Evil Fairy Valley...

As the name suggests, it is the gathering place of some evil immortals, these evil persons gather together, even some big Luojin immortals are extremely jealous, let alone them.

"It is rumored that the Lord of the Evil Immortal Valley is one of the top lords in this world of immortals. UU reading has blood-washed several traditions. Who dares to provoke such a villain easily?"


"I heard that the Lord of the Evil Immortal Valley has accepted several elders as righteous sons, and he wants to intervene in this eldritch dispute, and then dominate the immortal realm with evil ways and turn the celestial realm into a paradise of sin."

"This Blood Nine Crow is one of the righteous sons of the Evil Immortal Valley Lord. Who would dare to provoke this background easily?"

Everyone talked about it.

When it comes to Evil Immortal Valley, everyone is full of jealousy.

At this time, a figure in white clothes slowly walked out of Kunlun Secret Realm.

The people who had been talking about how powerful Evil Immortal Valley was when they saw this white figure, they all lost their words, and their pupils trembled fiercely.

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