Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1201: : I don’t believe that even one sword can’t stop it, kill 9 crows and go back to the

Kunlun Secret Realm.

A figure walked out slowly.

White clothes, black hair, ancient sword tied around his waist, scrolls.

The handsome, beautiful and refined.

It is Chu Madman.

After seeing Madman Chu, everyone who was talking about Evil Immortal Valley shrank their pupils and their bodies trembled slightly.

"It's him!!"

"He actually came out."

Everyone looked at Madman Chu with jealous eyes, especially those monks who had witnessed the battle with their own eyes, and were a little more horrified.

Looking at each other, as if looking at a monster.

Except for Chu Madman.

Behind him, there are Lan Yu, Little Fox and others.

"Hey, it's them."

The Madman Chu who left the secret world naturally saw Tu Shan Feiyu and others who were being besieged, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

This is a coincidence.


The little fox pulled Lachu Madman's sleeve nervously.

She didn't want to sit back and watch. Tu Shan Feiyu and her couldn't help but belong to the fox clan, and there might be clues to her father.

"Do not worry."

Madman Chu rubbed her head and smiled.


After getting the assurance, the little fox nodded in relief.

Inside the rune barrier.

Tu Shan Feiyu is struggling to resist the Blood Nine Crows, but the other party's cultivation is not bad for her. Coupled with waiting for work, and a space-like permanent rune to help, she soon fell into a disadvantage.

"Fell me!!"

Xue Jiu Crow slammed a punch!

A terrifying punch swept through, covering Tu Shan Feiyu completely. If this punch was smashed, it would be enough to inflict her severely.

But at this time.

There were ripples in the rune barrier.

Before Xue Jiu Crow could judge what was going on, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his boxing strength.

I saw the other side gently raise his hand.

boom! !

Terrorist Quanjin seemed to have encountered an indestructible barrier when he was still ten feet away from the opponent. He was completely isolated ten feet away and couldn't make any progress at all!

"How can it be!!"

Xue Jiu Crow's pupils shrank, a little shocked.

The next moment.

The visitor's five fingers were slightly bent, and he lightly grasped the void.

boom! !

The strength of the blood nine crows burst on the spot and turned into ashes!

Not only that, an extremely terrifying recoil force swept over him, blasting him out hundreds of feet on the spot, vomiting blood.

"This, what's going on?!"

"Such power!"

Xue Jiu Crow looked pale at the people coming.

When he saw the face of the person, his pupils shrank, and he couldn't help trembling a little, "It's you, Madman Chu!!"

Not only that.

He noticed that his rune barrier was torn open.

The barrier set up by the top Golden Immortal rune was actually torn apart by the Madman Chu in an instant!

how can that be? !

Xue Jiu Crow was shocked by Madman Chu's strength, and immediately he calmed his mind and said: "Madman Chu, I have no grievances with you, why do you risk offending the evil fairy valley to intervene in my affairs."

He directly moved out of the name of Evil Immortal Valley.

Want to use this to shock the madman of Chu.

But a pity.

Madman Chu didn't mean to be shocked at all. He put up a finger and said indifferently: "Just a sword..."

"What do you mean?"

"Can stop a sword, I will spare you not to die."


Xue Jiuya's face sank, "Madman Chu, don't go too far, I haven't had any feasts with you, so why bother with you."

Madman Chu did not answer.

It's just that the sword finger condenses, and the sword energy is already condensing.

When he first stepped into the Kunlun Secret Realm, Xue Jiu Crow once regarded himself as a prey, which was an offense to him.

At that time, he didn't kill the opponent, he was kind.

In addition.

The people in Evil Immortal Valley do a lot of evil, and kill them when they kill them, and he will kill a harmful bug. Does this still need a reason?

"Damn it, **** it!"

Xue Jiu Crow was a little panicked.

He could see that Madman Chu had to make this sword.

"Well, one sword is one sword!"

"I don't believe it, I can't even take a sword!"

Xue Jiu Crow took a deep breath, with a touch of determination in his eyes, he was also a top-notch Tianjiao world son.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't even take a sword from Madman Chu! !

Moreover, it is still within this rune enchantment!

"Heaven's will, like a sword!"


Madman Chu's sword aura condensed out, and his sword fingers suddenly swept!

And just as he moved, the Blood Nine Crows had already mobilized the power of the rune enchantment, pressing all the power of the runes against Madman Chu!

He wants to use this power to limit the opponent's sword energy!



Ripples appeared in the void.

That rune power shattered on the spot! !

Even the sword energy that hinders the Madman Chu can't be done for a moment!

Huang Huang's providence completely enveloped the Blood Nine Crows.


I really can't stop it!

A look of despair appeared in the eyes of Xue Jiu Crow. At this moment, he finally understood the horror of Madman Chu.

This is a taboo existence far beyond the peers! !

With a loud noise, the body of Xue Jiu Crow burst into a cloud of blood on the spot, and fell directly! !

This scene caused many people to take a breath.

There were many people present that the strength of Madman Chu only existed in the hearing, and had no real understanding at all.

But now.

They saw it with their own eyes.

Everyone was shocked and unable to speak, but the monks who had seen the battle did not feel much surprised.

"Even Chi Zhan, Zhuo Dong, and Zi Lei are not worth mentioning in front of Madman Chu. What's more, the blood nine crows in a small area want to fight him, it is too far away."

"He doesn't even know what kind of existence he is facing."

The blood mist exploded in the air.

A celestial will enters Chu Madman's body.

This is no longer known how many wills of the immortal world he has collected. The strength of the will of the blue orchid immortal world in his body has grown to a terrifying point, dozens of times more than it was at the beginning.

In addition to the will of the fairy world.

Madman Chu paid more attention to a rune in the air, which was the rune left by the blood nine crows after they died.

He took the rune in his hand and looked at it for a while.

"Well, this rune is quite interesting, you can study it." Chu Madman murmured.

This space rune is the top-level Golden Immortal Eternal Rune, if it can be thoroughly studied, it will be helpful to his rune.

Although he rarely uses the Rune Way, he will not let go of any opportunity to improve himself.

After Xue Jiu Crow died, the other monks who followed him panicked and dispersed as birds and beasts.

"Thank you very much for the help of fellow Taoist Chu."

Tu Shan Feiyu approached Madman Chu and said with his hands.

"It's okay."

Kuangren Chu shook his head, "In a few days, I will take the little fox to visit Tushan, but Dao Feiyu Lao will take care of it."

"Friend Chu is polite."

Tu Shan Feiyu looked at Madman Chu with a solemn expression.

Such a Tianjiao Jiezi who cannot be measured by common sense is about to visit Tushan. This is not a trivial matter.

After returning home, you must inform Tushan's senior management.

Don't neglect easily.

Then Madman Chu took everyone back to the academy.

A few days later.

One hundred academies, Qinglan Academy.

Madman Chu stood under the hibiscus tree and looked at the hibiscus tree whose leaves were golden and the trunk was red.

Then, his sword fingers condensed, and he slashed towards the hibiscus tree, and a large leaf and branch were directly cut off by him and suspended in the air.

"Next, let me try this technique of refining wooden puppets." Madman Chu's eyes showed some expectation.

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