Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Traces of Zhuo Donglai, the spirit of Yin Fusang

Luohou ancestral land.

The magic way is in chaos, and the veins are fighting, and the sound of fighting can be heard everywhere.

some where.

The Chiyou channel and the Yinming channel fought each other, leaving a mess.

A surviving demon monk looked at the scene in front of him with a bewildered face.

Why did he fight with the monks in the Yin Ming line?

At the beginning, it was for revenge, although he didn't know who to revenge for, he was not familiar with the dead Yin Ming monks.

But afterwards, killing and killing, for what reason does not matter.

He watched others fight with each other, and he followed, as if a magical force was urging him.

"What did we do?"

The magician monk looked at the corpse in front of him, only feeling absurd.

at this time.

In the distance, a figure in white clothes suddenly walked over. The man's face was covered by a layer of spiritual light, and he couldn't see his appearance, but he had a good manner.

He stood on the battlefield of corpses all over the place, with a mood of silt but not stained.

"How can there be a monk with such a temperament in the magic way?"

This demon monk thought with some confusion.

Most of the cultivators of the ten sects of the magic road, he has seen, but there is absolutely no one who has the temperament of the person in front of him, and this kind of temperament should not appear in the cultivator of the magic road.

"you are……"

He still asked something.

But suddenly, a sword aura enlarged in his field of vision until it enveloped his entire world.


A blood mist bloomed.

The demon monk could no longer say the rest.

Madman Chu's sword aura converged at his fingertips, and he looked at the corpses over and over, and was amazed, "This effect is more powerful than I thought."

At the beginning, he just killed a few cultivators of the Demon Dao with the Demon Dao cultivation method, and then secretly added to the flames a few times, and then the Luohou Ancestral Land was completely messed up.

You kill me, I kill you, the war is getting more and more fierce, and the scope is getting wider and wider.

The demonic monks at the bottom were simply unable to resist the flames of war, or could only burn with the flames of war and become part of the flames of war.

As for the high-level Demon Dao Tianjiao Realmists, although they can still stay awake, everyone is stunned, and the situation is beyond their control.

Madman Chu basically didn't need to do anything these days, he just watched these demon cultivators kill each other, he was profiting from the fisherman and he put all the resources in his pocket.

These days, those in the world of Tianjiao have also thought that someone is doing ghosts, and they have tried to find Madman Chu, but it is no use. Madman Chu is proficient in the magic way, and the way of self-improvement and invincibility can be deduced. Demon Dao, he is even more Demon Dao than Demon Dao. When I drill into the crowd, how can I find it?

He can be a monk in the Yin Ming line, or the Yuhun line, Chi You line...

Madman Chu collected all the resources of this place, and then left.


He saw a familiar figure passing through the air not far away.

"Oh, that's... the Eastern King teaches Zhuo Donglai."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

What is he doing here?


Madman Chu showed a little interest.

His figure flashed and followed.


"Hmph, the direction that the Fusang Spirit flees is gone here, but where will it be?"

Zhuo Donglai frowned slightly.

He came on this trip to improve his Yuanyang Immortal Body, and wanted to upgrade it to Liangyi Immortal Body, in order to compete with the Madman Chu.

It's just that if his Yuanyang Immortal Body wants to be promoted to Liangyi Body, he must rely on the Most Yin.

And Dongwangjiao found through investigation that a hibiscus spirit happened to appear in this immortal world recently.

Fusang, one of the ancient sacred trees.

The hibiscus divides yin and yang and supports each other, hence the name hibiscus tree.

Only afterwards the fairy world shattered, the hibiscus tree also shattered, and the yin and yang were divided.

The spirit of Fusang found by the Eastern Kings Church is exactly the fairy spirit transformed by Yin Fusang, which contains the most Yin power in this world!

If he could absorb it, he would definitely be able to upgrade Yuanyang body to Liangyi immortal body!

"I must become an immortal body of Liangyi, otherwise, I am afraid I will never have the opportunity to compete with Madman Chu in my life!"

"The spirit of Yin Fusang, I must get you!!"

Zhuo Donglai said with firm eyes.

He took out a mirror and threw it into the air.

The mirror burst into light, shining on the earth.

I saw black auras floating in the void, that was the aura of Yin Fusang!

"This shadow-seeking mirror can search for all the Yin Qi in the world, Yin Fusang, but you don't want to skip its tracking when you hide in the end of the world."

Zhuo Donglai sneered and followed the trajectory illuminated by the shadow mirror.

Madman Chu walked out behind him.

"Interesting, the spirit of Yin Fusang? Liangyi Immortal Body?"

"Heh, maybe this time there will be unexpected gains in Demon Dao Ancestral Land."

Madman Chu touched his chin with a smile on his face.

He continued to follow Zhuo Dong behind.

And on the other side.

Luohou ancestral land.

In a palace.

The Tianjiao Realm of the Ten Demon Schools gathered together again.

"What's the news?"

A gentle voice sounded, this is the descendant of the demon, Shi Tianxuan!


Chi shook his head heavily.

These days, in order to deal with the devil monks who are killing each other, they are very busy.

At the same time, I was looking for the man behind the scenes that caused this to happen, but unfortunately, there was no gain.

"Then you guys know what I found?"

Shi Tianxuan said lightly.

"What did you find?"

"The Demon Road and Ten Sects set up a total of 173 strongholds in this Luohou ancestral land to mine resources. Now, due to a civil turmoil, in just one month, 81 strongholds have disappeared, and the 81 strongholds All of his resources... disappeared out of thin air!!" Shi Tianxuan's voice seemed calm.

But it suppressed a trace of anger.

It was a kind of irritation of being played around, a situation completely out of control!


"how so."

"How can the resources of the eighty-one strongholds disappear? Didn't they be taken by other demon cultivators?"

The monks were shocked.

In the inner chaos of the magic way, each line is killing each other, they originally thought that their own resources were taken by the other party.

But now, Shi Tianxuan told them that he had disappeared out of thin air! !

"In other words, when we were in the civil strife, the man behind the civil strife has already made a lot of money in the civil strife, right?!"

A white-faced monk said in a cold voice.


"Shi Tianxuan, you are leading the exploration of the Luohou ancestral land this time. Now that the Demon Dao has suffered this loss, you have to take full responsibility."

The white-faced monk said coldly.

Shi Tianxuan was silent for a while, and said indifferently: "Your name is You Ying, a new descendant of Yinming, right."

"So what. UU reading"

"I heard that you have the strongest Yuanyin Demon Body in history, right?"

"So what?"

There was a touch of arrogance on You Ying's face.

Yuan Yin Demon Body, second only to the top ten supreme immortal bodies, is one of the most talented descendants in the history of Yin and Ming.

"Believe it or not, I just need one move to kill you!!"

Shi Tianxuan's tone was cold, his eyes burst with incomparable killing intent, his figure flashed, and when he came to You Ying, a cold magical current turned out.

Under this devilish energy, You Ying's heart was cold, and she couldn't help but shudder.

Is this the power of the strongest celestial demon descendant? !

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