Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : I'm saving, you can't move, my companion is here

You Ying knew that she was probably not Shi Tianxuan's opponent, so she was silent.

At this time, Chi Zhong in the line of Chi You suddenly received a message, "Someone who is not a demon monk has appeared in Luohou ancestor land."

When everyone heard the words, their eyes lit up, "Is that the man behind the scenes?"

"Not sure."

"It should not be. The hidden ability of the black hand behind the scenes is excellent. We haven't found it after searching for so long. This should be another person."

Shi Tianxuan suppressed the devilish energy and said lightly.

"All in all, this is a clue, go and see."



Luohou ancestral land.

Inside a cave that has been heavily restricted.

A woman in a long black dress with black hair reaching her waist was sitting cross-legged.

This woman has a beautiful appearance, full of crooked eyebrows, her skin is fat, her breath is a bit cold, like frost.

"There are many demon cultivators here, and for some reason they were caught in a civil war. I hope that guy will not chase him."

The woman muttered to herself, a touch of coldness appeared in her eyes.

She is the spirit of Yin Fusang that Zhuo Donglai is looking for, and her name is Fu Yin.

boom! !

At this time, there was a movement from the outside world.

That is because the ban she set is being attacked.

"Damn, I didn't expect to catch up."

Fuyin's face was a bit ugly.

And outside the cave.

Zhuo Donglai was attacking the ban set by Fuyin.

"Yin Fusang, you can't escape the palm of my hand, obediently be absorbed by me!"

Zhuo Donglai sneered while attacking the restriction.

For the spirit of Yin Fusang, he is inevitable.

Behind him, Madman Chu looked at the cave with a strange color in his eyes.

He could feel that the spirit of Yin Fusang in the cave had a sense of resonance with him.

"Fusang divides yin and yang. My clone is made from Yang Fusang. It is reasonable to resonate with Yin Fusang."

Madman Chu thought thoughtfully.

At this time, the prohibition in the cave has been almost destroyed.

A black figure rushed out of the cave and swept away, trying to leave.

But Zhuo Donglai had been prepared for a long time, took out a big net and threw it out, covering the world in the blink of an eye, blocking the Yin Fusang's retreat.

"Damn it."

Fuyin's face sank.

"You can't escape!!"

Zhuo Donglai didn't talk nonsense, and directly operated Xian Yuan, grabbing towards Fu Yin with his big hand.

Pang Ran Xianyuan turned into a big golden hand that circulated Xianhui, and the terrifying power completely locked Fuyin.

"Want to let me catch and dream!!"

Fuyin's bare hand pushed, and the cold yin aura whizzed out, blasting on the golden big hand.

There was a sudden explosion, and the surrounding space exploded fiercely.

Fuyin was forced to retreat by one stroke.

"You're just a seventh-ranking god, how can you be my opponent?"

Zhuo Donglai sneered and said, he had already reached the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Immortal realm, two ranks higher than Fuyin, and the opponent was not his opponent at all.

Not far away, Madman Chu touched his chin, "Is this the strength of Zhuo Donglai's deity? Nine-Rank Celestial Realm, coupled with Yuanyang Immortal Body, Dongwangjiao’s unique knowledge, his combat power far exceeds the ordinary Nine-Rank Celestial Immortal. It's not worse than the Ninth-Rank Great Perfection."

Boom, boom! !

In the big net enchantment, Zhuo Donglai is working to subdue Fuyin, and there is a worldless power in his gestures, Xianhui is astonishing, like an immortal king.

Although Fuyin's strength is strong, it is still a lot worse than Zhuo Dong. After a struggle, it has fallen into a disadvantage.

"Damn it, can I really not escape this disaster?"

Fuyin's heart gradually showed despair.

"Give me defeat!"

Zhuo Donglai's immortal yuan flowed, and the power of Yuanyang's immortal body exploded, and he blasted out with a punch, as if it was smashed in the sky by a vast day.

The power of this punch is so powerful that Fuyin's strength can't resist it.

With this punch, she would definitely be hit hard, and then she could only be killed by Zhuo Dong.

But at this moment.

An extremely terrifying demonic energy broke out!

I saw a sword light whizzing out, wrapped in the meaning of coldness, and countless lines fell on the big net enchantment.

The barrier that Fuyin couldn't break in anyway was torn out a big hole in this sword!

Jian Guang drove straight in, slashed towards Zhuo Dong, and wiped out his fist!


There was a loud noise, and the energy swept all directions.

Zhuo Donglai was shaken hundreds of feet, his face looked uncertain and not far away, "Devil Qi?! Man of Devil Way!"

In front of him, a monk dressed in white, with a layer of spiritual light on his face, slowly walked out.

The surging demonic energy swept the wind and the clouds, and shook the void!

This person stepped into the air with his head high, and the mountains beneath his feet were forcibly shattered under the boundless devilish energy!

The mountains and rivers are turbulent, the sun and the moon are dark!

Just like an invincible demon king!

That breath made Zhuo Donglai a little frightened, "What a powerful devilish energy!"

Fuyin next to him looked at the visitor, his eyes a little surprised.

Although this person's demon aura is strong, he wears white clothes like snow, and there is a kind of dusty aura on his body, which is very incompatible with that terrifying demon aura.

It's like a combination of demonic and divine nature.

Gods and demons are one, when did such a monk appear in the magic way?

What surprised her even more was that she actually felt a... intimacy from this person? !

"This person, I save you, you can't move."

Madman Chu came to Zhuo Donglai and said in a hoarse voice.

"Magic Way, you have to think about it Are you sure you want to be an enemy of my Eastern King Church?"

"This is the Luohou ancestor land, the site of my magic path. You have offended us by uninviting you. If you killed you, I think the Eastern King would not say anything."

"You are so bold!"

Zhuo Donglai's face sank.

He didn't expect that this weird demon monk in front of him would have so much courage to kill him? !

Isn’t it afraid to provoke a dispute between the Eastern King’s Church and the Demon Path?

However, before he could understand, Madman Chu had already started.

"Black Dragon Slash!"

The Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and with a stroke in the void, a ferocious demon dragon surged out.

Zhuo Donglai punched out, and the scorching fist smashed the dragon to pieces.

"This move, you are from Chi You's family!"

"Oh, what about this one?"

As soon as Madman Chu pointed out, the boundless demonic energy surged and turned into a huge finger with countless lines condensed on it.

"This is Yinming finger, Yinming vein?"

Zhuo Donglai once again responded.

But after the madman of Chu, he changed his moves again, his sword fingers condensed, a dark sword shadow condensed out of thin air, and then fell from midair!

"The moves of the sword demon?"

Zhuo Donglai's expression changed, and he was blasted out of Baizhang by Jian Ying.

He looked at Madman Chu, surprised.

Chi You, Yin Ming, Sword Demon.

Madman Chu has so far practiced the three sects of practice in the magic way, maybe even more.

What kind of monk is this?

"Chi You Demon Shadow!"

Madman Chu's devilish energy surged, and he was about to transform Chi You's unique knowledge.

But suddenly, his thoughts moved, his devilish energy was reduced, and he grabbed Fuyin's slender waist, and said to Zhuo Dong: "My companion is here, let them kill you!"

After speaking, he took Fuyin and turned into a stream of light.

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