Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : To obtain the inheritance of the sky demon, the traces of the power of all parties,

"What's the solution?"

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

On this day, the Demon King became famous, and the method of cultivation across the hundred thousand mountains actually came from a human race, which is really surprising.

"In the ancient times, in addition to the human emperor, many amazing monks also emerged in the human race."

"At that time, I was just an ordinary cat monster. Later, I met a human monk who came to the hundred thousand mountains to observe the cultivation of the monsters and beasts, fight with them, and obtain their god-shaped Taoist rhyme, thus creating this Ten Thousand Demon God Forms."

"During that time, I experienced with that person in the 100,000 mountains, and forged a deep relationship. It's a pity that although the person has a savvy understanding and can create the form of ten thousand demons, his cultivation level is not enough. During one experience, he was killed by the big demon."

"Before dying, he passed this ten thousand monsters and gods to me. Later, I used this method to rise in the hundred thousand mountains, and combine the power of ten thousand monsters to become the co-master of these hundred thousand mountains."

"My name, Sky Demon King."

The Heavenly Demon King explained the origins of the Ten Thousand Demon God Forms.

This is also why he just said it was the'will of heaven'.

His divine form comes from the human race.

Now, the one who came to him to accept the inheritance was not any demon race in Shiwan Dashan, but also a human race.

The human race passed it on to him, and he passed it back to the human race.

"That's it."

Madman Chu suddenly realized.

A cultivation base is nothing more than the existence of the Golden Fairyland, and it is really amazing to be able to create such a Dao-level cultivation method.

Even he couldn't help but admire.

"Well, you have passed the test. The ten thousand monsters and gods are yours. In addition, I once refined a ten thousand monsters seal. This seal is for the demon race. It is my commander of the hundred thousand monsters. Let’s pass it on to you as well."

"Oh, aren't you afraid of what I will do with this seal? For example, I'm just a human race."

Madman Chu said playfully.

"What happened later, people went to worry about it. One ten thousand demon seal can't destroy the demon clan. Moreover, there are many traces of power on your body. I am very interested and want to do it!"

The Sky Demon King looked at Chu Madman, his eyes full of interest.

So funny.

It's so interesting.

The power of reincarnation, the seal of reincarnation...

This is the underworld, the handwriting of the capital city.

Chaos **** and devil body, a line of **** and devil.

The three visions of the academy are the hundreds of academies of the human race.

There is also the inheritance of the emperor.

Not only that, he also felt the breath of Sanqing.

Underworld, Gods and Demons, Academy, Human Emperor, Sanqing...

So many great abilities are connected with the person in front of him. How can such an interesting character make him not curious?

"Laozi? With you, this is using me as a chessboard. I hope you don't make mistakes and lose yourself."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

"No regrets, you don't need to worry."

The next moment.

The Sky Demon King turned into countless light spots and entered the Chu Madman.

Suddenly, the mystery of the Ten Thousand Demon God Formation method emerged one by one.

After reading it, Madman Chu felt that this was a practice that was perfect for him, as if it was tailor-made for him.

He already had a physique book, which could simulate the physique of thousands of monsters, he could be said to be the monster itself.

This is a great help for him to display the form of ten thousand demons.

No matter how other people imitate, they just have both form and spirit.

But he really turned into that monster beast!

He comprehended this exercise for one day and one night.

Because of the compatibility with him, he can comprehend this technique much faster than comprehend the sword of Zhou.

"In my hands, these ten thousand demons will shine more brilliantly than in the hands of the Sky Demon King!!"

Madman Chu smiled.

Then he looked at the old black big seal in front of him.

This big seal is engraved with countless monster images.

It is the treasure made by the Heavenly Demon King, the Seal of Ten Thousand Demon!

"The god-shaped method, the magic seal of the ten thousand demons, these are all gathered, and it is almost time to leave."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Just when he just started thinking.

The void around him began to fall apart.

Outside the gray light group.

The demons gathered and stared at the light group closely.

All demons are looking forward to it.

Except for the few green hills like Tu Shan Fei Yu, and the fox demon of Tu Shan, almost no one wants to see the Madman Chu inherited.


at this time.

Cracks began to appear in the gray light group.

"what happened?"

"Will the Heavenly Demon Inheritance disappear?"

"What about Madman Chu?

"No, there is another explanation, that is, if the inheritance is successful, there is no need for this light group to exist."

Everyone stared at the dying light group.

Click, click.

That light ball finally shattered!

In the escaping light spot, a peerless figure in white appeared, this person was a Madman Chu!

And in his hand, there is a **** seal.

There were countless mysterious Dao patterns engraved on it, intertwined to form the shape of a monster beast, making all the monsters present throbbed.

"Such aura must be the Seal of Ten Thousand Demons!!"

"He really got the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Demon King by his own human race, what exactly is this?"


All the monster races looked at the **** seal in Kuangren Chu's hand with extremely strong desire in their eyes.

For them, that big seal not only contains powerful power, but also a symbol of power! !

"Chu madman, take the initiative to hand over the Ten Thousand Demon Seal! I can forget the past and even let you leave this place safely!"

Prince Jinwu said loudly.

He looked at the big seal, his eyes were also extremely greedy.

"How does a human race deserve to own such treasures?"

The Taotie Jiezi stepped forward in a cold tone.

"Haha, Madman Chu, I wanted to fight you a long time ago, now I just have this opportunity, come on."

Yuan Feng, the fighting sacred ape, was also eager to try.

The other monster races are also ready to move.

They knew that Madman Chu was very strong.

However, the temptation of these Ten Thousand Demon Seals was too great for them.

And there are so many monster races here, just Chu Madren is a human race, this invisibly adds a lot of confidence to them.

"If you want to fight, come!"

"Also, I don't mind if you go together, it would be fairer to you!"

Madman Chu collected the Ten Thousand Demons Law Seal. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

He stood in the air, looking at Prince Jinwu and others and said.

He is no longer one or two Tianjiao that can contend.

Only when the Golden Crow Prince and the others came together, he was a bit worth seeing.

"Hmph, then let me come to learn first!"

Taotie Jiezi took the lead in attacking.

He opened his mouth and inhaled, and countless auras gathered and turned into a black ball of energy light hitting Madman Chu.

That is the aura compressed to the extreme.

It is powerful enough to penetrate the void and stars.

But Madman Chu just turned a blind eye, just flicking his sleeves, and a sword air swept out from between his sleeves.

The energy light ball was torn in half by Jian Qi before it approached.

"What, his sword aura is so strong?!"

Lu Tie's face changed slightly.

And Prince Golden Crow looked at Madman Chu, his eyes dimmed, "Mad Chu, you and I should be broken."

A golden flame vented out of him.

That's Golden Crow Fire!

And it was the Golden Crow Fire whose blood had awakened nearly seven times.

Madman Chu raised his hand and blasted out.

A swaying red fire lotus floats.

It is the Red Lotus Phoenix Fire!

Phoenix Fire, Golden Crow Fire, crashed!

Madman Chu stood still, and the golden crow fire swept all around was swallowed by the phoenix fire, and could not hurt him at all.

"Originally, you didn't bother me, and I didn't bother to pay attention to you. Since you are going to jump in front of me, I had to raise my hand reluctantly and crush you to death."

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