Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Let you see 1 time, 4 elephant gods suppress the demons

In the ancient cave of the Sky Demon, the Madman Chu faced the siege of the Golden Crow Prince and the demons, his expression unchanged.

He stood in the air, flying in white clothes, and his refined and immortal posture dazzled the demon.


Madman Chu hooked his finger towards Prince Jinwu and others.

"Let you see, the true power of my Golden Crow Fire!"

Prince Jinwu said coldly.

I saw the Golden Crow on his body burning crazily, burning the surrounding space into grey space cracks.

Just a thread contains the power to kill a god.

At this moment, the Golden Crow Prince was very close to the level of enchanting, and it was only inferior to Xian Ting Shao Yu.

If nothing else, in these hundred thousand mountains, I am afraid that no young monster race can compare with him.

boom! !

The Golden Crow Fire on the Golden Crow Prince's body then broke out, turning into a torrent of flames and roaring towards the Madman Chu.

Kuangren Chu hadn't made a move yet, and a large amount of Golden Red Phoenix fire burst out again from his body, turning into a red lotus to protect his whole body, isolating the Golden Crow from the fire.

"It really is Phoenix Fire! As a human race, you can actually use Phoenix Fire, which is really surprising."

Prince Golden Crow said solemnly.

More importantly, the phoenix fire used by Madman Chu could actually resist his own golden crow fire.

You know, he is the Golden Crow that has been awakened nearly seven times. His Golden Crow fire is much stronger than the ordinary Divine Phoenix Phoenix fire, but the phoenix fire used by the madman Chu can fight against him, which is enough to show his Phoenix Huo was no worse than those Divine Phoenix who had awakened six times.

And this is just one of the many methods of Madman Chu.

"Is it the only way for your Golden Crow Fire?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Although Huang Huo was not his main attack method, he would study it occasionally.

His understanding is so terrifying, even if it is only occasionally studied, it is enough to make the power of this phoenix fire continue to rise.

"Mad Chu, don't be too mad."

At this time, Taotie shot again.

His body was surging with evil spirits, and there were intertwined Dao patterns on his body, "Swallow the heaven and the earth!!"

A palm blasted out, and a dark whirlpool appeared in the void, like a huge mouth, swallowing everything in the world.

"Swallowing heaven and earth? Unfortunately, I am above heaven and earth!!"

Madman Chu snapped his fingers.

The violent sword intent roared out, like a tyrant coming, a tyrannical sword qi flew out from his fingertips!

Just a moment.

The whirlpool that swallowed the sky and the earth was torn apart by sword aura, and the sword aura moved forward, reaching gluttonous!


Facing this howling sword aura, gluttonous pupils shrank, and his scalp exploded. A deadly danger locked him completely, making him cold all over.

Without any hesitation, he directly took out a rune and crushed it to form a shield.

This is his life saver.

boom! !

Sword Qi hit the shield, and a loud noise erupted.

The shield shattered, and the gluttonous gluttonous flew out by the sword qi, smashing it on a mountain, and the smoke billowed.

"Haha, look at the stick!!"

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared on Madman Chu's head.

That was Yuan Feng, the sacred ape of fighting.

He leaped up high with the golden stick in his hand, and slammed it down towards the Madman Chu with the golden stick in his hand. The vast void was shattered!

Madman Chu is still standing in place, not backing away.

The sword's finger condensed and pointed out towards the giant stick.

The sword finger collided with the giant stick.

With a loud noise, Madman Chu's figure was as steady as Mount Tai, without any movement.

That giant stick, being held down by his sword fingers, was actually unable to advance!

"The secret of fighting!!"

Yuan Feng let out a long whistle, and a more violent demonic energy erupted in his body, and his muscles bulged directly, like a block of hills.

But no matter how hard he tried, Madman Chu remained motionless.

A sword aura was like a copper wall and an iron wall, which prevented Yuan Feng from breaking through.

"Compared to Ape Ancestor, you are too far behind."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Sword aura spurted out from his fingertips, and the extremely powerful force bounced the cudgel away, sending Yuan Feng directly away.

"White Tiger Fist!"

Baihu Jiezi then shot, the majestic killing air burst out, turning into a white tiger phantom bite out.

In the distance, the gluttonous flies rushed out of the mountains again, and a beam of energy spouted out of his mouth, blasting across the mountain and breaking the ridge towards the Madman Chu.

Some other Yaozu Tianjiao who wanted to deal with Madman Chu also followed suit.

Demon qi erupted one after another, spurred by various immortal methods, countless lines circling in the air, turning into a torrent of energy pouring out towards Madman Chu.

"Golden Crow, third leg!"

At this moment, the prince Jinwu gave a long roar and leaped out into the air, and the spirits around him spewed toward him like a sea of ​​rivers.

In the blink of an eye, the world sank.

A huge whirlpool appeared in the air, and in the whirlpool, a huge black giant claw wrapped in a golden flame came out from the sky!

That is, the power of vision of the Golden Crow clan, the third leg of the Golden Crow!

The fist of the white tiger, the gluttonous magic light, the third leg of the golden crow, plus the various immortal techniques of a group of powerful beasts, under this kind of power, even true immortals have to retreat.

But although Madman Chu is not a true fairy, he is better than a true fairy!

"Don't you want the inheritance of the Sky Demon King?!"

"Then I, don't mind letting you see it."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

On him, the celestial splendor circulated, and the celestial yuan gushed out.

A flaming red vermilion flew out into the sky, the blue dragon rose into the sky, the white tiger roared the world with the air of killing and cutting, and the basaltic stele was supported, and the stars fell!

Zhu Queming, Qinglongyin, Baihuxiao, Xuanwu roar!


"Four elephant gods!!"

Madman Chu slowly raised his hand, and the four-pointed beasts were condensed out of thin air, lifelike, as if they were really four-headed beasts descending The four-sided beasts swept the world with infinite monster energy, stirring the world.

White Tiger Fist, broken!

The gluttonous magic light, dissipated!

Golden Crow third foot, disintegrate!

All kinds of demon clan immortal methods fell apart directly in front of the more powerful Four Elephants, and they were unable to form an army.

The power of the four elephants swept across the world, like the raging beasts of the four directions.

In an instant, the earth was devastated.

The monsters Tianjiao couldn't bear this terrifying power even more, and they were constantly bombarded out on the spot.

Some Tianjiao with insufficient cultivation is even more difficult to resist such power, the fairy body is broken, Jiuying's head. Kui Niu's horns, Qiongqi wings, various stumps and broken arms are flying in the air.

The scene was **** and brutal, and it was unbelievable to see the demons swallowing saliva.

"Damn, this is too scary."

"One move? It's just one move, and it defeats so many Beast King species. Is this the inheritance of the Sky Demon King?!"

"Compared with the inheritance of the Sky Demon King, it is the Chu Kuangren who is more worthy of attention. No matter what kind of inheritance technique, it also depends on who uses it. If it is used by other people, how could there be such a power? Yes, it is Madman Chu!!"

"A sight is better than a hundred smells, this power is terrible."

Tu Shan Feiyu and the others looked at the peerless figure standing in the sky not far away, their beautiful eyes could not help showing a splendor, and their hearts moved secretly.

One person, without moving a single step, made all the demons defeated!

Is there any young Tianjiao in this world who can do this? !

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