Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : The 6 Great Demon Kings appeared, Tushan killed the formation, and the fight began

Beyond the Tushan Mountain, suddenly there was a demon spirit that swept the world!

This demon, extremely terrifying, even formed a substantive dark cloud, covering tens of thousands of miles in the sky, spreading towards Tushan.

The dark cloud of demon spirit engulfed the pressure of terror and enveloped every fox demon's heart like a mountain rain. Looking at the dark cloud, some fox demon with weaker cultivation couldn't help their bodies tremble, and their hearts seemed to be affected. Only the invisible big hand was grasped, almost asphyxiated.

"What a terrifying demon spirit, how many demon races are here!!"

"This is too scary."

"Does this battle really have a chance to win?!"

"Don't panic."

boom! !

At this time, a more terrifying demonic spirit burst out in the sky.

I saw a crow with pitch-black feathers, three legs on its abdomen, and a crow shrouded in golden fire.

With a move of his wings, a horrible and demonic air swept like a violent wind.

The mere demon spirit caused the restrictions on the periphery of Tushan to be turbulent and activated on its own.

"It's the Golden Crow King!!"

A fox demon recognized the person, his face changed.

Golden Crow King, a powerhouse at the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

At this time, the King Crow didn't make a move, but came to the sky above Tushan, freely releasing a wisp of coercion, causing the fox monsters to tremble like enemies.

Except for King Crow.

On the other side, a beast roar resounded across the world, and that roar contained a terrifying breath that seemed to swallow the world.

Spiritual energy rushed around, swept in a certain direction.

In the blink of an eye, the aura of thousands of miles was completely absorbed by some existence.

I saw a gluttonous glutton into the air.

Every time he breathed, he was engulfed with terrifying spiritual power, and between heaving and breathing, the lines flowed and the spiritual energy storm swept across.

"It's the King of Gourmet!!"

In addition to the king of gluttonous food.

The mountains and forests in the distance suddenly burst into black air, and countless flowers, plants and trees, the mountains and rivers and all spirits withered and withered under the cover of this black air.

A thousand-legged centipede crawled from the end of the surface.

That is the centipede king.

"Look, the sky is getting dark."

The sky was suddenly stained with an ink color, the sun was covered by that ink color, the light was swallowed, and the day turned into the night.

A tengu came in the air.

It is the king of the Tengu clan, and when the sky turns dark, it is the vision of the Tengu eclipse, and this is just a ray of power in the vision of the Tengu King.

The forest shook, and a big snake with nine heads crawled up. Each head was ten thousand feet tall, like nine mountain peaks.

Wherever you go, the power of water and fire flows.

The river dries up and the desert has turned into a swamp. Two completely different forces have created two extreme landforms around it.

This is the King of Nine Infants!

"Qingqiu Tushan, are they all gathered together? That's really wonderful."

A soft voice sounded.

I saw a black fox flying into the air, with a demon-like flow on his body. Although it was in the shape of a fox, the waves of his eyes still revealed a charm that tempts all living beings.

This is the black fox king.

Six great demon kings descended on Tushan, and the boundless demon energy shook the world and shook the world!

And after them, the countless army of monster races also swept from a distance, densely packed with mountains and plains, there were millions of people.

In addition to the six big beast king races, there are many big monster races that depend on them, the giant monster race.

Faced with such a lineup, the entire Tushan Mountain was shrouded in great terror!

The monsters who were secretly watching this battle couldn't help but stunned.

"Such a lineup is a bit scary."

"Yes, no matter how strong Qingqiu Tushan is, it will undoubtedly lose under such power."

"Qingqiu Tushan, after this battle, I am afraid that it will cease to exist."

Almost no monster believes that Qingqiu Tushan can withstand a monster army of this size.


In the entire hundred thousand mountains, no race can resist such forces.

Only the oldest dragon palace, the Phoenix Nest, and the Qilin Cave among the monster races are possible, but these three forces are also monster races, but they are not in the Shiwan Dashan.

at this time.

In the depths of Tushan, two powerful breaths burst out!

The fox demon felt the breath, their expressions were shocked.

I saw in the depths of Tushan, Qingqiu Fox King and Tushan Queen, the two came together, their breath circulating, shaking the world, and fighting against the six demon kings!

Seeing them, many fox monsters felt a little emboldened in their hearts.

"Qingqiu Fox King, Tushan Queen, today is your end!"

The Black Fox King said, with excitement in his eyes.

As long as you kill the two people in front of you, then destroy Qingqiu and Tushan, the black fox clan can become an orthodox fox demon.

"Black Fox King, you are also a fox clan in vain, and you have colluded with other forces to attack the same clan."

Queen Tushan snorted coldly.

Hearing this, the black fox king couldn't help but sneered, "Queen Tushan, don't you feel hypocritical when you say this? My black fox line has never been accepted by you, and is regarded as alien by you. If we don't support ourselves , Do you still have to wait for your charity?"

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"The black fox line, as well as the clan essence, sucks, you called us, how to accept you?"

"You didn't chase us down first?"

"If you don't inhale the spirit of the same race, how can we hunt you down?"

"If you don't squeeze us out, how can we absorb your spirit?"

"If it weren't for... forget it, there is no result after so many years of fighting. If I want to fight today, I will never be shy!"

Queen Tushan didn't bother to argue with the Black Fox King any longer.

The contradiction between the black fox line and Qingqiu Tushan has been around for a long time, and I don't know where to trace it back anymore.

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The grievances accumulated over a long period of time have made both sides irreversible.

"Hmph, today, Qingqiu Tushan will be destroyed!"

The gluttonous king gave a cold snort.

"King Gourmet, you have never done anything for no good, King Crow, what good have you promised this time?"

Qingqiu Fox King asked lightly.

"It's not a good thing, it's just that after annihilating you, my gluttonous clan will monopolize 30% of the spoils."

"Oh, that's the case, the six big beast king races, you dominate 30% of the gluttonous, you are still as greedy as ever."

"No need to say more, let's fight!"

King Golden Crow said indifferently.

Then, under his order, the coalition forces of the six beast king races rushed towards Tushan,

boom! !

Countless monsters rushed into the restriction.

Suddenly, the Dao patterns intertwined in the void, forming a terrifying killing array!

It is Tushan's defense measures.

Some of the monster races who rushed into this killing array were hit by the rays of the killing array, turning them into powder!

"If you want to commit a crime, do you really think you don't have to pay any price?"

Queen Tushan said coldly.

"The Tushan Killing Array does have some avenues, but no matter how strong the Killing Array is, how can it stop me and the rest of the army?!"

The King of Golden Crow is still confident.


I saw that although the Light of the Killing Array had killed many invading monsters, there were too many monsters.

Under the continuous impact, it was impossible for the Tushan Killing Array to operate, killing all the monster races, and soon many monsters rushed into Tushan.


The Fox Demon Tushan had already prepared mentally, and rushed toward the monster army that rushed into Tushan!

Fight, start!

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