Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Tushan Wanling Formation, no barriers, the power of love and sex

Amidst the Tushan Mountains, a tragic fight is being staged.

The six big beast kings allied together, rushing towards Tushan like a torrent of rivers. Although the Tushan Killing Array is powerful, it cannot stop the monster army of this size. Many monsters rushed into Tushan. Within the mountain, there was a head-on collision with the Tushan Fox Demon.

"Tushan Fox Demon, die!"

With a roar, I saw a nine infants rushing into the Tushan Mountain, and the unparalleled demonic energy swept into the sky.

This is a monster of a true fairy level.

"Hmph, I'm Tushan, I'd rather die than yield!!"

A Tushan fox demon smiled coldly, and the demon was also a true fairy.

True fairy to true fairy!

Jinxian vs. Jinxian!

As for the other monster races, piles after piles of fights together, the scene is extremely chaotic.

Although the Tushan fox demon waited at ease, and the Tushan Killing Array isolated part of the coalition forces, Tushan was still obviously at a disadvantage.

High in the sky.

Queen Tushan and King Qingqiu Fox stood in the air, and they could clearly see the battlefield below.

They had anticipated this situation, but still couldn't help but sink in their hearts.

"It seems that the situation is already very obvious. Tu Shan Qingqiu can't avoid this disaster." King Golden Crow said indifferently.

"Hmph, who will kill you, I don't know yet!"

Queen Tushan snorted coldly, and Tushan was not unprepared.

"No matter what kind of hole cards you have prepared, you will not be able to return to heaven in this battle."

King Crow is not in a hurry.

Even if Tushan had the trump card, but the six big beast kings allied forces, this force was too terrifying, and Tushan could not resist it.

boom! !

In the depths of the Tushan Mountain, an unparalleled demonic air rose into the sky.

I saw green halos spreading out in circles like ripples.

Throughout Tushan's rendering of the halo, the fox demon that had been traumatized quickly recovered, while the strength of the uninjured fox demon was blessed.

"what is this?!"

There are monsters in surprise.

But the King Crow and the others narrowed their eyes slightly, looking into the depths of the Tushan Mountain, with a touch of clarity in their eyes.

"So, this is the Tushan Wanling Formation?"

"I've heard it a long time ago, but it's the first time I saw it today. It's really mysterious."

Tushan Wanling Formation, this is Tushan's long-standing formation.

It is said that this formation can mobilize the mountains, rivers and all spirits in the Tushan area, and use their power to help the fox demon against foreign enemies.

In other words, this formation completely mobilized the entire force of Tushan.

Now it's not just Tushan Fox Demon.

Even a stone and a blade of grass are fighting against the coalition of the six beast kings.

"Even if all the spirits of Tushan gather together, it will only slightly stop the footsteps of the army waiting for me. Do you think you can really turn the tide with this force?"

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The King of Crow still looks like a winning ticket.


The Tushan fox demon who deserved to be blessed by the Tushan Ten Thousand Spirits Formation are all fighting their enemies bravely.

From the golden fairy to the ordinary fox fairy, they are all trying their best to squeeze every trace of evil spirit in the body.


A heavily wounded Tushan fox demon was blown out and landed on the ground.

A blade of light completely enveloped her.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of her, using his life to block the blow for her. This was a Qingqiu fox demon.

He blocked the knife light and created a counterattack for the Fox Demon Tushan behind him.

"Do not!!"

The Tushan fox demon was distraught, and the frenzied demon gas poured out, and immediately blasted the glutton on the opposite side into a blood mist!

But that Qingqiu fox demon was also unable to return to the sky and completely fell.

Similar scenes were staged one after another on the battlefield.

Although Qingqiu and Tushan gradually moved towards coexistence under the leadership of the two kings, the gap between the two veins has been long since they could not truly merge together in a short time.

But now, a big battle makes Qingqiu Tushan truly indifferent to each other.

Tushan, Qingqiu, fighting the enemy together, the barrier is no longer there, at this moment they are comrades in arms who can trust each other for their lives!

"The friendship between Tushan and Qingqiu is touching, so you should go to Huangquan together."

"Yes, it saves the other party from being lonely underneath."

"Haha, die!"

Although Qingqiu Tushan is blessed by the Ten Thousand Spirits Array, there are still countless casualties.

Listening to the cold voices of the enemies, watching the comrades, relatives, and fox monsters who died tragically beside them was distraught.

But this did not kill their fighting spirit.

They are sad, they are angry, they hate! ! !

Hate these group of executioners who invaded their homes, hate their inability to protect the people around them!

This grief, this unwillingness, and this hatred actually increased his demonic energy, and a more terrifying force broke out.

"Fault me, kill my relatives and friends, you all deserve to die!!!"

An elder Tushan who was fighting with each other broke out a more tyrannical demonic air, and with red eyes, he completely shredded the nine infants opposite! !

His eyes swept toward the enemies, and there was a lot of hatred in his eyes.

The eyes are red, like two volcanoes, the hatred and anger in them, as if to burn all nine days!

All the monster races who stared at him couldn't help feeling palpitations.

Except for this Elder Tushan, the other fox demon have also been improved more or less, and Linghu demon's overall combat power has been greatly improved.

The fox monsters are desperate for their lives and hate the sky, and they are about to kill all the enemies and avenge their relatives and friends!

Under such an offensive, the allied forces of the six big beast kings have received unprecedented resistance and frustrated!

"What the **** is going on? How come these **** foxes are getting stronger again!"

"Damn it, UU Reading is a Tushan in front of our six big beast king races joining hands, can it turn the sky upside down?!"

Although the six beast king species are powerful, at this moment, they feel a pressure.

There are far less fox demons than them.

But one by one can sacrifice their lives for their comrades, and even kill a thousand enemies regardless of self-defeating eight hundred.

For a time, the six big beast king races actually felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

High in the sky.

Queen Tushan took a deep breath, with a sad look in her eyes.

"This is my second hole card for Tushan."

"The fox demon, the most affectionate, the emotion, our way, and our demon power are closely related, anger, hatred, sadness, these can promote our strength."

Queen Tushan whispered.

She looked at the six demon kings opposite, and she also had unstoppable anger burning.

A terrifying evil spirit radiated from her.

That demon aura made the six demon kings on the opposite side startled.

"Your hole cards are almost out, then, it's our turn."

At this moment, he listened to King Jin Crow's indifferent tone.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two fox kings couldn't help but change slightly.

Suddenly a large number of Golden Crow Fire broke out on the battlefield below, and nearly ten Golden Crow and Golden Immortals entered the battlefield!

It's not just the Golden Crow family.

Gourmet, Tengu, Jiuying, Tianhu, Black Fox, the true immortals hidden in the five beast king races, Jinxian quickly went into the battlefield.

The number is far above Tushan and Qingqiu.

In front of this force, the fox demon in Qingqiu Tushan suffered successive deaths and injuries.

"I said, in front of the army waiting for me, you can't resist it!!"

King Golden Crow said coldly.

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