Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : I will defend Tushan and go deep into the main battlefield. He hasn't left yet

"What a terrifying sword spirit, what a terrifying Madman Chu!"

Elder Nine looked at Madman Chu with a trace of awe in his eyes. Although he was a golden immortal, he saw a great horror and threat in Madman Chu at this moment! !

He had a faint hunch.

Even if he, as a golden immortal, fights with Madman Chu, the one who survives to the end is likely to be Madman Chu! !

This hunch is too unbelievable.

Let the nine elders have a sense of absurdity.

"Friend Daoist Chu, thanks to your timely arrival, or else it will be unimaginable." Ninth Elder stepped forward and said with lingering fear.

If it weren't for the Mad Chu, then their future seeds of Qingqiu Tushan would be completely buried here.

As an escort, he is about to become a sinner through the ages.


Madman Chu nodded slightly and looked at the little fox opposite.

The other party's eyes are now red, looking at him, there is a grievance in his eyes, and he can't help but rush towards him.

"Boss, my home is going to be gone...uuu..."

She worked so hard to find her parents and finally got the family of Tushan.

But now, the Jinwu and other tribes want to destroy her family.

Even kill her parents.

This made her extremely sad.

She hated it, she hated the Golden Crow, Jiuying and other demons.

"Don't worry, your home, I will hold it for you."

Madman Chu rubbed his opponent's head and said lightly.

His words conveyed unquestionable meaning.

Hearing this, the fox demons couldn't help but their expressions shook, and hopes appeared in their eyes, but immediately, the light in their eyes dimmed again.

This time, it was the six big beast king races who came to besiege Qingqiu Tushan, six big Luo Jinxians, plus a lot of golden immortals, true immortals.

Madman Chu is no more than a god, although he is an evildoer, and his talents are old, but he hasn't grown up yet.

How could he be able to hold Qingqiu Tushan?

The fox demons only regarded this as the words of Madman Chu comforting the little fox.

"Friend Chu Dao, I am now preparing to take them out of Tushan. You can also go along. There is a saying in the human race that there is a green mountain. Don't be afraid that there is no firewood. Let's go."

Said the nine elders.

He believed that with the madman Chu's talent and strength, given him enough time, the Jinwu and other tribes would surely pay the price in the future!

"Go? Why should I go?"

Madman Chu said indifferently. He looked at the battlefield in the distance, "I said, I will guard Tushan for the little fox."

"It's not me that should go, it's the golden crow, it's the gluttony, it's the monster who invaded Tushan this time!!"

"They are in front now."

Madman Chu stepped forward.

The figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Elder Ninth's expression changed, "No, Fellow Daoist Chu is too impulsive, how can he resist King Crow and them!"

"I believe the boss must have a way."

The little fox said, trusting in his eyes.

She has been following Madman Chu for a long time. She knew that as long as the promise made by this man would be fulfilled.

"I would also like to believe him..."

Tu Shan Feiyu also whispered.

She believes that miracles happen, and the existence of Madman Chu is a miracle in itself, and he is also a miracle person.


The main battlefield in the distance.

The fox monsters were fighting **** battles with the monster races of the six beast king races, but they fell into the disadvantages visible to the naked eye.

On the ground, there are countless fox monster corpses.

Pile up into mountains and blood flow into rivers.

This battle was too tragic.

High in the sky.

The six big Luo Jinxians are facing each other.

No one moved first.

Ronaldo's shot is bound to be earth-shattering. Just the aftermath of the battle is enough to cause a huge impact on the battlefield below, and both the enemy and us will be injured.

"Queen Tushan, your Tushan killing formation is going to be unable to hold on anymore." At this time, Jin Wuwei said lightly.

I saw that at the outskirts of Tushan, the killing array that prevented most of the six big beast kings coalition forces had gradually collapsed.

Once this killing formation is completely broken, most of the six beast king species will be unimpeded, and they can rush forward to wipe out the fox monsters on the Qingqiu Mountain and completely defeat them! !

And Queen Tushan knows this too.

She took a deep breath, the demon flow on her body turned, and the pressure that escaped directly broke the void.

Seeing this, the Jin Wuwei and others on the opposite side's eyes condensed.

"Oh, is this ready to shoot?"

The gluttonous king said coldly.

He was also secretly mobilizing evil spirits.

When Ronaldo played against him, he didn't dare to be careless, especially when facing top Ronaldo like Queen Tushan and King Qingqiu Fox.

"If it continues like this, once the killing array is broken, it will no longer be able to turn the tide. Since it is unable to return to the sky, it is better to..."

"Jade and stone are burned!!"

There was a touch of determination in Queen Tushan's eyes.

And Qingqiu Fox King also sensed her thoughts, took a step forward, and stood side by side with her.

"Let us live and die today!"

Qingqiu Fox King said tenderly.

Queen Tushan's eyes waved, and she squeezed each other's hands, "If there is another life, you and me, be married again!"


The King Crow and others on the opposite side felt that they had been fed dog food.

The Black Fox King gritted his teeth a little, "Huh, I'm still here when I die, I'll do it for you later."

However, there was also a hint of envy in the depths of her rest of the Demon King looked solemn.

The desperate Fox King is not easy to provoke. If one is not careful, it is not impossible for them to keep one or two today.

Just when the war between the two sides is about to start.

far away.

Suddenly there was a strange wave of fluctuations.

The fluctuation contained an aura that made all monsters feel trembling, and it immediately attracted the attention of all the monsters.

"How is this going?!"

"What is this breath?"

The demons looked into the distance.

From the depths of Tushan Mountain, a man dressed in white walked out slowly, the pressure on his body flowing like an immortal king Linchen.

Wherever he went, those monsters who invaded Tushan were all shattered by the terrifying Xianyuan on the opponent.

The blood mist exploded, like blood blossoms.

The siege of some top heavenly immortals is just a matter of the opponent's two swords and can't stop the opponent's footsteps.

"Madman Chu!"

"How dare he go deep into this frontal battlefield!"

"Oh, he hasn't escaped yet."

King Crow, King Gourmet and others couldn't help being surprised.

Not just them.

The monster clan who secretly followed this battle was also very surprised.

In their opinion, Qingqiu Tushan is almost certain to lose, and even a little bit of brain will not take the initiative to help the fox monster.

Even Chu Kuangren cannot turn the tide.

In this case, the wisest course is to leave.

With his talent and strength, it won't take many years to attack Da Luo, and even Hedao, there is no need to lose his life here.


In the eyes of the demons, this was the wisest approach, but Madman Chu was dismissive. He actually chose to take the initiative to intervene in the battle!

Intervene in this battle with Da Luo and Jin Xian!

And he is just a god.

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