Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Armor in the body, sword in hand, no way to shake the real immortals

"So bold!"

When a strong man fighting with the holy apes saw Madman Chu coming to the battlefield, his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of admiration.

Fighting sacred apes are warlike, and like this approach of facing up to difficulties the most.

The behavior of the Mad Chu has won their respect.

"Huh, it's so bold, but also, so stupid!"

Another Yaozu Da Neng who does not like the Chu madman said: "As a Tianjiao with unlimited future, you should save your strength and wait until it grows to a certain level in the future before you come to avenge Tushan. No, come here to die now."

"It doesn't have to be, he should have something to rely on, don't forget, he is a realmist, he has great fortune on his body, and there is a line of gods and demons behind him, Baijia Academy."

"So what? This is a battlefield, and it's still a real immortal. It is also very possible to kill him in the chaos of the golden immortal battlefield. It doesn't matter if he is a Jiezi, and he actively intervenes in the Yaozu civil war, even if he is killed. , The line of gods and demons, what can the Hundred Colleges say."

"So it is."

"Wait, look at what he holds."

At this time, the demons saw the **** seal in the hands of Madman Chu.

That is the source of the strange fluctuations they perceive.

"This kind of breath is the magic seal of ten thousand demons. Unexpectedly, he actually refined this seal!"

"The inheritance of the Sky Demon King is in the hands of a human race, what a joke."

On the battlefield.

Madman Chu threw the Ten Thousand Demons Seal into the air.

Suddenly, an aura that was many times thicker than just now diffused out, and countless mysterious patterns circulated above the seal, immortal and brilliant.

Except for the fox demon, the other demon races who perceive this aura are all limited in their combat power.

In front of the Ten Thousand Demon Seal, they naturally felt restrained.

This is the important reliance of the Heavenly Demon King to unify the 100,000 mountains!

"good chance!"

"Friend Chu Daoist has restricted their strength with the Magic Seal of Ten Thousand Demons."

Qingqiu and Tushan's fox monsters were extremely happy.

They took this opportunity to launch a counterattack.

And the monster power who sensed this scene was secretly speechless.

"No, this Madman Chu was able to refine the Ten Thousand Demon Seal to this degree in such a short time!"

"It's not just as simple as refining. He is also very experienced in manipulating this seal. He can distinguish fox monsters with his seal, so that the effect of the seal can only be applied to other monster races. Such a big battlefield, he wants to do it. This kind of thing is definitely not easy."

The great power of many demons secretly marveled.

At the same time, they are worried.

Such a weapon for dealing with the monster race is actually in the hands of a human race, which is definitely not good news for the monster race.

Not to mention that this person is a madman of Chu.

With his talent, it is not impossible to reach the height of the Sky Demon King in the future.

At that time, he has the Ten Thousand Demons Seal in his hand, I am afraid that this hundred thousand mountains is his master.

He, or the second one hundred thousand great mountain master.

But he is just a human race!

As the Yaozu base area, the 100,000 Dashan Mountain will have a human race to be the master in the future? !

When this kind of thing spreads out, how does the demon clan face?

Where is the Yaozu's future?

Thinking of this, this had to make the demon race powerful people worried.

"If he could die here today, that would be the best, if not, it would be endless troubles."


The demon races looked at the magic seal of the ten thousand demons, and they had different thoughts on the battlefield like a Madman Chu who entered the realm of no demons.

And Madman Chu didn't know that he had been hooked to the future of the monster clan in the eyes of the powerful monsters.

Now he just wants these monsters who invaded Tushan to pay the price!

He urged the magic seal of the ten thousand monsters, suppressed the fighting power of the monster races other than the fox monsters, and created an absolutely advantageous battlefield for the fox monsters.

The morale of the fox demon, which was in a declining trend, increased greatly, but it was gradually able to fight against the six-nation coalition forces.

"This group of fox monsters are really stubbornly resisting."

"If you want to completely defeat them, you must first find a way to deal with Madman Chu."

"Yes, the appearance of this person already has a tendency to dominate the battlefield. Although Jinxian has not been greatly affected, it is not good if the underlying combat power is lost too much."

"I feel that the causal reaction is much weaker, maybe we can kill him now!"

"Don't be careless, the causal response is weak. This is not a good thing. Perhaps it means that he is now strong enough to contend with real immortals at will!"

"So what, there are more than ten and a hundred true immortals here? Enough to kill him!!"

A true immortal of the Tengu tribe rushed towards Chu Kuangren.

The powerful demonic energy rolled and turned into a huge tengu image. Between the opening of his mouth, the heaven and the earth were plunged into a dark scene.

It is the power of vision of the Tengu clan, Tengu eats the sun!

Facing the tengu that seemed to swallow the sky and the earth, Madman Chu's expression was indifferent, as if he was not affected at all.

I saw the Hundred Saints phantom flying out, snow-capped mountains emerged, countless rules and precepts took shape, and the three major visions of the academy were displayed in an instant.

Three peerless physiques broke out.

The yin and yang figures of life and death circulate, covering the sky, rolling out!

In a crash, the void burst!

That day, the real fairy of the dog clan changed instantly and became frightened!

Extremely violent collision!

The next moment.

That day the true fairy of the dog clan was blasted to pieces on the spot, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was vomiting blood and was beaten to death in one move!


There was a moment of silence in the entire battlefield!

But then, another Yaozu true immortal shot one after another, and this time more than a dozen true immortals shot.

"The third leg of the Golden Crow!!"

The Golden Crow True Immortal directly urges the power of the Golden Crow's vision.

A pitch-black giant claw wrapped in a golden flame fell from the sky and grabbed it towards Madman Chu.

"Gourmet magic light!!"

The gluttonous real immortal roared, and opened his mouth to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and turned into a black light beam to gush out from his mouth.

"Tengu Eat Day!"

The Tiangu Zhenxian let out a low roar, and a huge dog's head bite out with the momentum of swallowing the sky.

"Demon Heart Palm!"

The Jiuying family, the gluttonous family, the Jinwu family...

The true immortals of the six big beast king races shot together, and various immortal techniques were used to form a torrent of demonic energy.

This force shook the sky!

In front of this power, Madman Chu appeared extraordinarily small, like a tiny dust.

But he stood proudly, the Xian Yuan on his body soaring into the sky.

Accompanied by the sound of dragon chanting, nine true dragons of the emperor's path rose into the sky, roaring the world!

Nine Dragons circling, the Madman of Chu at this moment is like a godless king, with boundless majesty shocking nine heavens and ten earth!

Not only the emperor's true dragon.

A dark red armor covered him, and a scarlet sword was also held in his hand.

It was the Daluo Immortal Tool, Scarlet Armor, Scarlet Blood Sword held by King Zhou in the past!

With the armor in your body, start with the sword!

The emperor's real dragon hovered around, the dragon's chant resounded throughout the world, and the celestial glory was shining in all directions!

The Madman of Chu at this moment is like King Zhou alive, with unparalleled momentum!

"Zhou's sword, no way!!"

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